Sri Lanka monks back arrested ex-army chief
COLOMBO (AFP) – Leaders of Sri Lanka’s influential Buddhist clergy backed opposition demands Sunday for the immediate release of former army chief and defeated presidential candidate Sarath Fonseka. Top monks representing four sects made a joint appeal to President Mahinda Rajapakse to free Fonseka who was arrested last Monday by the military on unspecified charges of conspiring against the government.
“Under no circumstances can we endorse the arrest of … a war hero who delivered the country from the clutches of terrorists,” the monks said in a letter to Rajapakse, a copy of which was seen by AFP.
As the battlefield architect of the victory over the Tamil Tiger rebels last May, Fonseka was feted for finally crushing their 37-year campaign for an independent Tamil homeland.
After falling out with Rajapakse, he quit the army in November and ran against the president in elections on January 26. Rajapakse won comfortably, and two weeks later Fonseka was arrested.
A spokesman for the monks said they would meet Thursday to decide on further action if Rajapakse failed to respond to their request for Fonseka’s release.
The president has denied any link between the arrest and the presidential polls, and stressed that “no one was above the law”.
In a meeting with opposition leader Ranil Wickremesinghe, Rajapakse vowed that Fonseka would be accorded all “due process.” The former army chief is to be court-martialled rather than tried in a civilian court.
Sri Lanka’s Supreme Court said Friday it would hear a petition submitted by Fonseka’s wife, calling for his arrest to be ruled illegal.
The court was scheduled to reconvene February 23 for a further hearing.
Fonseka’s detention has triggered violent protests in Colombo and other parts of Sri Lanka and drawn expressions of concern from the United States, European Union, the United Nations and several other countries.
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I am disgusted utterly by these monks demonstrating to release a criminal who had plotted to assassinate the President. They are being misled by JVP as in the 71 and in 88-89. I appeal to the venerable Nayaka Theros and other Buddhist clergy not to be misled by the deceit of the JVP and certain politicians with vested interests who are lackeys of the imperial West. I appeal to them to leave politics to the politicians and the venrable theros confine their activity to holy meditation and to guide the laity in their spiritual development. The venerable theros need to set a good example first of leading a holy, non-violent, righteous life. If they seek to get involved in politics I think they should first give up the robe and become once again a lay citizen.
Those monks who shout and demonstr
Those monks who shout and demonstrate in public is a shame on the fellow monks who lead a religious life detached from worldly pursuits and ambitions. The chief monk in the temple at Maligawatte who is a supporter of SF and who hoarded for him guns, handgrenades etc for the coup d’etat plotted by SF brought shame on Buddhism. It is a shame the 4 Mahanayake theros are silent about this.
The real heroes of having destroyed LTTE are the President MR, The Defence Secretary GR, and all the other defence service officers and personnel who courageously fought in the front lines and were not living grandly in air conditioned rooms enjoying expensive food from 5 star hotels. Without the leadership of MR the LTTE would not have been defeated. Hence let us get real and no longer call SF a hero. He is just a cog in the wheel. He did nothing special except enjoy having sexual relationships with female soldiers every night. He is a moral degenerate. He is guilty of murder. He has tortured soldiers who he disagreed with. He is a psychopath, vindictive evil man with blood lust like Stalin, Hitler, Idi Amin, Saddam Hussein and VP. He is a Sinhala VP. He is a traitor. He should be tried in Civil Court and sentanced to death. That is how our ancient kings dealt with traitors. The Mahanayaka theros then did not oppose the king. So I advise the President not to bow down to the theros who have become a tool of JVP and other lackeys of the imperial West. Just as he withstood all the internal and external pressures during the liberation war with LTTE let him stand up courageosly to withstand the new pressures. We are right behind you. Let justice be carried out in civilian court after the court martial by the army. SL can then sigh a sigh of relief when this evil man is brought to the gallows finally. He should be stripped of all his honours before then.
I think General has not coupe to topple to the government. He made a great service to the country during war. But we cannot accept some of his talks that he made during his presidential election. Simply because of that no body can be arrested.
First of all,
(1) The Defense Secretary GR, is also a government servant. He has not right to do politics though he did at presidential election.
(2) MR’s second son who is in Navy is also a did politics in the last election
(3) The absolute truth behind this arrest is a political revenge…Nothing else.
If president really wanted to give pardon he can use his executive powers to release SF. But MR shows that he is doing pure politics..This is pure showoff
Unfortunately, the word uttered by SF cannot be justified as well. But considering the government past behavior, since they were so generous to give pardon to Hon. Minister Karuna amman and pillayan..A valid question rises y not to SF?????
Finally I can say, that MR doing lot of things behind the curtain with shows white hands to Sri Lankan..Also, SF made some wrong comments about war crimes which is not justifiable too…
Anyway, As Sri Lankans we all are responsible to MR, GR and SF as the top people who did a great job to serve this country
MR- provided the political support by suppressing the international pressure
GR- Coordinated the all three defense
SF- Major role in the land war (Physical war)
So whatever they did we have to respect all these three
Also, the government present international relations are not good.
If we think, all though countries like, Russia, China, (ie. big powers) Mianmar,Libiya and Iran have not properly established democracy within their countries..So MR seems to be interested to develop a relationship with such countries which is not good for our country’s future…
I ask people not to say “YES” for ever thing what government is doing right now..Just accept good things and remove Bad things..Pls be critical when making decisions…Not probe into surface and made comments…
Well said “Neth”, I think I have the same perception about these developments as you do….As citizens, one should understand…that having a Strong “Opposition Party” is in the best interest of the Country’s Citizens. As anyone who governs the Country can not take things for granted. It is politics and Power that devide people, if not all these people whom you mentioned have done a great job for the Country.
Now that the most critical problem that loomed our Country is over…(Civil War), we all as Sri-Lankans should ensure that doesn’t happen again to our Future Generations.
I wish our political system changes, and the constitution transforms in to a better model like other country’s in the world.
I wonder why a small democracy like Sri-Lanka needs many parties like today. It should be few and strong representing all citizens. Parties should not be devided or formed based on ethnicity.
Religion is a Tool that often being used by dirty politicians to divide votes. India’s SHIV SENA is a clear example of this.
From Abu Dhabi
Me hamuduruwanta therenne nahane me SF karapu dee waradi deyak kiyala.Ai deiyane SF ratata karanna hadapu winaseta me aya wagakiyaida?Hamoduruwo unath bududahama gana nobala JVP wenna giyahama mehema thamai.
To nihal and king Dutugamunu
Seems you do not know the inside stories..Just saying some common words “War crimes”, “Traitor”..Dont be empty vessels..if you need to express something do it in a polite way..Do not do it in an uneducated manner which shows the immaturity.
Also I’m also not agree with SF the way how he has explained his views…
But as Sri Lankans we owe to him more than Hon. Karuna Amman…
If government treated everybody equally (Karuna,Pillayan,KP and SF) irrespective of their political perception (ie. UNP,UNP or SLFP) then these monks would not have been made such noises….
ANyway I’m not agree with the above behaviour of Monk and government side (ie. Police) tooooooooooooooooooooo…It is really a shame to see the way how proceed within the country….
Those who write derogatory messages are those tools henchemen of politicians of Sri Lanka or the teams employed to work on all these sites. It is thereore of no use wasting time to read this. A team working with aliases have time and money to write anything and they do not bother about the feeling of people of various religions. I don’t like personnaly attacking priests in a derogatory manner. They have the right to express their views too. You are only a hindrance to the progress of our country. Make only constructive criticism impartially in a very civilised manner please.
I personally don’t give a shi* about MR and SF. You guys (Singhalee) are very slow. I mean very slow. Who do you think was instrumental in ending the war? Not these two BABOONS. It was Karuna. Do you think your president or SF had enough brains to win? Listen, for 35 years they ruled and whipped the hell out of Srilanka. This 5 foot t 3 inches guy with a grade 8 education ruled not only the Tamils but also the Singhalese. This guy didn’t have a degree from any prestigious military schools in UK or US or Russia. BUT 75% of Tamils stood by him both educated and ordinary peasant farmers. They did not have a choice. Trust me it was a love hate relationship. It took you 30+ years to hunt him down with the help of a traitor. Your foreign military training, Education, influence and the so called military might took you 30+ years. Nobody is really sure if he is actually dead or alive. Quite frankly, Tamils are not worried if he is alive or dead. Well…. he has already conquered many many hearts of Tamils.
There will be no reconciliation unless you give the due rights to the Tamils. Well it’s going to be a different war for the Tamils from now. A million plus Tamils around the globe will be finishing the war in more than a democratic way. Some or the other these baboons will be brought in front of the international courts. The allegations of Human rights violations are more evident against them. Have you noticed more and more Tamils are getting into local politics in every single country they live? Pretty much the diasporas(Tamils) have become the pain in the As* on local politics.
Quite frankly, Tamils do not give a damn about SF, after all many were killed under his commandership. Well, he let the cat out…to the International Community. This was the greatest help that he did to the Tamils. The(Thee) most senior army office telling the world, that in fact SL has committed the war crime. This was like the “OSCAR SPEECH” to the Tamils. Well, he had to pay the price for doing this. I am not sure if he is going to come out alive. He will be in an unmarked grave.
According to MR, it was a free and fair election. If so look at the votes he received in North and East. This clearly shows MAJORITY of Tamils don’t give a cra* about MR or SF, they still prefer MR.P. Well, in my conclusion, MR bought Prabahara’s right hand man- Karuna…… in return Prabaharan bought MR’s right hand man. So stay tuned for the chain of events!!
@ Rajah
Your entrire e-mail is written with anger…It is not good…your final sentence is the example of it…I feel like you live in overseas and doesn’t know much on what is going in Sri Lanka…
First of all have to mention that no need to issue any racist statements here..As you people living in overseas it is better to help your homeland people to rebuild their life..At the moments North and East people needs a shelter not the democracy..Since you haven’t understood the reality, you are talking about empowering this people politically..It is a very low level concept without understanding the reality….
Pelase refer the census and staistics to see the popultaion diversity among the colombo district which is known as the capital of Sri Lanka…IT is clear that minority people are the highest % in that area..They live harmoniously with all nationality..You people have anger in your head, and comment everything taking that as a basis..This is because you may a experince that civil war…If so that is justified..
But now no more LTTE or any other terrorist organization in Sri lanka..One government rule the entire country…No need to raise racist issues now..
Help Sri Lanka to rebuild …Rather making blunt expression while staying overseas…
Now IDP needs your help to build up their life…Not a political empowerment..Understand that reality and act accordingly..THis is your time to serve your responsibility to your people…Otherwise you are just like another blunt political in this country…
No MORE PRABAKARAN…and There is no 1-1 action has happened…
BE wise act accordingly rather making racist statement pls
@ rajah
Further more, “if a person is going to die what we should have to do is to give the proper medicine not the delicious food”….Please understand the current reality of North and East people..What they need is your support to build up a shelter for them not the political empowerment at this stage.. It will come as a consequence of inspiring their aspiration at this stage…
Please keep your obligations to your people rather looking what others have to do…Otherwise you are just a another politician in a south Asia….
Once you keep your responsibility towards your people, others will incessantly keep their responsibilities…Otherwise no point of screaming/blaming here and there….
Think twice..THINK BEFORE U LEAP 😉
To neth,
I don’t know why you have misled yourself.I think it’s because you are UNP or JVP.You yourself have accepted Sf was wrong.I want to ask you whether you accept what SF is going to reveal of war crimes.Do you think what SF said to BBC is acceptable?SF said”I’m not afraid to say every thing happened in the battle field.Since Gotabaya ordered to shoot some of LTTE carders with white flags,LTTE carders’ human rights violated by our army.So I’m going to reveal everything of it.”Neth I don’t know who you are.But I think you have agreed to SF saying.I think you have seen that SF himself said these everything to BBC.As much as SF do you think that the LTTE’S HUMAN RIGHTS violated by Gotabaya abd our army.
The other thing is there was a lot of money in dollars found at a bank of his son in law.But his mother said that the money belonged to sf and her lawyer had said that the money is the rest of the election campaign.why do some western country help SF so much like America and Norway.I think you know that these countries help LTTE as well.Why LTTE carders protest Sri Lankan government to release SF?
As you said SF WAS a hero while Karuna WAS a LTTE carder.But the difference is between them that Karuna understood of LTTE and came in to democracy and help our army to find where Prabakaran was and our army attacked sich places bravely.But SF first helped to finish the war as much as other forces but after that he is now going to stand for LTTE’s HUMAN RIGHTS as much as America and Norway.I don’t know but I want to save my country.For me It’s more valuable than UNP.
@ Dutugamunu
First of all I have to mention that I’m not supporting to any political party right now…Before that I voted for SLFP and UNP..No JVP @ all…Coz I personally dont like some theocratic ideologies of JVP..
I agreed that SF has done a mistake..But there is a rule and procedure to follow up..Nobody can abduct a person without having a clear accusation.. I guess it belongs to Jungle law…I know that Karuna is now supporting the government..Do you really think that goverment would treat him simillar way if he contested from UNP or any other political party? If president can give forgiveness to Karruna who killed 1000 unarmed soldiers in Welioya and Bikkus ,Why not Sarath Fonseka? It is clear that this is a political revenge..No other motive behind this…I’m totally agree with government action if they treat to Karuna in the same way….
Also, I just want to mention that although, government talk about patriotism, Their personal gains are at No1.. I mean this is true for the opposition..Almost all the misters Children are in EU/US/CANADA/AUS…not in Libya/Russia/China or Iran…Also, most of the ministers are having foreign assents on those countries…
All most all the politicians earned more more, I think their money is enough to fulfill the budget deficit in Sri Lanka…According to the former president Chandrika Bandaranayake, 40-60% of the money was going for corruption…
Also, you have to be aware that SL is a democratic country…SO there should be a professionalism in dealing with foreign countries…We can not deal with them like underworld people..Seems the present government foreign policy is very unprofessional..They build up relationship with Minamar, Libiya,Russia,China..Which are not well democratic countries..sort of a monopolist countries..
I can ask lot of question about GR and BR (US citizens)..I dont want to raise these question as far as war is concern, they did a great job…
You talk about Danuna Thilakarathen’s account..This is only revealed simply because goverment use their power to look at it..DO you think if you check the all the politican’s bank account would this amount be a small one ?????
Foreign countries are always talk about Human rights..If the government is well maintained it there will not be such allegations..
I never said, that this goverment is totally wrong…I never said that opposition is totally right…We have to criticizes the both parties..Then we would get the best…Otherwise rather talking a FAKE PATRIOTISM, which is not visible in the action would lead to our country to a hell…
So rather being admire all the thinsg what goverment do right now , it is always better to accept what is right and rejcet what is wrong…
Because arguing with me here, or supporting to any party will not help both of us to develop our self…The absolute truth is all the politicians build up their life for 7 generations, So we have to develop our future by forcing these politicians to do the correct thing…If they did it well we would be getting a better country otherwsie a hell…
Hope you agree with this.,..
I can understand who you are when your answer is concerned.
That’s OK.It’s your opinion.
You have mentioned that you agreed SF had done a mistake.Oh you said it was a mistake.What a funny mistake.can a mistake befallen 4 times?1st time with the Sunday leader,2nd time at an election meeting,3rd time at a press conference and the last tome to BBC.Is this a mistake.The other thing is that mistake has been done against our army and president with Gotabaya.So why was SF going to do against them?Do you know Nev Pillei is going to make a investigation based on SF statements?Who is responsible for this?You?
You say that this is a political revenge.OK by chance,IF SF won What would have happened.Can you remember what he said at meetings,Can you remember that his talks “BOGAMBARA YAWANAWA,KATU KANNA DENAWA,KATU GODA GAHANAWA.So what about those?I like to ask you that according to which rule can such a traitor be punished?Do you think that a traitor must not be punished?That’s good idea.Then I can also conspire against Sri Lanka and earn a lot of dollar.But if you search in other countries you will be able to find how many traitors and conspirators had been punished by their courts.
I asked you once that as much as SF you think LTTE’s human rights had been violated?
I agree with you that if Karuna contests from any other party how the government would treat him.This is political.I think you may have seen as well as I when SF fought against LTTE how UNP treated him.Can you remember “THOPPIGALA,SALVATION ARMY,ONA GONEKUTA YUDDA KARANNA PULUWAN,KILINOCHCHI MADA WACHCHI.Apart from that even Ranil said Lasantha wickemathunge was killed by SF.But after SF came to traitors’side(RANIL,MANO GANESHAN,SAMPANTHAN)SF was suddenly a hero.What a joke NETH,Isn’t it?
You can mentioned of learning ministers’ children abroad.Is this a measurement of yours about patriotism.But I want to say that there is a massive difference between learning in the GB,UK,UAS and AU and conspiring against one’s mother land along with those countries.Not only the children of SLEP ‘s ministers but also the children of other political parties’ ministers’ are learning abroad.Even SF’s daughters.I think you didn’t know of it.
You said above that MR can forgive SF as well as Karuna.Can you trust that SF will not express such statements against Sri Lnkan army again?He does not want country.He has sever anger with MR and Gotabaya.But even you know karuna is not going to reveal what had happened in the battle field and he is not going to put in to troubles Sri Lanka any more but SF.
don’t mention about Chandrika.This bloody woman was only in power hunger.She did nothing for Sri Lanka but her children.I know her more than you so I don’t like such bitches.
I know every politician has a lot of money in their bank accounts.I know most of ministers must be responsible for corruptions,bribes.Not only SLFA but UNP.I dare say that that should be stopped.Otherwise our country will not develop.But SF said If he came to power he would stop everything.But now he had done more than others.
You always seem to appreciate western countries like USA UK NORWAY and Europe.I think you don’t know what kind of democracy they have got.I mean of the war of America against Iraq.But they come to teach us democracy.European Union said first that if Sri Lanka wanted GSP plus every person including LTTE carder must be released from IDP camps.What do you said of that.They also says about LTTE carders’ human violations as mush as SF.Do you say that the government should act how foreign countries say?Do you say to release every LTTE carder.I think you don’t know many foreign agents like Blake,Kuchner came to save Prabakarana and carders at the final moment of the war.I think you have watched SIRASA TV those days not to see such a miserable situations.Is that the professional manner in dealing with us of theirs how you say?Do you accept their manner of dealing with us when we were about to win the war.Are you a Sinhalese or Tamil?You say that because the government didn’t act how foreign countries commanded at the last moment of the war and didn’t hand over the foreign countries Prabakaran and carders ,you say that the government’s dealings with those countries and our foreign policy are very unprofessional.what a great person you are.But if the government gave them prabakarand and all and released every carders from IDP camps they would give us not only GSP but also every thing.And the people like you would say the government foreign policy is very professional.But you and western countries MUST know that any country CAN NOT interfere with any kind of our matters.
The other thing is you have mentioned that going to the countries like China and so on of Sri Lanka.But friend your western countries are not most powerful any more.Have you ever heard of BRIC summit.It will be the most powerful summit in the world in the future.I think it is good to approach these countries more than your European countries.Western countries never helped to finish the war but those countries I have mentioned.
Finally as you said I absolutely agree with you.we must develop our country as much as we protect mother land.I know both UNP and SLFA have done misdeeds.But I know MR will never betray my mother land.
@ Dutugamunu
I appreciate your logical and descriptive response…
Answer to the first para-
You mentioned about
“1st time with the Sunday leader,2nd time at an election meeting,3rd time at a press conference and the last tome to BBC”
He rejected all the thing which were used to accused him in a public press conference.. He said he will never betray Sri Lankan army…So if a persona said that he did not say it that is it…We cannot believe on written articles…Because there are lot of fake articles are published in Sri Lanka..They can manipulate any news in any order..But SF rejected all these allegations saying that He never mentioned such a thing…But you know there is a person called Wimal Weerawansa..He gave a big try to exaggerate the things during election time…When SF said that he didnt mention such thing publicly Wimal poped up it over and over again….That was more physic process..Once one spelled some thing that was haunted in the mind…Truly speaking, I didn’t know much about BBC thing…Have to wait and see what SF response regarding that… If you have that video clip please paste in the next response…
See you cannot assume what SF is going to do simply using his words…In Sri Lankan politics never trust the “WORDS uttered by the politicians “..I think you might know it is more than me…but MR said that No need to have revenge politics…But what does he do now??? When SF was with government there were no any allegations..But all of a sudden when he dealt with UNP he became a traitor…See, this is a result of Physic process which have created by the government within ppl mind..I agreed that Ranil is tooo and more towards the western countries…Thats why people rejected him 2004… See now Mahanayake thero’s become traitors to SLFP people..What a bulshit is that..When they offered “Sri Rohana Janaranjana” to MR then they were fine..But now they become traitors..Cant you understand this reality??? Do you agree with me or not??? Do you know another fact, a person who is not talk openly is the most dangerous person..The person who talking publicly is the most honet person…It is true for very one…
Agree, Thoppigala Salvation army ..See they used these words..It showed the opportunist politics in SL….The same thing apply now..For MR when SF was on there side he is the best general in the world..But now, he became a traitor….Cant you understand this conspiracy?? How can it happen this soon…..
You also mention that “You can mentioned of learning ministers’ children abroad.Is this a measurement of yours about patriotism”…
Why not if they say that they no need GSP from these countries why not then education????????? this is the double face…Because GSP is not affected to them…It is affacted to poor people who are working on apparel industry….Please be aware, I mention it as a more general statement ..I also said that it is true for the opposition as well..yeap it is well know fact that SF daughters are in US because they have green card ;)…..They are there not only for education….
If MR is soo patriotic person, does he give forgiveness to the person who bombed temple of tooth ..Which is the identity of Sri Lankan Buddhism..SF uttered word..Which one is powerful a “Action” or “Word”???????????????? onemore logic behind is that, if SF claimed that his army killed unarmed LTTE careds, then he also responsible for that thing as the head of the army…Because he was the cheif army commander at that time..Then he would merely become a accused perosn..Do you really think that he would do that one??? Pls be logical……
I’m not apprenticing foreign countries..I just wanted to say that we are still depending on them….Most of the export of Sri Lanka based on these western countries…Donot forget that you and me still owe 75000 ruppies for these countries.. I never said these countries are soo purified countries….They are not caring sri lanka if there were not tamil diaspora in these countires,,,They are just wanted to get the vote of these tamil diaspora so that they come and put pressure on our leaders…If we think about that fact, who lead to create these kind of Tamil diaspora??? Wetern countries.???? No our leaders led to that to be happened….Same thing now happened in the different way..While talking patriotism and scolding to these countries our government taking loans from these countries..Most of them are used for corruption and no development from that money..Taking more loans..What is the repercussion…More loans we become more slaves…if this continue you can see the repercussion in near future..Then this will create more chances to intemperance for the foreign countries…
I can understand your mind..Never use “Bitch” even to your enemy..I’m pretty sure you voted for her in 1999….And may have admired her couple of years as you now doing to MR now ;)….No wonder..Infuture you MAY use your mouth to say the same word to MR ;)..So am not going to comment anything on that…..
See we have to understand the reality..Still the world is governed by USA and western countries..Of course china is a growing giant..But to replace US’s position it may take another 30/40 years..So We cannot live without the help of these western countries,,,Furthermore if the government establish the proper ruling system there are no accusation for these countries to point out on our country..That is a very understandable logic…
Please, I’m not supporting any party politics as you…I appreciate what is good and reject what is bad….
Please understand the reality…Being a fake patriotic wouldn’t make our country developed one…Thats why I always look at the “Action” of Sri Lankan politics rather “Meaningless words”
ALso remember, I mention this in my above e-mail as well…
If I have 10 rupee in my hand and have to do a job using it…But if I spent 40 rupees for the same work what would happen..Who is going to pay the 30 rupees…MR,SF,Ranil or Somwansa..Not at all…Poor Sri Lankans have to pay that..that is what happening to the big projects in Sri Lanka now and had happened in the past as well….
Without having an unbiased system, we cannot develop the country simply ONLY having the FAKE patriotism….IF MR is a real patriotic would he retain Dr.Silva as powerful minister?? Did he ask Sachin vass who sucked 3000 million from mihin air to contest in the provincial council…See thats why I said, Dont believe Words..Look at “ACTION”…Then you will understand all of these people are actors in a drama..Their personal gains are at TOP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
AS I mentioned in my ealrier e-mail whoever said the victory of the war should go to MR as the president..Simply because of this I’m not a henchman to say “I AGREE” with all his work..This is true for SF as well..I accepted that SF made some silly mistake, but considering his dedicated service government should give pardon to him as they gave to KP,KARUNA and Pillaay…It is clear that goverment has a good brian wash of people to think that whoever culprit on their side are PATRIOTICS and others are TRAITORS….DO U AGREE WITH ME…NOW MAHA THEOR’S BEOCME TRAITORS TO THE GOVERNMENT…THIS IS ONE OF A TOP REAL BULLISH I EVER HEARD ;)…Current government action reminds me 88/89 ruling period of UNP government…
Hope to hear your ideas…..
@ Neth
I don’t like to argue with you because you don’t accept any misdeed done by SF.You said SF had rejected all.I don’t know why you didn’t accept that SF said to BBC before he was arrested “I’m not afraid to reveal everything happened in the battle field.Somebody had said (Gotabaya to Shavina Silva)to shoot everyone in the battle field.No matter who they were and with white flags in their hands.By commanding to shoot them their (LTTE carders)hunam rights had been violated.So no one can violate the the rules.So there has happened war crimes in the battle field.So I’m going to reveal every thing in front of the international.”According to SF and you Human rights had been violated of LTTE’s by shooting them.While SF himself says such things you say SF didn’t say so.
So I can imagine who you are.According to you it is better to be a empty vessel that to be a vessel with half of water.
@ Dutugamunu
If a person refused anything saying that he didnt say in a public conference thats it…Thereafter who cares about the written article..
Seems you are just following Hon.Wimal Weerawansa’s tactics…I said that I heard from media that SF told something about BBC interview..Have you heard it?? or you just simply saying it because of government media say soo..Thats why I asked you to send me the link…
You haven’t answered any question that I raised above..But I answered every question that you asked me to answer in your previous mail…
It is soo unfortunate that you didnt understand my every e-mail.In everything I mentioned that SF did a mistake..But the goverment’s reaction is the question for me…They are playing a political game with SF…That is the probem..You are always talking about “WHite FLAG” story…It is outdated now…
Now the goveremnt’s major accusion is not the “WHite FLAG STORY”…Doing the Politics while wearing the Uniform”…See what a hypocrite government is that??? They use western countires money and getting benitfits of them..Then schold them in “SINHALA” infornt of Sri Lankan people…”Gagen diya be Muhudata Awadima”….Same to SF…The absolute truth is without SF, they cannot win the LAND WAR…Poltical WAR handdled by Mahinda, Three forces were coordinated by Gotabya and Land war was headed by SF…Without giving a reconginistion for that now goverment treat him like a Traitor…Feel soo sorry and am soo doubt to understand why you are accepted all these things….May be you are getting some benifits from the goverment..I saw lot of people are doing soo…
Please answer the questions that I raise in my previous e-maill rather taking here and there…..
(1) Have you read or listen to BBC interview…If “Yes” pelase send me that article or viedo..Otherwise dont blame to any person until you see it…
(2) How about GSP? they said we dont need it..But all of their assets and child education are in Western countries..coz GSP is for poor sri lankans..Whether it is ok or not it is not a problem for them..But if a person is a real patriotic would they admire western education and assets..
(3) IF a person is soo partiotic would he repeat it as a spelll???
(4) MR is taking fire under the water..Thats why you people cant see the truth. If he is so experince and sensitive leader why would not he able to give a pardon for SF…But why he gave pardon to Karunna who killed our REAL PATRIOTIC Soldiers…
(5)If he is soo patriotic, why did he take some time to declare war against LTTE? Why he proceeded peace talk..
(6) If he is so patriotic why he kept Dr. Mervin and Sachin Vass who accused for 3000 million for Mihin Air..Because 3000 million is not from his private account…It is going from people’s account…
(7) why do government accuse Mahanayake Thero’s…Do you agree with this????????????????/
(8) Do you agree with below statement
If I have 10 rupee in my hand and have to do a job using it…But if I spent 40 rupees for the same work what would happen..Who is going to pay the 30 rupees…MR,SF,Ranil or Somwansa..Not at all…Poor Sri Lankans have to pay that..that is what happening to the big projects in Sri Lanka now and had happened in the past as well….
(8) DO you agree that without being stopped the biased politicizing the organizations we cannot expect the proper development…See the Sri Lankan air line it is getting a huge loss after taking to the goverment..See what is going with CEB..Making 30 million loss per day..Are these taken from MR,Ranil or SF’s person account..No ..TAX,,WHo pay these things…Public not SF,MR,Somawanasa or RANIL
(9) Do you agree the way how goverment use the media…IT is a real shame to see how they use it…It seems like a private propetry of MR..But the salaray for the people who are working there is paid by SL people..Not SF,MR ,RAnil or Somawansa..
(10) DO you agree with GR’s political stance..As far as he is concern, he is a goverment servant..He has not right to do politics …Same is true for MR’s second son..But all of them are doing politics..We SAW it…Not READ it…Do you agree with that??
(11) Why didnt government taken an action against cope?? because all the Thieves who theft all the things are now in government side…Please clarify the issue??
(12) Who separated the North and East??? MR or any member of his cabinet? If they soo patritic they could have been done this within a single line of a pen..WHy didnt they do that???
(13) Why GR did go to US when the war was at peak? (I personally don’t raise these question..But you tempted me to ask these things)..In that sense who really did their job???? GR or SF…If he is soo patriotic did he do that ???? Please answer
(14) When a terrorists is a Hon Minister, Do you accpet the offer of sectary post to SF??? Please answer
(15) It is a common perception that eduction ministry was the ministry who functioned well under every government..Now what happened to that??? Where did they find last term exam papers..In a paddy field…What has happened to the health ministry..Do you agree with all these things or not???
Listen KING DUTUGAMUNU, Am not an empty vessel..I answered every question you raised in your previous e-mail..Please free feel to the questions above rather ebing an EMPTY VESSELS
Hope to hear from you soon