Posted by Editor on December 26, 2018 - 12:02 pm
Sri Lankan Rupee has depreciated further against the US Dollar, informed the Central Bank of Sri Lanka (CBSL).
The current selling rate of the US Dollar is Rs 183.17 while the buying price is Rs 179.20.

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What to do ‘Naraka-Kalata’. Increase the cabinet to 65! More imports! More luxury vehicles!! We will reach the magic figure 200 by March 2019!!
My dear fellow citizens,
This is the aluth Samanela Yugaya, my dear friends.
The dollar will soon be LKR 200 before the next Poya.
Cannot understand why the SC chased the progressive MR Government and its economic whizz, Bandula Gunawaradane?
We are going rapidly down the drain, my friends.
When 95% of the country over employed what do you expect Cram the book and pass few more exams folks and be a toilet cleaner or a road sweeper in a foreign country. That will support the falling toilet paper called Rupee..
what does samaraweera expect. all what he imports means dollars …..crude oil is the biggest bill and spare parts. he should ration gas essential ser vices only
block import of spare parts
Situation calls for austerity……..mps travelling limited to one vehicles and no a fleet of security vehicles. If parliamentarians do not feel safe in their consituences then give up politics and fo some farmimg. even a raisning few hen will contribute to the GDP
even cultivating some sweet potato and manihot would cut on the import bill
every household should pot chille plants 10 would serve a small family.
ban smashing cocnout in dewales for doing will not appease gods for retribution. Gods favor the crooks.
Sirisenasshould extend his audacity to penalise crooked MPS and minsters penalise them with a minimum prison sentence of at least 5 years…at least 5 yeasr with hard labor. alll mps now should declare their astts and their tax returns be evaluated by a special commission.
proisepctitive candidates should amke their tax declarations compulsory failing to do so make their applications null and void. The tax department should establish a uit to probe all politicians iall the way dwon to Grama sevaka
Sama Gunawardhana It is ok to come with all these ideas but can you implement these. Most Sri Lankens
couldn’t care less what happens to this country, any suggestion like that is like water on a ducks back.
I agree with you.
Majority of Sri Lankanas don’t care about the country and their fellow citizens.
Objective of life is to accumulate illegal wealth, drugs, p*rn, luxury cars and shopping at expensive malls.
All religious clergy are also corrupt.
When someone like Ven Gnanasara Himi speaks out, he is thrown into prison.
Dear Lalitha Amarakoon. It is so sad to see this beautiful country going down the drain. You can accumulate illegal wealth but what the point leaving a corrupted country for the oncoming generations or even living in a failing state.