Sobitha Thera weighs in on cremation issue

Omalpe Sobitha thera

Former Leader of the Jathika Hela Urumaya Venerable Omalpe Sobitha Thera says decisions pertaining to COVID-19 concerns should be taken only based on the advice of health authorities.

Commenting on recent media reports pertaining to the change of government’s stance on allowing burials instead of cremation of citizens who pass away due to COVID-19, Sobitha Thera said the matter should not be politicised.

Speaking to media in Embilipitiya, Sobitha Thera noted that decisions on COVID-19 cannot be taken based on religious beliefs or ideologies of a particular community.

The Thera said the government is attempting to distract the people by bringing up the matter concerning the cremation of bodies.

Venerable Omalpe Sobitha Thera said the government and the general public must follow the advice of health authorities to contain the spread of the virus.

The Sobitha Thera noted that the present administration should take direct decisions at this juncture and ensure the wellbeing of all communities in the country.

Meanwhile, earlier today, Deputy Registrar of the Asgiri Chapter Venerable Narampanawe Ananda Thera said followers of all religions must set aside their ideologies and work together amidst the Coronavirus pandemic.

(Source: News Radio)

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