Sri Lanka President attending CHOGM welcomed in Australia
President Mahinda Rajapaksa and the Sri Lankan delegation attending the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting arrived at {erth International Airport on Monday. The president and First Lady Shiranthi Rajapaksa were welcomed by Senator for Western Australia, Mark Bishop and Membeof Western Australian Parliament Mrs.Elizabeth Behjat at the Airport. D. Frank Crawley, Consul for Western Australia, High Commissioner Admiral Thisara Samarasinghe, Deputy High Commissioner, A.L. Rathnapala were also present.
The Meeting will be held in Perth from 28th to 30th of this month. Heads of Government from 54 countries and about 3000 delegates will attend this Summit, which will be chaired by the Australian Prime Minister Mrs. Julia Gillard.
At this year’s meeting of the Commonwealth Heads of Government, it is expected to focus attention on food security, sustainable development and development of the national resources and global challenges being faced by the member countries, challenges of the global economic crisis, and climatic disasters.
The Chairmanship of the Commonwealth is to be handed over to President Mahinda Rajapaksa at this Summit and accordingly Sri Lanka will be hosting the next CHOGM.
The Sri Lankan delegation included Minister of External Affairs Prof. G.L.Peiris, Minister of Sports Mahindananda Aluthgamage, the Deputy Minister of External Affairs Neomal Perera, Parliamentarian Sajin Vas Gunawardene and the Secretary to the President Lalith Weeratunge. (niz)
Souce: Government News Portal

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What happen to the pro LTTE are they sleeping?????????
If I were this man, I will restore my honour by surrendering to the law and go through whatever process that is necessary to clear my name.
If the World requires an international commission, go for it. If such a commission sneds you to jail, enjoy it. You will be a martyr in the eyes of your people.
Only cowards hide from the law or the community.
If you are honest and forthright, you have no fear and hence could face up to anything, especially the rabble rousers.
DC, you are not Hon MR. You should save your breath and say that to Obama and leaders of the imperial West who ordered the brutal murders of unarmed Bin Laden and Gaddafi, who were one time friends of CIA. You should denounce the hypocrisy and double standards of Obama and imperial West leaders, of gross violation of human rights laws and war crimes. You should call for their immediate arrest and trial at the hague.
You heard of ‘Veera Pandiya Katta Bomman’?
Well, he was a King in Southern India who despite having lost a war, was lead to the gallows in defiance.
In the 70’s Sivaji Ganeshan starred in a movie on the life of this King. The moving scenes etched a lasting impression in my memory.
Also, many historical characters, became martyrs defending truth. These were provided as examples in my youth as part of building life philosophies. I am sure as a teacher, you did so too and used similar examples in building the youth in your care.
Nicholas I am nether MR nor yearn to be MR. He is just another leader, just another person who has volunteered to be a leader. And society keeps leaders on pedestals so that they are always visible. And when you are on stage, performing to the audience, you should strive for perfection.
THis defenitely is another attempt by the LTTe to discredit Sri Lanka.We will have to ask why no one in Auatralia was cahrged of ar crimes along with the other leaders of the west for all the merciless killings that took place in Vietnam for 15years. MR was only fighting terrorists in our own country. The leaders of the west sends troops to any country they wish without having to exlain or suffer the consequences. How does this work.
THere was a big noise a few yeras ago about what happened to the muslims in america and the captured soldirs in USA a few years ago. How come Gerogr Bush was not cahrged with war crimes.How come MR is cahrged with war crimes if the the soldiers did what they say they did. And then how come the world was asleep when Prabhakaran was rescruiting child soldiers and killing innocent Tamils and sinhalese using suicide bombers all over the country for so may yeras. Instead Prabakaran had plenty of support especially from Solheim. Is this fair I ask.
VP was a coward, who sent innocent Tamil children to the front lines to die in vain for a useless cause, to please the vanity of the bigot/fascist, VP. He had brainwashed these innocent Tamil children with his silly eelam ideology, which got him nowhere. He sent them on suicide missions and called them ‘martyrs’. They died in vain for a useless cause. These Tamil children were snatched from their parents arms or on their way to school. It was a war crime by VP. The imperial West kept mum about these gross war crimes for 30 years. This is because they wanted VP to win, to turn Trinco into a mighty US naval base, against China and India. They also feared the growth of India into a superpower and wanted to engineer the break-up of India into small autonomous regions, like the way they engineered the break-up of Soviet Union. This way India would be no threat to US superiority in SE Asia. USA would then focus their attention to engineer the break-up of China into ethnic communities, by causing rebellions within China leading to repression by the Chinese government. USA and its allies can then cry foul and create a stir within UN against China.
All these plans of USA and its allies were destroyed by Hon MR by totally annhilating the LTTE and the death of the coward VP, who hid behind a human screen of his own Tamil people.
The final war against LTTE was a War of Liberation of these Tamil people held as a human screen, numbering more than 300,000. It was the biggest rescue operation of hostages. This was carried out very successfully. Ofcourse in any rescue operation a few hostages will die. This is inevitable. It is utterly ridiculous to say the hostages were killed deliberately by the rescuing SL troops. The hostages were actually killed by the LTTE who machine-gunned them as they fled to the SL army side in their droves, across Nandhi Kadal lagoon. It was too much for VP to bear. The Tamil hostages responded with their feet, to VP’s false claim they were not hostages. In his fury, VP then ordered his own people to be killed by automatic gunfire and suicide bombing, as they fled. All these scenes were captured on film by unmanned drones above and by spy satellites. All the disinformation of the diaspora Tamils/LTTE and the TNA can never deny the evidence on film.
The imperial West knows the truth but turns a blind eye as the LTTE, they supported, were totally wiped off the face of the earth by the heroic superior SL army. They were furious their imperial edict not to massacre the LTTE was defied by Hon MR. Hence, they make all these false noise about human rights violations and war crimes by Hon MR, GR and SL army leaders.
US army is still struggling in Iraq and Afghanistan as they did in Vietnam, unable to defeat the Taleban/Islamic Fundamentalists. It is an unwinnable war for US and its allies. They have to withdraw eventually ignominiously, as they did from Vietnam. Their economies are in ruin. Their people back home are rallying against this sueless military adventurism and imperialistic ambitions of US government. USA and the imperial West are envious of the success of Hon MR in ridding the world’s most barbaric terrorist outfit. Instead of giving SL credit for it, they try to denounce her with false allegations of war crimes etc.
The Australian bitch, Adele Balasingham, is a war criminal, wanted in SL. She is protected by Australia by saying she was a freedom fighter and the LTTE were freedom fighters and not terrorists, despite many countries including the West having labelled LTTE as terrorists. Australia is therefore shielding a war criminal wanted in SL for gruesome war crimes.
DC, you should be honest and accept facts instead of being an apologist for LTTE. If you continue to do so, you will go to your grave as a dishonest man.