Supreme Court dismisses petition to remove injunction against Deshabandu Tennakoon

Supreme Court Sri Lanka

The Supreme Court of Sri Lanka

The Supreme Court of Sri Lanka today (September 18) dismissed a petition filed by three Buddhist monks seeking to vacate the interim injunction preventing Deshabandu Tennakoon from functioning as the Inspector General of Police (IGP).

The petitioners, Ven. Dr. Bellanwila Dhammaratna Thero, Ven. Prof. Agalakada Sirisumana Thero, and Ven. Prof. Kotapitiye Rahula Thero, argued that the court’s order, issued on July 24, 2024, impacted law and order, especially during the ongoing Presidential election period.

The interim order had also instructed the Sri Lankan President Ranil Wickremesinghe to appoint a suitable person as IGP in accordance with the law.

The three-judge bench, consisting of Justices Yasantha Kodagoda, Achala Wengappuli, and Mahinda Samayawardhena, rejected the petition, stating that it lacked sufficient grounds for intervention. The court noted that the intervening petitioners had not demonstrated “utmost good faith” and had filed the petition belatedly.

Several prominent legal figures represented the parties involved, including Manohara de Silva PC for the intervenient petitioners, Romesh de Silva PC for IGP Tennakoon, and Senior Additional Solicitor General Nerin Pulle for the Attorney General.