Specialist doctors urge extension of lockdown
The Association of Medical Specialists (AMS) has urged the government to extend the current lockdown until the beginning of next month.
The AMS has said that an extension of the lockdown is necessary to reap the benefits of the sacrifices made by the entire nation.
A lockdown till early October was previously suggested by local experts who scientifically analysed the data they received from credible international sources.
“If the relaxation of current restrictions happens too soon, there is a high possibility of a severe spread of the disease resulting in sudden rise of hospital admissions making the health care facilities unable to cope with such a high number of patients. This can unfortunately increase the death rate especially with the identification of the delta variant as the dominant culprit throughout the country,” AMS President Dr. Lakkumar Fernando has said in a media statement.
The AMS has also cautioned the government that the decision to vaccinate children should never be rushed without taking time for critical analysis, more so in the younger age groups – especially the 12-15 age group.
Full text of the AMS media statement: “As we all know, our country still remains as one of the highest risk nations (Red list) with regards to COVID pandemic. We have just started to witness the positive impact of sustained lockdown with gradually declining case load, oxygen requirements and mortality.
“It is quite clear that the brunt of all ill effects of lockdown was borne by the hardest hit poorest stratum of our country. While feeling strongly for them, one must not ignore that a further period of extension of these travel restrictions will be required to reap the benefits of all the sacrifices of the entire nation. Therefore, we feel that due consideration should be given to long term gains overlooking short term losses when the extension of lockdown is reviewed.
“As a country, our aim should be to move to the “Green Zone” from the current “red zone” in a sustainable manner as quickly as we can. With this in mind, the AMS would like to request the decision makers to seriously consider taking this lockdown further to the beginning of early next month, as previously suggested by the widely represented local experts who scientifically analysed the data they received from credible international sources, when the WHO facilitated such brainstorming. If the relaxation of current restrictions happens too soon, there is a high possibility of severe spread of the disease resulting in sudden rise of hospital admissions making the health care facilities unable to cope with such a high number of patients. This can unfortunately increase the death rate especially with the identification of the delta variant as the dominant culprit throughout the country.
“Vaccination of schoolchildren with a view of reopening schools should be dealt with utmost caution. We endorse the recommendations of the Sri Lanka College of Paediatricians regarding the vaccination of “high risk groups”. However, vaccination of all school children needs further substantiation of international studies weighing risks and benefits.
“As of today, if this age group needs vaccination, Pfizer Biontech should be considered as the most suitable vaccine and this should never be rushed without taking time for critical analysis, more so in the younger age groups – especially the 12-15 age group.
“When schools reopen hurriedly, children in common conveyance systems with their playful behaviour will invariably result in another wave due to “school clusters”, while not forgetting the fact that the crowd that is added to spread the disease will be far more than the number of schoolchildren.
“Revival of tourism is undoubtedly a need of the hour as a solution to the present economic crisis. However, well calculated, broad based and transparent mechanisms should be introduced to attract tourists from all over the world. Therefore, a sound methodology should be adopted to ensure that Sri Lanka is safe for all and not only for few countries of choice
“We have witnessed much debate and recommendations regarding a third dose. We as a professional organization strongly believe in social equity and justice. We feel that it is morally incorrect and unacceptable to consider a third dose for otherwise healthy and young people until the entire vulnerable population (those above 60 years and those with recognized risk factors for severe COVID in any age) are vaccinated. In addition, we must ensure that the above-mentioned risk group who received two doses of Sinopharm should receive a third dose of Pfizer or similar vaccines. We believe this as a reason for the comparatively higher percentage of fully vaccinated older persons (Over 60) have died of COVID-19 in Sri Lanka.
“The mindset of the young 20-30 year old needs to be changed with effective education to focus on the fact that Sinopharm vaccine gives them excellent immunity based on the data available, and the need of the hour is for them to receive the Sinopharm vaccine faster to make Sri Lanka COVID free sooner than later.”
(Source: The Island)

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