Sri Lanka’s military alert to activities of Tamil Tiger supporters
Posted by Editor on July 27, 2016 - 11:58 am
Sri Lanka’s military has been told to be alert to the activities of Tamil Tiger rebel supporters, the army media unit has said.
Major General Milinda Peiris, Chief of Staff of the Sri Lanka army briefed the military on emerging terrorist trends at global level and the need for modernized approaches with novel counter-measures, the Xinhua reported.
He warned that the army needs to be alert to the sensitivities connected to the possible re-assembling or resurgence of Tamil Tiger supporters and overseas activists who would still be promoting the ideological perception of the rebels while working against Sri Lanka’s economic and development aspirations.

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yes we should be vigilant as the west is doing now but are complaining the way we destroyed the ltte
Present YP government’s premature liberal attitudes & activities working as a catalyst for resurgence of belligerent activities again in N&E of Sri Lanka.
In the name of ‘Saha Jeewanaya”, we as majority should keep silent and keep eyes closed.
Even though west provided moral or ammunition support we as majority should stay unseen.
By the Yaha Pala’s govt, that area given to them as their land.
Keep away guys….
This talk of being vigilant should be thrown into the midair and no notice whatsoever taken as this is perhaps a concocted story of Xinhua Agency to destabilize our hard earned YP Government . The energy and resources thus saved should be donated to the Chief Minister Northern Province to harness their fallow lands for cultivation using their own Moragolla waters as claimed Tamils rebels even if they are regrouping are harmless as little kittens twisting in between and around the two legs of our new found leader MY3. These adorable kittens whilst twisting around cloth clad MY3’s legs are also looking up and menacingly aiming at something sinister. They are very very trustworthy .Any cop or other investigative unit would soon find themselves in the dust bin as persona non Grata. Please be warned!
Fear Psychosis gripping the Sinhala speaking leadership and population again?
We, the tamil speaking population and leadership have openly espoused a unitary state. The war has left us with more than 200,000 households where widows have been elevated to the status of breadwinners. We, the tamil speaking population have significant issue in our hands and we have decided on the unitary flag of Sri Lanka to resolve this issue.
Cardboard houses built by an Indian Mogul will not solve our problems. Nor will the dishwasher and the laptop promised in the cardboard house solve our problems. The carpeted roads built by the R Regime mean zero to us.
What we require is a sustainable way forward where our culture and linguistic identity are upheld by our Sinhala speaking brethren as being equal to theirs. That is what is known as true reconciliation.
At the bottom of hearts we yearn for that day to dawn upon all of us. Do you understand?
Dear Mr. T. Somasundaram, You said, Fear Psychosis gripping the Sinhala speaking leadership and population again? And More importantly, your last sentence DO YOU UNDERSTAND? No I do not Underasnd and I am confused especially after the recent senseless attack on Sinhala Students in Jaffna Campus. Who is on Fear Psychosis?
Thank you for your comments, Mr Amarakoon.
The fracas in the Jaffna University is just another outcome of an outburst of emotions and energy amongst youth. There were many similar outbursts in other institutions of higher learning which were contained and managed by authorities just as it was in the Jaffna Campus.
One can give such outbursts a communal twist; politicians from one side calling for a “commission of inquiry to determine underlying causes” and politicians from the other side heralding the emergence of separatist violence. Thank heavens, sanity prevailed and armoured tanks did not roll in to the university premises to crush the “communal uprising” in its bud.
The root cause of that incident is, I believe, poor management of the event. Why should the Student Union organise the fresher’s welcome? That is not the role of the Union. University events should be organised by the University Administrators who are aware of and entrusted with the task of implementing national policy in all occasions. Remember how the National Anthem was sung at the Independence day celebrations? Well, that is National Policy. If the University event requires live music to herald a joyous occasion, it must consist of Kandyan dancing/magul bera and natheswaram. If the event merits the singing of the national anthem, it must be sung in Sinhala and Tamil. If the event requires lighting of the lamp, there must be the traditional Sinhala lamp sitting next to the Tamil lamp. If the event requires an address by religious dignitaries or religious ceremonies, all faiths shall be represented.
The role of the Student Union is not “implementing” national policy. The Student Union is not the university’s “administration”. The Student Union must, of course, be aware of National Policy in delivering its role to the University. The Student Union must espouse the national call for reconciliation.
I regard the Jaffna University incident as a disciplinary breach in the University Student Community. Our “fisticuff” prone leaders who behave badly in the Parliament could improve their performance to be examples to ensuring good behaviour monogamist the citizenry.
Thuleepan provides an admirably balanced view of the Jaffna University incident.
Had a war-mongering regime been ruling in Colombo, Army Tanks would certainly have rolled into the campus. The response of the current regime was excellent.
Thullepan makes another valid point too. The Union is not an administrator of the University. The Union is to protect and enhance rights and privileges of its membership. It has no business in organising fresher welcomes.
Had the University Administration organised this event and had Kandyan dancing and Sinhala traditional music been excluded for the Event Agenda, the Student Union should stood up for Student Rights and insisted on the University Administration to comply with National Policy and treat all communities as equal.
The situation that lead to this incident appears to have been caused by a ‘sambaru’ of roles between the University Administration and the Student Union.
Well done Thuleepan, we need your balanced views to foster true reconciliation.
Dear Mr. Somasundaram, You say that the incident in University of Jaffna is ‘just another outcome of an outburst of emotions and energy amongst youth’. It seems that Tamil students in this particular university having outbursts of emotions and energy quite often. If you remember in 1977 Tamil students attacked Sinhala students. As a result a Sinhala student (Marasinghe) was stabbed and still confined to a wheel chair. Like manner in the resent incident Sinhala students were attacked and still one of the victims recovering in the hospital with severe head injuries. Photos circulating in social media clearly show Tamil students armed with bricks and sticks ready to attack. This unfortunate attack is not among students unions or against the university administration or not even against the government. This is a conflict is between Tamil and Sinhala under graduates in Jaffna university (divided by ethnic lines). If this is an outburst of emotions & energy, then Tamil students cooled off it at the expense of Sinhala students. This is definitely a racist attack by Tamil students.
There are many University campuses in Sri Lanka where Tamil and Sinhala students study. You can see this in Colombo and Peradenuya campuses clearly. They did this for decades. Why only in Jaffna campus Sinhala students get attacked? Though you can’t draw parallels here, I would like to draw your attention to the recent ragging incident in Kalaniya campus. Police handled the case and the female culprits are still in jail. Similarly,the brutal attack on Sinhala students and specially pertaining to the bodily harm done to the Sinhala student should be treated as a criminal case and should be a police investigation.
Jaffna University is another state funded university in Sri Lanka and it is not an ethnic and cultural enclave exclusively to Tamils. That said, if the authorities in Jaffna University want to know how to run the university they can make a study tour to other universities in the South.
Dear Mr Amarakoon,
Thanks for your comments. I do not wish to argue with you.
Blogger Chie d’Zylva has understood my point. Many others, including yourself, haven’t understood my point. No problems with that.
You are harping on this incident relating to a Sinhala student by the name of Marasinghe. To counter that, I can, if you wish, produce photographic evidence of incidents that took place in the vicinity of the Colombo and Peradeniya campuses in 1983 involving Tamil speaking undergraduates.
Mr Amarakoon, you are entitled to your opinion and at the same time, I am entitled to my point of view which has been admired at least one Sinhala speaking blogger, Chie d’Zylva. Let’s call it quits (as fellow citizens) and pursue our lives.
Dear Amarakoon thank you very much for your answer to Mr. Somasundaram and explaining the matter clearly. Further to his comments just want to tell that there can be disagreements about National anthems and lighting of lamps but no one has a right to take the law into their own hands and attack another student group belongs to another ethnicity. Attack to Sinhala Students has to be condemned. More importantly Jaffna university should be treated as any other university in Sri Lanka.