Sri Lanka 89th in Corruption Perceptions Index
Sri Lanka has retained the 89th position in the latest Global Corruption Perceptions Index released by Transparency International.
Sri Lanka is ranked 89th in the world and third in South Asia, behind Bhutan and India.
In a statement, Transparency International said, Sri Lanka has failed to show progress on the 2018 Corruption Perceptions Index.
Transparency International Sri Lanka said the CPI performance of Sri Lanka underscores its stagnant anti-corruption environment, which has seen the country’s CPI score fluctuate between 36 and 38 since 2013, despite the anti-corruption mandate provided to the present government.
Speaking on Sri Lanka’s performance on the CPI 2018, Transparency International Sri Lanka’s Executive Director Asoka Obeyesekere said, “It is important to note that the CPI deals with perceived levels of public sector corruption and as such the existence of a legislative framework, without the will or operational ability to ensure timely justice, reflects on Sri Lanka’s clear lack of progress to date.”
Transparency International added in order to make real progress against corruption and strengthen democracy around the world, all governments must strengthen institutions responsible for maintaining checks and balances over political power, and ensure the ability to operate without intimidation.
The 2018 CPI is computed using 13 surveys and expert assessments to measure public sector corruption in 180 countries and territories.
Denmark and New Zealand are ranked 1st and 2nd respectively with scores of 88 and 87, with Somalia coming in last at 180th with a score of 10.
(Source: News Radio)

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Well done Sri Lanka I am proud of you.
We are proud of you Mother Lanka.
Sri Lanka is ranked 89th in the world and 3rd in South Asia, behind Bhutan and India.
That’s a great achievement; we should invite Arjuna Mahendran to be our next President.
This would have never happened if the Salinity Constitution existed UpTo now.It has no room to the politicians to interfere the Administration. As an example, Secretary to the Ministry was absorbed from the then Civil service. this was abolished by the 1972 Constitution. Now, the First Citizen too breaks the Prime Law. Lawmakers have become law-makers. Who will save my motherland and when?