Sport is a mafia in the hands of drug dealers and casino operators, says parliamentarian Arjuna Ranatunga.
Addressing a function at Kalutara yesterday, the parliamentarian of the Democratic National Alliance (DNA) said that said that except for cricket, there has been a downfall in all other sports in the island.
“Except for cricket, there has been a downfall in all other sports. The reason is the increase in robbery and corruption from top to bottom.
“Sports has fallen into the hands of drug dealers and casino operators. The government should take into consideration the fate of our young generation under such a backdrop.
“All the persons who robbed were allowed to continue in service, but I was sent home. It’s that type of government that’s in power today.
“Development of a country is not mere constructing roads and buildings. First, the people should be developed and the youth should be protected,” said Arjuna.
Courtesy: News First

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Arjuna Aiya, well said. Dont worry the day that you will reach the top not very far. You can punish them in style. I know you never went behind money during your cricket. You had good policies keep them up
Human development should come first in Sri Lanka
Mohamed Shareef Asees
Arjuna, let’s get some perspective.
This problem of mafia control of politicians, public officials, trade and commerce, film producers, directors and film stars, pop music producers and singers, sports, athletics, casinos, brothels, pubs, drug trafficking, human trafficking etc etc are not just unique to SL. Whether the country is ruled by UNP, SLFP, UPFA, or infact JVP or DNA (if they were ever able to gain power)will not make an iota of difference to the reign of crime is this country or any other country. Governments can only try to keep the lid on organised crime or Mafia (as they are known after the Italian mobsters). In India organised crime is totally out of control. Pakistan has also succumbed to this evil virus. It is a big problem in the USA and in Britain, France, Italy etc. Competing with the Italian mafia in USA and Italy are the Chinese mafia (Triad), Russian mafia, British, French, Yakusa in Japan, Armenian, Rumanian and now Somalian who dominate in UK. Their tentacles spread wide to every branch of life in a country. Law enforcers in these countries are ever struggling to destroy organised crime networks. It is harwork and sometimes a losing battle. It is a vicious dangerous virus which destroys the fabric of civilised society. In the film ‘Godfather’, even the Vatican was sullied by the hand of Italian mafia, who killed the newly elected Pope. Though the story is fiction some of the events are based on facts.
The war today is not just against terrorism but also against organised crime. This latter war is conducted by the police services in respective countries with Interpol to share information and help to arrest, extradite and dismantle organised crime. However, it cannot be totally destroyed so long as man tends to veer away from spirituality and the governments of the world are secular.
It is very wrong for Arjuna to find fault with the UPFA as if the blame for organised crime in SL lies with the current government. This is petty politicking on his part to garner a few votes for DNA, just before the local elections. He ius not genuinely concerned to fight organised crime in SL. He is just trying to score party political points. I ask Arjuna to look into his own conscience and see whether he had succumbed to corruption at anytime in his life. Clean up your own act before you criticise others.
My solution for SL is, for all politicians to stop dancing with the devil, the mafia. Stop taking bribes from them, stop having private mafia armies for their security and to carry out their dirty work of eliminating their opponents. Clean-up the country’s security forces including the police and the judiciary of mafia influence. I think if the ruling government and all political parties join hands with the people and religious leaders we can definitely win this war against organised crime in its various forms, to free our society of this dangeorus virus before it kills our society.
Mona Deschapaluwada Mudal passe noyanne?
Deschapalanayata enne Thama Hedennamisa Ratahadanna newe.
Dear Arjuna,
It is not only sport in Sri Lanka that is in the hands of casino operators and drug leaders. The entire socio-political administration and management in the country is in their hands too.
The learned elite appear to have lost their way. They are good at singing hossanas.
Arjuna, you have always been a leading light. You stood upto the umpires in Australia when they were being funny with Murali. You lead our cricket team to the World Cup against Australia, a team well known for its unsportsmanlike behaviour in the field. You attempted to clean up cricket administration in SL and you were not tolerated by those in power because you were succeding in your attempt.
Arjuna, now you have embarked on a mission to redeem our country. That’s your calling and a noble task. I wish you well.
Can you please be brief in your pontifications. Soon, it will not be read and perhaps so now.
Asela, I express my views. If you find it too tedious for you to read, you don’t have to read it and nobody is forcing you to do so.
Rani, ada rate thibena hondama rekiyava deshapalanayayi. Ona gonekuta eya karagena yanna puluvan. palamu piyavara ganna mafia salli vitharayi ona. balaya alla gath pasuva ratata vesiyata hena gehuvath kamak nehe. munta chande dana eka thamayi veredda.
Ape Weradda.
my dear arjuna,you are a good cricketer,but not a good politician.Sport has been always controled by Mafia.can´t you remember what happen to former south african now a days every body can by for money.even you.that is why you left the present governmant,because of thought SF was going to win the past srilanken presidentcy.otherwise still you would have been sport minister in srilanka,with lot of mafia around you.
Arjunata Kredaemathikama Hamuwunanam Eya SF ekka ekatuwenne neha. Ehenam Eyathama Lokuma Mafia
Rani and Pillayan
AR fellout with MR because he did not get the sports minister’s job. There is a lot of money to be made in that job by a corrupt minister. AR joined SF thinking he had a good chance of becoming president. The fool has no job now and has lost face. He is in disgrace with the intelligent public and is crying about corruption. Come clean AR. Are you totally white as driven snow?