Sri Lankan Rupee depreciates further
Posted by Editor on April 8, 2020 - 12:40 pm
The value of Sri Lankan Rupee has depreciated further against the US Dollar amid the coronavirus outbreak.
According to the Central Bank of Sri Lanka the current selling rate of the US dollar is Rs.200.46

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to stop this all economic centers should be opened and least cost electricity should be with BOT coal fueled electricity from coal and economical hydro as peaking power which give us a kWh cost about Rs. 6 we should not be afraid of corona as all our people and all people in the world will be treated with quinine as such the whole world economy and so will our economy making the Rs. appreciate to few sri lankan cents to a US dollar. Thus making our country a very rich country within 2 years and within that time all garbage dumps in our country will be destroyed by burning them in places where the garbage where they are made.
I agree with you Eng.M.V.R.Perera even though i don’t know what the hell you talking about.
Please Central Bank,
Release foreign reserves and slow down the depreciation of the Rs.
Cost of living going up is not a worry; the voters will give 2/3rd maj to those who want it.
The bigger issue is:
After May elections, 225 new MP’s will need new Landcruisers and if the Rs slides down, economy will be hit.
Also 100,000 Graduates employed in Govt Service will also need car import permits.
Sri Lankan Rupee has depreciate because over employment. 95% of the work force is over employed ie the work that could be done by 5 people there are 100 employed doing nothing. For the 100.000 graduates you mentioned it is better to give them a brush and a broom to clean the toilets and sweep the roads in foreign countries rather than giving them hand outs called salaries. cars and a office desk with a bogus title like executive. .
Good on you, Ranjith,
Unfortunately public service jobs are the gifts available to our ‘do-good’ politicians to ensure their own survival at the next elections.
With tourism, overseas travel and overseas employment in the doldrums for many, many more years to come, the country has significant economic and social problems with not only unemployed graduates but with all youth.
One way out is to go back to the land and become an agriculturally productive nation (not glamorous though) that not only feeds itself but services the entire world.
You are right Mr Andrada about agriculturally productivity. That what our kings did and British did and when they left the country with law and order, magificient buildings roads, and railway and up to date infrastructure and surplus of funds in the treasury.
Since then we employed this cram the book and pass the exam sri lanken university donky bollocks and now we have to borrow money just to sustain the country, .
The problem is this. If you ask any pregnant mother in the world what she expect, she would say it is a boy or girl or either. But if you ask a sri lankem mother to be she will say I want a doctor or a engineer.
Dear Brother Ranjith, I can’t agree with you when you say ‘ But if you ask a Sri lanken mother to be she will say I want a doctor or a engineer.’ Now they will say ‘I want a Politician’. Because you do not need to study. You can become a millionaire with a hefty retirement benefits!
You are 100% right Mr Amarakoon. In this world there is no such a thing as a free lunch. If you take anything with out contributing to it you will have to pay more than you taken. These politician will pay ultimately for robbing the country and the people. No wonder almost every body want to leave this corrupted country.
Ranjith – “That what our kings did and British did and when they left the country with law and order, magificient buildings roads, and railway and up to date infrastructure and surplus of funds in the treasury.”
Partially agree.
Yes, our kings may have done much of that with good governance and common-sense economics, but to put British in that same category is a grave mistake.
True the British invested in the logistics/infrastructure but that was not because they loved us, but only to assure the the bountiful harvests from coffee, tea, etc. from the cultivated lands (lands that they had confiscated from the Sinhalese) had convenient means to be hauled to Colombo, to be loaded into their ships and sent to Europe where recorded profits are known to have exceeded to over 50,000%! Besides, there is no record at all of them leaving us a treasury worth talking about, but they did leave us something very special.
That was, with their preferential treatment of the Tamil minority (over the majority Sinhalese, true to their traditional practice of ‘divide and conquer’ in whatever country they colonized), they left behind a highly polarized nation that had a highly advantaged/privileged minority and a highly disadvantaged/underprivileged majority. Once universal franchise was exercised and when Sinhalese tried to undo the British-done-wrong and calibrate a rightfully deserved balance, that of course was termed “Tamil discrimination” which gave rise to Tamil separatist politics, which soon led to Tamil separatist-terrorism and that alone proved to be a most horrendous cost to the nation in terms of lives lost and grievous harm to the national economy over the 30 years that it lasted (or was made to last by the idiotic Sinhalese politicians, mainly from the UNP).
So yes, we have much to thank the British for!
Yes you are absolutely right here. When British leave there colonised countries they wanted to paralyse these countries by causing divisions among the different races. They did in Sri Lanka, India, and Thailand. The idea was to cause conflict among the varies races so that they can sell there weapons But today UK has been the dust bin of the worlds dumping ground and most of the high post including the ministerial post taken by Asians.
But the issue here is about depreciation of the Rupee and agricultural productivity. That is the chapter we should focus on to get this country out of this free fall.
Exactly brother Ranjith. When British left their colonies they created a ‘slave club’ called Common Wealth. Before they left they made sure to leave ‘Kalu-suddas’ behind. Created Kalu sudda creating institutions and they left their system behind. Just think about JR, Ranil, Malik, Sajith, Mangala, Sumanthiram, Arjuna Mahendren….etc. They all came from Educational institutes producing ‘Kalu-Suddas’.
Oh Amarakoon,
You left out the Bandaranaike Family who from dad downwards to son/daughters all schooled in not local ‘Kalu Suddha Institutions’ but in original Institutions located in white man’s lands !!!!