Students threaten Warden with death, dons refuse to teach
Teachers of the University of Sabaragamuwa have withdrawn from their academic duties demanding that undergraduates who attacked the house of university warden and security personnel during a protest on Tuesday night be arrested.
The Sabaragamuwa University Teachers’ Association threatened to strike work unless the attackers are brought to book.
An unidentified group assaulted three students inside the university premises the previous night. Student unions blame the Rakna Lanka security firm affiliated to the Defence Ministry for the attack.
Three students injured in the attack are receiving treatment at the Pambahinna hospital. Following the attack students had a meeting and thereafter some of them stormed the house of the University warden Sanjeewa Prasanna Jayaweera causing damage to it. They threatened to kill him unless the Rakna Lanka security personnel were removed from the university immediately.
President of the Sabaragamuwa University Teachers’ Association, Dr A.W. Wijeratne told The Island that he, too, had visited the warden’s house under attack. “They attacked the house, while the warden, his wife and child were in. There is a serious threat to the life of the Warden Jayaweera.
We condemn this attack and will not attend lectures until legal action is taken against those who are responsible,” he said.
Soon after the attack on the warden’s house, the undergraduates surrounded the security office near the main entrance and chased the security personnel out. Sources said until 2. 00 am yesterday the university was in chaos.
The police were called in to protect the university.
Warden Jayaweera said that he had identified the attackers.
Vice Chancellor of the University Prof Mahinda S Rupasinghe said that police investigations were being conducted.
Courtesy: The Island
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This is the beginning of the riots of some misguided University students, led by Premakumar Gunaratnam of Janta Aragala Movement (breakaway JVP), funded by foreign enemies to sabotage and subvert our country. We should arrest this man and nip this movement in the bud. Don’t let it grow as the LTTE was allowed to grow by foolish SLFP leaders.
Uni students should not be allowed to jaunt their muscles under the cover of the Uni autonomy.The Law of the Land should prevail within the shore of Sri Lanka.It is a criminal offence to gang up and threaten to kill the Warden when he was at home with his family.What a trauma it would have caused to the family memebers when they were threatened and later their house and property damaged by these hooligans.They are outright criminals and those responsible for the attack need not be shown any mercy.Law of the land must prevail with full clout.
Premkumar Gunaratnam (JAM leader) and his bro, Ranjitham Gunarathnam (deceased) were in secret alliance with LTTE in the past. Has a new alliance been struck by Kumar Gunarathnam with diaspora Tamils/LTTE?
It is no secret that diasspora Tamils/LTTE have schemed to establish their ‘Sovereign Kingdom of Tamil Nation’ under TRACKS 1, 2 and 3. What are their plans?
The plan of diaspora LTTE/Tamils, under TRACK-1, is to fund JAM (Janatha Aragala Movement) to create joint riots throughout SL, through misguided youths, university students and other disgruntled misfits, on the model of ‘Arab Uprisings’. This would lead to Security Services being deployed throughout SL. Buried LTTE arms catches and money will be recovered by LTTE cadres, who had been ‘rehabilitated’ but has kept a low profile till now. Joint operations by LTTE cadres and JAM militants will create wide riots and mayhem throughout SL so that the Security Services will be stretched to the limit, unable to cope. Police and army camps will be attacked and arms stolen. Banks will be looted. Key installations, power stations and infrastructure will be sabotaged/destroyed by bombings. Many innocent citizens will be killed and wounded. VIP Politicians, Teachers, Doctors, Engineers, Intellectuals and Scientists will be assassinated. Arms and funds will also be smuggled in from the West. CIA, MI5 and SAS operatives/spys will work underhand to direct the operations and key installations to be sabotaged.
In TRACK-2, confrontations with the Security Forces would lead to deaths of rioters. Their coffins will be paraded in fullview of international media in more demonstrations and riots. The Western media and diaspora Tamil media will bombard the world with disinformation and false propaganda to prejudice the world against the GOSL. AI, HRW etc will accuse the SL Govt of ‘human rights violations’. They will request military intervention by USA, Britain, France and NATO Forces to topple MR govt, to arrest MR, his bro GR and identified army commanding officers on charges of war crimes and crimes against humanity.
In TRACK-3, the US and NATO Forces will unilaterally intervene, disregarding UN Security Council veto, on the side of the few rioters, on the pretext of ‘saving civilian lives’, to destroy the SL Defence Forces and infrastructure, by massive bombardment, on the model of their action in Libya, having declared a ‘No Fly Zone’ over SL. This ‘No Fly Zone’ applies to SL Air Force only but the NATO planes will invade our air space, night and day, to take out our Air Force and defence positions. A puppet govt would be then installed in SL by the imperial West.
This has already been planned secretly by diaspora Tamils/TNA jointly with US and British political leaders, CIA and MI5. TRACK-3 has also provisions for the partition of SL with merged N&E, for a so-called ‘Sovereign Kingdom of the Tamil Nation’. As reward for US and NATO military intervention, USA would be invited to build a massive military base in SL, probably in Trinco, to confront China and India in future conflicts. This is why, Obama claimed USA would be focusing in building up its military superiority in SE Asia and the Pacific regions, in the near future. US and NATO work of de-stabilising Arab kingdoms, to grab their oil/gas and sea routes, have been completed.
SL should anticipate this wicked plan of USA and NATO with diaspora Tamils/LTTE for naked aggression and invasion of SL. The GOSL should build up its Security Forces and draw up Contingency Plans. URGENT DEFENCE TREATIES SHOULD BE CONCLUDED WITH CHINA AND RUSSIA, to come to SL’s aid militarily in the event of joint intervention/invasion by USA and the NATO force, on one pretext or another. The Govt of SL should also warn off the imperial West of any such aggression, now itself, so as to disuade them through our preparedness.
Is Obama the anti-Christ, about to precipitate WW3, in the SE Asia and Pacific region?
I don’t have to be Nostradamus or have pre-cognition to predict these events.
Nationalism irrespective of language or race, has common traits.
Nationalism seeks justice and pluralistic society based on mutual trust and respect.
The political establishments in SL for the past 60 years have neither been transparent nor honest and have always been driven by secretive agendas pursuing narrow undesirable social outcomes.
The Tamil nationalist uprising took place over 30 years. A number of dishonest political manouvering failed to arrive at an acceptable solution. The uprising was ruthlessley suppressed in May 2009 using a genocidal war unparallelled in world history.
There are signs of a joint nationalistic uprising against state terror, social inequality and looting of public wealth. The flood gates of social oppression are about to open and eventually, justice will prevail.
NA, as a Tamil nationalist, is speaking in defence of Tamil nationalism. Hence he is prejudiced. He is not being fair and he is lying.
He states, ‘…political establishments in SL in the past 60 yrs are not being transparent nor honest, with secret agendas pursuing narrow, undesirable social outcomes’.
This is generalisation. He has conveniently not mentioned the deviousness and obstinacy of various Tamil parties, that sprang all over tiny Jaffna like mushrooms. Chelvanayagam’s Federal Party, TELO, TULF, TNA and the terrorist LTTE are a few I would like to mention as dishonest, devious, ultra-nationalistic, secretive, with narrow political agendas and goals and mule-headedness. The LTTE was the world’s most brutal, repressive, heinous, terrorist organisation, according to FBI. LTTE did the most damage to its own Tamil community than any Sinhalese political party in the past history, since independence. Given total freedom to vote, the ordinary Tamils would totally reject ALL the Tamil parties in SL.
NA quite conveniently gloss over these facts. The Humanitarian Operation by the Heroic Forces of SL, in the total annhilation of the LTTE to liberate the Tamil people, numbering more than 320,000, who were held as a human shield by the ruthless VP and the LTTE, who killed his own Tamil civilians as they escaped his evil clutches to the liberating SL Forces side, by ordering their brutal slaughter by the LTTE suicide bombers and gunmen, is seen by the cock-eyed NA as ‘genocidal war unparallelled in world’s history’. What a liar!
The worst genocide in the world has been committed and is still being committed by USA, in Japan (through dropping atom bombs), in Vietnam, in Iraq, in Afghanistan and finally in Libya. Pol Pot killed millions of Cambodians. Hitler killed millions of Jews. Stalin wiped out whole races of people. Does NA skip these atrocious genocides through his sheer ignorance or deliberately in order to mislead the public through typical disinformation and false propaganda his extremist Tamil nationalist LTTE supporters are good at?