Sri Lanka urges citizens to avoid illegal employment in Myanmar

Sri Lanka's Defence Secretary General Kamal Gunaratne

Defence Secretary General Kamal Gunaratne

Sri Lanka’s Defence Secretary, General Kamal Gunaratne, urges Sri Lankans to refrain from seeking employment in Myanmar through illegal means.

The Sri Lankan government strongly advises its citizens to avoid using illegal foreign employment agents or persons and institutions involved in human trafficking.

Alarming reports reveal that a group of Sri Lankans who illegally left for work in Myanmar are being forcibly detained for illegal activities in a camp in the cybercrime area operated by terrorist groups in Myanmar.

Despite prior warnings by the government, it has been revealed that 89 Sri Lankans have illegally traveled to Myanmar for employment.

Through the dedicated efforts of officials, with assistance from the government of Myanmar, 40 Sri Lankans have been released from captivity. However, reports indicate that 54 Sri Lankans still remain trapped in the cybercrime area.

The Sri Lankan government, in cooperation with the Myanmar government, is making every effort to secure the release of those still held captive. However, despite prior warnings and ongoing efforts, certain individuals continue to travel to Myanmar for employment through illegal means.

Considering the status quo, the Secretary of Defence requests the public to refrain from seeking employment in Myanmar.

Those with any information regarding individuals involved in human trafficking activities are urged to contact the Ministry of Defence or the Criminal Investigation Department to ensure the safety and security of all Sri Lankan citizens.