Sri Lanka takes ‘giant step’ toward unity with Tamil anthem
Sri Lanka’s war-battered minority Tamils welcomed the national anthem being sung in their language at Independence Day celebrations on Thursday for the first time in 67 years as a “giant step” towards reconciliation.
The Tamil National Alliance (TNA) said the gesture, which saw schoolchildren sing Sri Lanka Matha (“Mother Sri Lanka”) in Tamil at a military parade, signalled recognition the community were equal citizens.
“It may be a small symbolic thing, but it is a very important step telling the Tamil-speaking people that they are equal members of this country and the state recognises that,” M. A. Sumanthiran of the TNA, the island’s main opposition party, told AFP.
“It is in fact, a giant step from that perspective,” Sumanthiran said, adding that he hoped more serious issues could also be resolved in the same spirit.
Every year since 1949, the first anniversary of independence from Britain, the anthem had been sung at the main national celebration only in Sinhala, spoken by the island’s ethnic Sinhalese majority.
But on Thursday pupils sang in both languages at a televised military parade that also saw army tanks, gunships and fighter jets travel down Colombo’s seafront promenade in front of thousands of flag-waving spectators.
The Tamils bore the brunt of the island’s 37-year civil war that ended in May 2009 and claimed at least 100,000 lives.
But the election of reconciliation-minded President Maithripala Sirisena in January last year has helped to mend relations, and last year Tamils officially took part in national day celebrations for the first time.
The previous government of strongman leader Mahinda Rajapakse had banned the singing of the national anthem in Tamil at official ceremonies.
In a speech, Sirisena reiterated his pledge to allow an investigation into wartime human rights abuses following a UN Human Rights Council resolution late last year.
“By implementing the resolution we safeguard the dignity of the nation, the people and the armed forces… and it helps us to be accepted as a respected member of the international community,” the president said.
Sirisena’s new government has pledged to set up special war crimes courts this year to investigate allegations that troops killed at least 40,000 Tamil civilians in the final months of the conflict that ended in 2009.
But opposition politicians, who deny war crimes were ever committed by a government-backed military, say the UN-mandated probe is intrusive and represents a threat to sovereignty.
UN rights chief Zeid Ra’ad Al Hussein is expected to travel to Sri Lanka on a four-day visit from Saturday, with his council due to review the country’s progress in implementing the September resolution.
Tamils account for just over 11 percent of the island’s population of about 21 million and are demanding greater autonomy in areas where they are concentrated.

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It was most uneducated efforts taken by this shaky government.
In UK, there are multi ethnic groups, are they have different anthems?
In USA, there are many ethnic diversities, are they having different anthems?
The neighboring country India has most number of ethnic groups, are they having different anthems?
This clearly shows to the world that current government is full of uneducated people.
SL lives with multi ethnic groups and they are mingle with each other lives in every corner of the country together.
This stupid act will divide them.
Of course yes NS.if so the national anthem must be sung in Tamil as it was sung initially in 1935’s. You are right. So stupidity and illiterately obviously visible at the higher officials.
More over Mr.MR is moving his coins safely and securely for the future political gain for his party SLFP. But sorry to say we are always green.?
Sri Lanka need not copy the USA, UK, Europe or India.
We are a unique nation comprising Sinhala speaking citizens, Tamil speaking citizens, Buddhists, Hindus, Muslims and Catholics.
Our core values are respect for others, freedom, equality, peace and unity.
As in every society, we have dissidents and they are free to espouse their cause.
We listen to them and appreciate their viewpoint and consider their views in making decisions.
The National Anthem is the song of praise for Mother Lanka. To be sung in all languages is a necessity to enable all Sri Lankans to pay homage to the gentle and majestic land which provides us with livelihood.
the current government is not to be blamed it in the constitution and any way please do not make these things in to issue, if our hearts are good automatically we will be united, unity should come with good thoughts and kindness,.
If this be a giant step a giant step in two years. What else have they achieved …there is nothing transparent about….new constitution what is new about the new constituition besides rehash the old old one with a new name… is better dedicate the anthem weekly one for the tamils another for the muslims……and we have the old ministers holding new ministries…….and the 40 billion dollar megapolis with no money to implement it for except for labor the rest need to imported…….good thing……15 years is it will be a miracle …..fortunately most of the ministers now will be dead by then ……
we will import this and that and what not start with beef
Sirisena ….why 40000 is this an exact or few more or less. Obvious as President you accept these numbers in which case publish them through media in tamil and arabic so that the tamils and muslims can substantiate these names. Sirisena why are you silent about these atrocities or you are afraid of the whites. Specially relevant when marking a day of freedom to give some thought to victims of these atrocities.
100000 represents how much of the tamil population. what of the villages pillaged, temples blown up buses ambushed and trains attacked. Sirisena is clueless as to how many sri lankans were killed. Why dont you hold P and his gang made accountable and treid for treason. UN ought to be clear about war whether it is in syria, iraq, rwanda or sri lanka.
When the america and her allies russia bomb the daylights out tens of thousands and few million made homeless and the country reduced to rubble in an un declared war has the UN cautioned these nations. Has the UNHRC have their agents investigated into claims of these ar crimes! Why are the americans and her allies made exceptional.
Sirisena you think national anthem in tamil is a giant step
Sirisena the other day you were talking about reforestation something that has been going on for since independence. What about the muslims forcefully settling down in Wilapattu. What about the landless sinhalaes …..why not concede sinharajah. With limited land and fast expanding population what strategy have you thought of. Hand out condoms!
You claim nathem is a giant step