Sri Lanka’s Parliament must ban BEEF in its canteen
– by Shenali Waduge –
Amid the political fanfare the Sri Lankan Parliament canteen also made headlines recently. It was nothing to do with the 5-star hotel breakfast for Rs.80 or similar lunch for Rs.150 and nothing to do with honey, cornflakes, golden syrup and other delicacies accommodated on requests by Parliamentarians slavishly and tirelessly working on behalf of this developing nation’s citizens. The topic was Pork. While it was announced with glee and likened to a major victory that the previously banned pork had been removed, within weeks that ruling has been changed and pork remains banned in the Parliament canteen. We commend the Muslim MPs for standing their ground and not compromising on their religious belief. We look forward to the day when Buddhist MPs would take similar stands.
Our contention now is with the remaining Parliamentarians most of whom are MPs on the Buddhist and Hindu vote. A country that had prohibited cattle slaughter for over 2000 years and eating of meat started only after the arrival of the Portuguese in 1505 and cattle slaughter itself was allowed only in 1815 should be ashamed when MPs representing the majority populace and the Hindus who also treat the cow as a sacred animal are allowing beef on the canteen menu.
No one is asking our MPs not to eat beef in their private homes. What they eat or do not eat in the privacy of their homes is of no concern but when seated in Parliament they are representing the will of the People. Therefore, it is symbolic that as a predominantly Buddhist nation complimented by the fact that the 2nd largest population are also against cattle slaughter that the Parliament canteen should show the same respect given to the Muslims in banning pork to apply to the serving of beef in the Parliament canteen as well.
If Muslims are offended by Pork, Buddhists and Hindus are also offended by Beef. Therefore, a common respect should prevail and reciprocity too.
The month of Vesak is a perfect month to ban beef in the Sri Lankan Parliament.
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Shenali you are certainly trying very hard to turn our country in to a circus. Your blogs are becoming more and more silly by the day trying to turn Sri Lanka in to a circus.
Who cares who eats what. In my opinion all foods should be available in all eating places and left to the each individual to make the choice if they want to eat it or not. I thought Sri Lanka is a democratic country. You are certainly constantly string shit. Why don’t you use your time for more constructive writing rather than Blow your trumpet about some stupid racial or religious bullshit.Don’t you forget that Sri Lanka can only prsoper when we stop this racial & Religious bullshit.
We still have no shortage of cattle in SL. Can not drive few miles without having to break at least once because of cattle on the road. I just wonder when Shenali had his/her way, what will happen to all the cattle that is produced after breeding.
Are the people supposed to:
1) Pay for sterilisation of the cattle?
2) Somebody going to cull( KILL)them to preven causing mayham on roads and eating all the crops and other vegetation?
3) Where is the space for all those cattle?
I think Shenali is a good replacement for the Minister who tie the health official to a tree (Forgot the name of His excellency).
My apologies to Shenali. On a second reading, I realised you were not suggesting a blanket ban on beef eating. Therefor my posting is not relevent.
It does not matter. You are right about his Excellency whats his name. She could be a female of that species.Just imagine if Shenali became the president. There will be heaps of Buddhist monks eating Ping bath and having hora ganu and there will be no gambling ,no drinking, the roads will be full of cows and stray cats and dogs on the street because as Buddhist you are not allowed to kill animals but the killing of human beings will rise because there are more thugs in Sri lanka now than there was ever before.It is amazing how these people who talk about Budhdism all the time are so aggressive when Lord Budhdha preached peace and Harmony. Utter hypocrisy.
A proper Theravada Buddhist Theocracy will establish state funded facilities for the care of aging animals so that they are not astray or inhumanely slaughtered.
Once a Theocracy is established we will not be faced with the frightening scenario indicated by Indra.
I fully support Shenali’s suggestion to remove all animal products from the menu in the Parliament eatery. This will be a trail blazing initiative which I suggest, should be carried forward into all Government institutions and Government functions.
Those responsible for designing menus for funtions related to the CHOGM should take note of this Bussdhist precept and avoind inclusion of all animal based products.
The Chief Guests, Chareles, Princess of Wales and Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall are strong advocates of vegetarianism and also have porsitive views on animal cruelty. Typical Sri Lankan foods with a Theravada Buddhist flavour should form the menus at the CHOGM.
The President of Uganda and the President of Zimbabwe and the Commonwealth Secretary, Sharma, could be served roasted meat (not slaughtered in SL) in their private logings.
Hey Chumpa,
In Blog 5 there are many “stupid” references.
Charles, is definitely not Princess of Wales; can prove it if you like; Charles is Prince of Wales and his late first wife, Diana, was Princess of Wales.
The Commonwealth Secretary, Mr Kamleshwar Sharma, is a hindu. It will be rude to offer roast meat to him. But the Indians are capable of anything; they may relish the roast meat provided in their lodgings and also, they love the brief case full of greenbacks which appear mysteriously in their hotel room toliets when they are on important overseas visits.
dear shenali. your story is such a paradox from a buddhist standpoint; dont eat beef in parliament but “eat beef at home” if that is your choice.
One wonders whether you are yourself a “beefeater”>
These “beefeaters are Buddhists first and parliamentarians second – remind them of that.
The photo on the news item above is a moving potrayal of the conversion of an innocent animal into food for carnivorous human beings who consume decomposing flesh of dead animals to excite their palate.
Shenali, you doing a wonderful job.
Your name is very confusing? Are you Muslim if so you are the first Muslim I have come across who is opposed to consuming meat. The again another part of your names tells me you are half white. So who are you and what are you???
Any way who are you to judge people who eat meat. Human beings have been eating meat from the inception of mankind so why don’t you people stop dreaming because that is not going to change just because a few of you think it is wrong. Instead why don’t you focus on something worthwhile like encouraging the people of Sri lanka to live in harmony regardless of race religion or caste.
I agree with you being puzzled by the name “Usman Mahmood-Frazer”. Who is this? A phantom in my opinion. Some like Usman are not smart enough to not to make it too obvious. I called his bluff earlier but no one seems to take notice! There are many more rampaging this site lately with bogus names. Did you notice the sudden rise in the rate of comments on this site lately.
I am a muslim of Sri Lankan-American origin living in my beloved motherland, Sri Lanka.
The Mahmood-Frazer clan do not consume decomposing flesh of dead animals and birds.
“Human beings have been eating meat from the inception of mankind ” is not a valid argument. If it is a valid argument then you may also ask “Human beings have been living naked from the inception of mankind until last 3000 years ago”, and why do they wear cloths now?
Similarly humans were not living in harmony for whatever the number of centuries as far as we all know. They were always quarreling and killing each other for land and wealth. So why do they have to live in harmony now is also can be a (invalid) question from you.
What people did in the past is not an excuse to do the same now all the time, may be only at certain times.
You are right but I am not a emerald whir thinks that we will be able to convince all humans to not eat meat. That is a far fetched wish. How ever living in harmony is something that can be be achieved and it will help our next generation. It is time that the responsible adults stop continuously looking for a topic that does not really effect them but do so just to start upheavals between religions and race.The most important thinng in my opinion is to respect each and every one’s right to believe in what ever they like as long as it does not effect the rest of people around them.
sisira p the 1 comment
yes you are 100 % right. shenali is a kind of racial toddler.tries to implant more n more racial conflicts in between two ethics. the great discriminator.
if buddhist and hindus are away from meat, so what? we muslims are very closer and getting more closer to that as because the price of a beef is raising month by month, there will be no demand for meats in order of avoiding.
U muslims want everything ur ways only…
Do Muslim countries think about non-Muslim preferences?
No – bcos in their countries there are no non-Muslims who share the rights the muslims enjoy in SL
why couldnt pork be an option in the canteen – why did it have to be banned just for 5 Muslim MPs…????
u want everything muslim way – u go and live in saudi
Dear Nandana,
By reading your comments it seems you have not traveled, to any Islamic countries, come to any of the Gulf States you will find hundreds of Indian restaurants serving pure veg meals, and thousands of Hindus and Buddhist families living peacefully and earning their living.
Further, for a Muslim, meat is not a priority, we avoid eating meat in non Muslim restaurant, we go for fish or veg, in a place where pork is served we go for salad or leave that place, and we don’t buy meat from non Muslim source!
Further more, Muslims are forbidden to eat/drink pork and liquor, dead meat, animals/bird of prey, (cats, dogs, eagles, crows etc), food offered to deities or gods, animals killed non Muslim.
That’s a spirited response from Noor. Well done.
It is clear Muslims are forbidden to consume decomposing flesh of animals, fish and birds. So are the Hindus.
Buddhism indirectly forbids consumption of decomposing flesh by forbidding not only slaughtering but harming living things. When in school, I was taught that Buddhism speaks against harming of even ants by stepping on them; also cracking eggs was considered harm! All butcheries and fish stalls are closed on Poya day!
Over to you, Rev Galgoda Athhe Gnanasara, the Dalai Lama / Mahatma Gandhi of Sri Lanka. Sir, please lead us in this matter.
Some are advocating banning beef in the Parliament’s eatery while suggesting our Buddhist leaders may consume decomposing flesh of animals, birds and flesh within the confines of their homes. Hypocracy, at its best.