Sri Lanka declares 2012 as Year for a Trilingual Sri Lanka
The Sri Lankan Government has decided to declare year 2012 as the Year for a Trilingual Sri Lanka aimed at motivating the people to acquire trilingual skills.
A paper presented by president Mahinda Rajapaksa to the Cabinet suggests that far-seeing initiatives are needed to be taken to prevent the resurgence of terrorism which ravaged the country for over three decades.
“It is necessary to encourage the people of Sri Lanka to communicate effectively in all three languages that will foster co-existence among different ethnic communities through mutual understanding” the paper presented by the president said expecting it to serve as a firm foundation to take the country on the path towards making it the Wonder of Asia as envisaged in the government’s policy programme.
In recognition of this need, a Ten Year Plan formulated as the basis for a National Programme to motivate the people to acquire trilingual skills, presented to the Cabinet by the President, was approved for implementation.
A Co-ordinating Unit for the purpose will be established at the Presidential Secretariat. According to this Plan, the Year 2012 is to be declared as the Year for a Trilingual Sri Lanka.
Source: Government News Portal

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Hurrah ! It’s GREAT news. First step towards national
reconcilition,peace and prosperity towards our mother
Lanka.Every Lad and Lass from Devinuwara to Point Pedro
and from Colombo to Batticoloa will live amicably without any suspicion among themselves.O What a Beautiful
Country Sri Lanka will be in a few years time!.I PRAY
I be allowed to witness the grand spectacle of ONE
This is the correct policy of Hon President. All three languages must be taught to our children. In India, the State language is Hindi, but they also learn and study in their mother tongue. Some learn another language as well. In Europe also the children learn their own language as well as English and another languatge. This is compulsory.
Dissolving the majority in minority by teaching language is not a solution for tamil problem. Learning “Karachchal” is useless & waste for majority here. Is there any country in the world where majority going to learn minorities “karachchal” without purpose..?
The best solution is giving freedom for all tamil speaking people to live separately as they wish. Otherwise they’ll never be happy &Only then the sinhala nation also can go ahead without any karachchal..!
Good initiative and this will also help shut up the tamil diasphora sponsored self styled (in)human rights organisations like (in)Human Rights Watch, Amnesti (to terrorists) international, and (welcome) international crisis group.
Do not start dreaming yet as it is still premature as the international community are not fools and are still to see what is in the LLCR.
Also read the blog by University Dons lamenting on them having been cheated by MR&Co.
It appears both you and Nicholas are in cloud 69. Keep dreaming!
Udurawana does not seem to be a patriot, because he is supportive of the so-called ‘international community’. Who is the ‘international community’? It is a term coined by the imperial West to apply to themselves, as if they represent the whole community of nations in the world. This is not so. The so-called ‘international community’ is none other than the imperial West countries numbering just a handful. They do not represent the whole community of nations in the world as listed in the United Nations, nor can they speak in the name of the whole world. Infact we REJECT them whole-heartedly as abominable for their neo-colonial ambitions and domination of the smaller nations to grab their natural resources.
So Udurawana stop blowing-up the ‘international community’ and giving these imperial West countries more credibility than they deserve. I hop[e that Russia and China will join forces to give the imperial West countries and their NATO organisation the come-uppance for good.
Amden is for dividing the country, in blog 3, to give the nationalist Tamils their eelam state. The nationalist Muslim fundamentalists will also then demand their own separate state. What will then be left for us Sinhalese and the other minorities such as Burghers and Chinese? Afterall, SL is such a small country!
India is a very big country, yet it has not been divided into autonomous regions on race basis, despite the call of the various nationalist terrorist organisations in India demanding just that.
I would like to remind Amden, DC and such ilk who demand Tamil eelam state, an Aesop’s Fable (upama kathavak).
A man pitched camp for the night in a desert. His camel was tied outside his tent. The camel put his fore legs inside the tent and pleaded, “Sir, I beg you to let me keep my legs inside the tent as it is cold outside”. The man let him do so. After a while, the camel put his head also inside and pleaded, “Sir, let me put my head also inside please, as it is bitterly cold outside”. The man let him do so. After a while, the man had been kicked outside by the camel and the camel was nicely sleeping inside, enjoying the warmth of the tent.
If we grant the eelmist nationalist Tamils their demand, this is what will happen to us Sinhalese. We will be kicked out.
We should resist 0.5% nationalist demands of the Tamil minority for autonomy with all our effort. United Kingdom is made of 4 large ‘kingdoms’, but Scotland’s demand for independence will never be granted. They were given just ‘devolution’. This is true in USA also. Infact Alaska, which is part of Canada has been sold to USA with all its oil wealth. It is not independent. Hawai, which is an island in the Pacific ocean is part of USA and is not an independent country. So, why should small SL accede to demand of 0.5% Tamil eelmists, most of whom are diaspora Tamils? Most native Tamils in SL reject Tamil eelam altogether. They have had enough of terrorism of VP and his LTTE.They just wanted to be Sri Lankans, as ONE NATION ONE COUNTRY.
Dear Mr.Udurawana,
Elsewhere you claimed you are non partisan and that
you hold no brief to any party. But your comments are
highly slanted towards Eelamists.WE sincerely expressed
our views on making our country trilingual.You learned
and non partisan man you claimed to be,dragged in the
findings of the LLRC and a non relevant subject on
FUTA’s slogan.ND,Manjula and many othrs may be floating
over clouds and day dreaming but it is you who are day
dreaming of granting eelam and living a peaceful life
elsewhere in our small country.
Nicolas fails always to read what’s in front of his eyes as usual. It’s not a wonder as he is viewing all with wearing myth glasses on his eyes.
I said above that to let TAMIL SPEAKING people live separately, so it includes muslims also.
Because only then we can go ahead as one sinhala nation without bearing any ‘karachchal’ of stinking people.
In other hand they’re also human beings born in this country although they’ve became a ‘stinking karachchal’ here. So we must be kind & wise to let them live apart as they wish. We’re as a majority, giving much attention to them is a big trouble & harmful & hamper us.
Nicolas is also afraid to a camel wit. Because he hasn’t the real proud & guts of SINHALA NATION as he’s a slaver of gods myth.
Although you’ve been deceived by westerns to believe blindly that god made the sky….etc., නියම සිංහලයන් ඔටුවන්ට රැවටෙන්නෙ නෑ.!
This’s a point which Nicolas expresses himself that his lack of everything being a wrong viewer…!
In reply to Amden’s simple solution in blog 9, I ask, what is his answer to the Tamils living in the South? Are they to be driven to the North in a big cattle drive?
The best solution is we live together as ONE SL NATION IN ONE COUNTRY. Let us therefore learn each other’s language for a start. All three languages to be taught in schools right from the Primary level. Let us take all measures to live in peace and harmony free of racial hatred and suspicion. Tamil political parties should be banned from using the term ‘eelam’, since it propagates Tamil ‘nationalism’.
Those Tamil extremist nationalists who want no solution other than Tamil autonomy, let them return to their mother country Tamil Nadu from where their ancestors migrated to SL centuries ago. Some of course migrated in more recent times as ‘kallathonis’. In Tamil Nadu, they can agitiate till they are blue in the face, for Tamil autonomy and a Tamil Nation, for their 70 million Tamils in TN. They’ll get a hearty reception from Vaiko, Nedumaran et alia. I am not sure what welcome Big Mama will give them. A hearty embrace from her might suffocate them.
Nicolas, it’s not a simple solution. It’s the sample solution for ever. I’ve explained this before also in a comment.
We’re the majority so we should’ve a seperate state before all here. Tamils are fighting for it, so all tamil speaking people with muslims should send there where divided land by ratio of the population in the north. Then it may be just above from the Anuradhapura. No one can resist it because if they want to be apart then all ‘karachchal’ should be apart from us, that’s It.
That’ll benefit us more than them. Now these karachchal have been spreading everywhere among us as a virus. That’s why all of these karachchal. If it continues then the karachchal also continues forever. Tamils are never be happy what they’ve at now like westerns say about jesus. That’ll be the cause to end sinhala nation in one day. Even they’ve no control of population.
Now although we’re majority they’re running most of businesses while being together with us. They’re sucking our blood & troubling like bugs as we’re being together here. why do we hold their karachchal by learning useless language & wasting time & sources. This’ll never be solved otherwise.
Well done Amden, I support your views to the hilt.
Wish we had more with your thought capacity amongst the Sinhala people.
You are great in this matter and your views stand sky-high.
There is no Sinhalese nation in SL. There is no Tamil nation in SL either or a Mulsim nation for that matter. There is only ONE SRI LANKAN NATION IN ONE COUNTRY.
In Tamil Nadu, there are nearly 70 million Tamils. They can form a Tamil Nation but the Central Govt of India will never concede this. If they do, they will have to concede Malayalees in Kerala, Bengalese in Bengal, Assamese in Assam, Punjabis in Punjab and so on, autonomy also. This will be the end of India then as one country one nation.
In SL, Tamils are a race as Sinhalese are a race. Together we form ONE NATION. We cannot grant autonomy for a mere 4 million Tamils most of whom live in the South. What will happen to these Tamils in the South? Are they to be up-rooted and driven to live in the North? This is totally unacceptable.
Nicolas, can’t you still understand what i said above.? “All tamil speaking people” will send to north as they want to be apart…ok..!!!! Can you understand now…???? If you don’t accept & want to involve with tamils in church then you also can go there & not allowed here again…! This should be agreed by peoples voting of majority.
Amden refers to Tamils as “..stinking karachchal people..”. Such talk is unacceptable and unworthy of a good Buddhist. It amounts to racial prejudice against our fellow citizens, the Tamils. He therefore has proven himself to be a rabid Sinhalese nationalist, a racist. DC should not support this man to insult the Tamil race in this manner. Tamils are a hardworking community with a rich culture and a lot to offer for the development of SL. Our fight is with the rabid, extremist Tamil nationalists, who are fortunately only a vociferous minority among the Tamils themselves.
As I have said before and re-terate now, there is no Sinhala nation or Tamil nation in SL. There is only ONE SRI LANKAN NATION IN ONE SRI LANKA.
Let us therefore support the Government’s efforts under the Mahinda Chintanaya Idiri Dekma, to unify SL as one nation of multi-ethnic communities living together, working for the common good.
From my point of view, two nations can unite to exist as one nation.
However, both nations lack leadership to make this happen.
Following his visit to US, Sambanthan has shown signs of an intention to unite despite opposition from the Tamil community. A little bit of hope there.
The words coming from the Sinhala community have always been for togetherness but have always lacked substance on how to make this happen.
In the past 60 years many from both communities have given their thoughts on how to make togetherness happen. A few Sinhala leaders have introduced legislation to ensure measures towards untiy.
However the nation as a whole has lacked the willpower to pursue that path.
MR has no capacity to drive togetherness. He is not sincere in any of his pursuits. He has the typical Sri Lankan characteristic of hoodwinking. For example, the LLRC identified many measures in its interim report, none of which have been implemented. His primary focus is on entrenching family rule and accumulating wealth. The means adopted for this including support from drug runners and the white van phenomenon, are deplorable.
Nicolas..! I’don’t depend on anyones support in my opinions like you & others but on the truth as it is.
If you can’t accept what i said then you can sniff & talk tamils yourself, then you’ll know & accept that most of tamils are stinking karachchal. Not only nicolas, even dc or any other who has nose & ears can understand the actual things as they’re honestly. I’ve said that existing truth.
Then regarding the political solution of mixing all will never let anyone to be free from these karachchal. So, it’s better to be apart & have own freedom than living with ever karachchal.
Here I think real sinhala buddhists will agree to leave even this island if God create another land for them in the southern sea. Because we only need to be free of karachchal.
Brother Nicolas..! You could make it happen for us with your god father & then you may make an eternal “mixed fruit salad” with all together in SL…..!
Dear DC and fellow bloggers,
Amden comes across as a Sinhalese extremist and a racist, I am ashamed of. I apologise to our Tamil brothers and sisters for his unacceptable comments in blog 17. It is totally out-of-order. The Administrator should not allow racism. Fortunately, majority Sinahlese and Tamils are not racists.
So far, UPFA is the only government that can deliver the goods of development of the country for the good of all the communities. Its leadership has proven in the recent weeks to be tainted with corruption, which I condemn utterly. We should all stand together to condemn them and correct them, to lead the country in the right direction for the common good and not for the benefit of a few leaders. Unfortunately, we do not have a strong opposition to criticises the government constructively. UNP is even worse. Hence, it is left to us, the common man, to criticise the government constructively to make them give good leadership for the benefit of all.
There are corrupt governments in all countries, even in the West. Just because they are developed it does not mean they are not corrupt. They too have their hands in the pot to help themselves at the expense of the common man. SL must act differently and show we can stand head and shoulders above these so-called developed countries by being morally upright, with a free judiciary and an incorrupt govt dedicated to serve the nation with all its communities.
DC, taking up your point about two nations in SL within one Sri Lankan Nation, I think it is just a matter of semantics. So long as you accept that we are ONE NATION ONE COUNTRY of multi-ethnic communites it is possible to live in peace and harmony for all to prosper together to set the world a good example.
India is ONE NATION ONE COUNTRY of several different large States. These States are huge. In Tamil Nadu alone there are about 65-70 million Tamils. They have a culture which is entirely diffent from the cultures of other Indian States. But no Independent Tamil Nation is formed in Tamil Nadu, though it is viable. Similarly, other States in India have diffenrent cultures and different races. But they are not given independence. In the past, there were independent kingdoms under different Maharajahs. Under Emperor Asoka and the Moguls some of these kingdoms were annexed to form an empire. The last Indian empire was under the British. Since independence, India remained one country one nation. It is unlikley to break-up.
SL is a small island. We can survive and develop better as One Nation One Country. Though we are different racial communities with rich cultures it is best to live as one nation to meet all our adversities together and develop together. If we split it will bring a whole host of problems, I dare not even think of, because it spells DISASTER. Visualise an independent Tamil kingdom in SL under a despotic ruler or a bad Tamil government. It would be a disaster for the Tamil people. So, isn’t it better to have one country with Tamil intellectuals and good, selfless, morally upright leaders in the ruling government as Ministers who can serve all the people with dedication.
Nicolas Dias…!
Brother, What to do with fellow bloggers here..? You can just say your opinion that’s it. Then it’ll only be your personal view & others have their own minds to think themselves. But Don’t expect the acceptence of all others with you. There’re people who can think & reason the facts unlike you, they’re not blind followers of myths as you do.
Then there’re things should be ashamed & there’re things shouldn’t be shamed, according to dhamma..!
You’ll be blamed & damned you fail to follow that theory.
Hygiene is a good human trait which most of tamils don’t have & they should be ashamed about that. If you also like that then you must be ashamed as you said. That’s a thing which should be ashamed. “තොප්පිය හරිනම් දාගන්ඩ”.
KILLING PIGS is a thing which should be ashamed as human beings, who know that all beings are resent the pain & death.!
Saying TRUTH in the right occasion as i do, isn’t a thing which should be ashamed at all. Then pls don’t waste time & space by writing irrelevant stories here.
“I come across to have freedom for all, than Suffering & bothering for the name of being together with deferences”
Sri Lanka is no one’s back yard or private property, and certainly not yours. You were not even elected by people to control it. Therefore don’t try to force any particular type of people to send to one corner and another type to another corner. Who you to suggest that? You may do that inside your own 20 perches but not to whole Sri lanka. Of course you can put forward your opinion but and it is your right. However, in the same token, others have the same right to put forward their own opposing opinions and there is no need to threaten and intimidate them in this forum. No one cares about other’s threats and intimidations, name calling etc in this modern day society. Those who insulty others simply hold mud in their own hands and live with it.
My opinion is that simple (kindergarten style) solutions like driving every tamil speaking person to one end of the country and shuting the gate can happen and work only in fairy tales. Prabakaran also had that type of kindergarten style simple solution to his version of ethnic problem and it miserably failed.
You’ve expressed yourself that how much impressed & influenced my opinion to you.! Then you should mind that you’re also under the all terms you put for me. Real sinhala buddhist aren’t greedly possessive towards the land or world or anything like you.! No one can understand Your ‘under demala’ ‘kinder…’ also.
You’re only throwing words come from your narrow & borrowed thinking with angry. Only the wise people get understand the truth i said above.
OK, you are saying you are a wise man. Fine, many people think like that and is not a surprise statement to me. What I would say is that I am not a wise person compared to many wiser people on this earth.
As you admitted that you didn’t understand the word “Kindergarten”, I appreciste your honesty. That is very wise. Kindergarten means “montisory level or pre-school level” and kindergarten style solutions mean simple solutions offered by small pre-school aged children for complex problems. I hope you understand what I said. It is simple english, not “undera demala”. You were right. Of course they were borrowed from English language and they are certainly not mine.
As you said “real Sinhale buddhists” aren’t greedy and possesive towards land. Therefore if anyone is suggesting that Tamil speaking people must be driven to one corner of the country and shut the gate protecting a large area of land only for “Sinhala buddhists” then he or she is not a “real” sinhala buddhist (again from your own logic) because that action contributes towards “greedy and possesive land”.
I guess you are “wise” enough to understand what me, the “less wise” is saying here.
I don’t think Amden understands English very well since he replies in ‘broken’ English and incomplete sentences. It seems he is struggling to express himself in English. I suggest Amden then write in Sinhala altogether to express himself more clearly.
You’ve replied straitly unlike nicolas who is avoiding & escaping the facts, but still you’re talking in a narrow view. And don’t try to boast yourself & undermine someone with a limited knowladge of a word or something else. Because the one who knows something, doesn’t talk in that manner. That expresses ones narrow & nursery thinking.
The solution of being apart isn’t a “nursery school type” as you mean. Because we know about peace talks did in the world to unify different people since the past.
But having deep differences with kinds of people, it has never solved anywhere with making together them by force.
So it’s the freedom & human right to live seperately as peoples wish, but that’s not the separatism.
So these issues have made complicated by failed peace talks & interfering third parties like norway. Then it’ll end up some limited minded people like nicolas, keep blaming each other & who interfered to.
Here we don’t push tamils by force but they strongly wish to be apart. They fought & most of tamils supported it. Then it will make much free & ease the sinhalese, if they be apart from us also.
What’s the purpose of Keeping some people by force with a tie named ‘unity’ & bothering all & damaging the freedom of all.? That’s the real greediness..! They’re the people who go against humanity..!
Meanwhile nicolas tries to win a debate here also with nursery child writings. How old are you nicolas..?
Nicolas, undermines sinhala language in his above comment being proud of english. You mind that’s because you’re a blind fool baseless slaver & chicken shit of westerns.!
Who’re you bloody fool slaver to suggest me what to do.? While you’re heading towards the hell with your own suggestion of misbelief in gods myth….???
Today it seems the misbelievers are trying to boast themselves forgetting their own baseless slavery status.!
So i’d like to remind all that this srilankas’ existance & identity comes from ancient SINHALA BUDDHIST KINGDOMS.! But few hundred years ago western slave drivers grabbed the control here in cruel way after killing 1000s of people. they destroyed the buddhism & our great culture & forced to be slavers of ‘gods myth’ which allows evil acts like killing pigs. killing & believing that a god will salvage them was their religion. That means the god rescues evil doers, killers. Simply it’s not practical unless god is bad.
Then the real sinhala people kept resisting to westerns, but there were some foolish people even who had no back bone to stand strait as sinhalese. They betrayed the sinhala nation to have favour of western slave drivers & they became the slavers of gods myth like timid buggers.
Today this Nicolas is such a shameless slaver of gods myth & he says that there’s no sinhala nation in srilanka.!
He may has finished eating his sinhala nationality by betraying all, but we are REAL SINHALA BUDDHIST LIONS still here to dominate in srilanka.!!!
We don’t mind such words of abetting slavers but we might be show what’s the sinhala nation ASAP.!!! Anyway we’ve a respectable position in the world as srilankans because of our buddhism.
The Wise people from all over the world come here to learn & practice buddhism. They tend to learn sinhala language here. So what an ass joke that if we’re going to learn useless tamil to keep more troubles for both of us..? Is that a solution, having more hardship..? That’s how being apart is become the best solution for tamil issue.!
Could we work together having clear-cut difficulties & differences, While this world becomes increasingly irritable..?
The title of this particular blog is ‘Year 2012 declared Tri-Lingual Sri Lanka’.
Amden is off his rocker nagging about chasing, ‘Stinking karachchal Tamils to the North’ as the only solution, as he puts it. He is a stinking nationalist Sinhala racist. He should be ashamed of himself. I am ashamed of him.
He blabs on and on about ‘god myth’, as he puts it. All this has nothing to do with this subject heading. As AUR mentioned he is ‘going round and round the mulberry bush’.
Nicolas..! Is that a reply or escaping as usual you do…?
Can’t you write 1km long one in replying..?
But still i reply to you that we must clearn ourselves time to time as all of we have born with stinking bodies from HUMAN mothers.
You’re the one who dreaming in a mulberry bush by thinking of a god father while being a human with a stinking body. So that’s what i call the gods myth as it is but not my own intention to put as i want.
Then You’ve to be ashamed of yourself being a believer of gods myth while srilanka has reputation of buddhism in the world..!!!
I’m proud of being a sinhala buddhist nationalist in deep & being reasonable in thinking.!
Then we’ve times which must do the about chasing also.! What to do except swimmig against the ‘flow’ when the ‘flow’ is going towards the disaster..?
It’s out of your narrow thinkig & you just swayed away by the flow of gods myth to meet the disaster in hell, while dreaming an eternal being in a mulberry bush…!