Sri Lanka must demand : Investigate the Investigation (UNHRC /UN and its Resolutions must be probed)
With just days for the UNHRC Panel to conclude accepting submissions it has emerged that the UNHRC has been cheating the system by providing UNHRC war crimes forms to only one party and that too clandestinely with links to LTTE-TNA. The shocking discovery immediately takes us back to sample formats appearing on internet to help Tamils compile cases against Sri Lanka during the Panel of Expert investigation. We now question how many of the ‘witnesses’ that the Panel of Experts claimed to quote from were bogus people. We question how many witness accounts were lies. The discovery of signatures being collected on blank forms to write lies to establish a case for the UNHRC panel against Sri Lanka should make the UNHRC ashamed. The Government of Sri Lanka must not waste any more time but to publicly and internationally make its case and immediately demand an investigation into the investigation that started out with lies, is continuing with lies and is likely to end in lies to create a precedent and establish an agenda that will be detrimental for the sovereignty of Sri Lanka and the region as well. The officials of the Government must immediately get into action and prepare their case that Sri Lanka is not going to accept any more allegations until an investigation is launched and concrete evidence is given for the allegations that have been made against Sri Lanka since 2009. Sri Lanka must also demand that an investigation be launched into all parties that have been carrying out an anti-Sri Lanka campaign and reveal who funds them and why.
UN Must Investigate |
Why UN must investigate |
Ban Ki Moon, the UN Secretary General initiated a 3 member advisory panel to advise him on ‘alleged violations of international human rights and humanitarian law during the final stages of the conflict in Sri Lanka’ nid=4627
The Ban Ki Moon appointed panel was to advise him on ‘the implementation of the commitment on human rights accountability made in the Joint Statement issued by President Rajapaksa of Sri Lanka and the Secretary-General’ when he visited Sri Lanka on 22 May 2009 |
The appointment of a Panel inspite of the GoSL appointing its own panel |
Questioning the modalities of the Panel
The Panel says ‘it is not a fact finding or investigative body’ if so on what basis of evidence did the Panel conclude that
Questioning the appointment of Maruzuki Darusman as Chairman of the PoE |
The panel appointed to offer advice must be minus prejudices. Ban Ki Moon chose Darusman inspite of his criticism of the GOSL while he served as a member of the International Independent Group of Eminent Persons appointed in 2007. The IIGEP including Darusman refused to participate in the sessions of the Commission of Inquiry into Human Rights violations. Ban Ki Moon was wrong to appoint a biased Darusman while Darusman himself should have declined to accept given his bias. |
Appointment of Yasmin Sooka to the PoE. She has been since associated with pro-LTTE groups and is now serving in the Advisory Council of an anti-SL campaign
The conflict of interest are highlighted: is-yasmin-sooka-biased-and- prejudiced-against-sri-lanka.html |
The PoE in its report of March 2011 declared that it found ‘credible allegations’ of crime |
The Poe in its report of March 2011 declared that “there could have been as many as 40,000 civilian deaths.”
how-media-and-hr-groups-purposely- misinterpreted-ban-ki-moons-panel-of-expert-report.html |
Challenging the 40,000 and more dead figures |
Investigate the dead figures
Investigate on what grounds the PoE refused to accept the UN Country Team estimate of 7721 deaths a report which the UN is not making public?
Investigate how and who started making obnoxious death toll figures and how the media was allowed to ridicule and humiliate a country without any basis for accusations. |
Investigate the Charles Petrie report |
Investigate Gordon Weiss |
Was there an official NO FIRE ZONE |
Allegations of Navi Pillai taking case of Sri Lanka |
Investigate the credibility of the 3 members appointed by Navi Pillai
navi-pillai-appoints-martti- ahtisaari-bribed-by-albanian- mafia-to-deliver-kosovo- independence-to- investigate-sri-lanka.html
Investigate how UNHRC war crimes forms came to be in the hands of TNA-LTTE |
Investigate the organizations taking an anti-Sri Lanka campaign |
Investigate Foreign Parliamentarians coerced into supporting pro-LTTE and taking an anti-SL line using their portfolios fname=YOUR_MAJESTY _Are_you_aware_that_UK_MPs_ openly_support_LTTE_terrorist_ fronts_20130306_03 |
Investigate Channel 4 2014/09/17/ ltte-member-vany-kumar- how-many-ltte-terrorists- have-become-witnesses/ |
Investigate the documentary ‘Lies Agreed Upon
?fname=lies_agreed_upon_20110801’ |
Investigate the 6 Tamil doctors and their affidavits fname=Vanni_Pocket_in_Refutation _of_Channel_Four_20140108_06 dr-varatharaja-show-his-true-colours-geneva
Investigate all the 16 organizations and 424 individuals most of whom are now holding foreign passports |
Investigate the precedent being created |
The UNHRC panel must have already prepared their report but the compelling data available is sufficient for the Sri Lankan State to demand that answers to their questions be given first before the UNHRC reveals their report to make recommendations we know will only target the Sri Lankan Government which has been the plan all along.
We need to be given a rational, a logical, a legal and acceptable answer to all and more questions above.
The Sri Lankan Government must now itself demand that questions to their queries must be answered before the UN points any incriminating fingers at the Sri Lankan nation or attempts to make any proposals that set out to divide the country.
– by Shenali D Waduge

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