Submitted by Walter Jayawardhana
The US decision to sponsor a procedural resolution at the March 2013 UN Human Rights Council against Sri Lanka was also prompted by the impeachment of the country’s Chief Justice Dr. Shirani Bandaranayaka, the US has announced.
The US announced that the Government’s impeachment of the country’s chief justice, despite two court rulings that the process was illegal and against the constitution, also contributed to the US decision for a fresh resolution.
The US will bring a fresh resolution to the UN Human Rights Council in a bid to force Sri Lanka to deliver on promises to investigate its troops for war crimes, top US diplomats say after talks with Colombo.
‘The US has decided to sponsor a procedural resolution (against Sri Lanka) at the March 2013 sessions of the UNHRC,’ Deputy Assistant Secretary of State, James Moore said.
The US recognised Sri Lanka had made ‘some progress’ since the previous US-led censure of Sri Lanka at the March 2012 UNHRC sessions in Geneva, but Washington believed more needed to be done, Mr Moore said.
‘The US and the other 23 members of the UNHRC who voted for that resolution in 2012 believe that the government of Sri Lanka needs to fulfil its commitments made to its own people,’ Mr Moore said.
He said the fresh resolution to be moved in March was a reflection of ‘US commitment’ to the people of Sri Lanka, which emerged from nearly 37 years of ethnic bloodshed in May 2009 after security forces crushed Tamil rebels.
The US has been highly critical of Sri Lanka’s human rights record and has refused to train several of its senior military officers, saying they were linked to credible allegations of war crimes and crimes against humanity.
Another top US diplomat, Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defence, Vikram Singh, said the US wanted to keep Sri Lanka’s case fresh at Geneva by moving a new resolution against the Indian Ocean island. (Courtesy Sky News)

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I think it should be made known at least some of us have not fainted and gone quiet. But the comments and wording that fits is not appropriate for publication. That is all.
There is a solution for this.
Wimal Weerawansa could have a fast unto death keeping few packets of Cream Crackers.
“The US announced that the Government’s impeachment of the country’s chief justice, despite two court rulings that the process was illegal and against the constitution, also contributed to the US decision for a fresh resolution.”
Looks like those US clowns have come to Sri Lanka with their mind already set. Basically they don’t care about the human rights issue. They simply want to topple the current government, just like they did in Egypt, Libya and Iraq. Otherwise how come the Chief Justice issue (absolutely internal admin issue) is linked to this.
The sad part is that we have lot more clowns within the country who are prepared to swallow the US bait along with hook and sinker.
USA is a hated country around most of the Freeworld precisely for this reason of being overbearing on small nations and being neo-colonialist and imperialistic. It uses the UN as a tool or weapon against small nations who ‘dare to oppose the will and might of USA and its imperialistic Allies of the West. The UN Gen Sec has no spine, as he was also chosen for this UN post with US approval, to play ball with US and Imperial West will and demands. USA is gearing itself up to act against SL by force on the side of SL Tamils at the behest of diaspora Tamils to grant them so-called eelam, slowly but surely, through ‘Resolutions’ against SL through the UNHRC etc.
The war crimes, crimes against humanity and human rights abuse of USA and its imperial West allies cries to high heaven for justice. They continue to be the real culprits of these crimes and not SL, who totally defeated the LTTE terrorists and killed its leader, in its just Humanitarian Operation to save SL Tamils held as a human shield by LTTE, who were also tools of USA and its allies, to dominate SE Asia against China and the growing power of India.
Past Presidents of USA, such as Nixon, Johnson and George W. Bush should have been hauled before the International War Crimes Tribunal for their horrible crimes. But UN is powerless to do so, as who will ‘bell the cat’? At present, a past President of Peru has been arrested and being tried before the International War Crimes Tribunal for war crimes of having killed indigenous Peruvians. Why then couldn’t the US past Presidents also have been punished in the same way, and hanged for their crimes?
If N Korea is a threat to USA with its nuclear arsenal, if released against USA, it would be Armageddon for USA. N Korea would be also obliterated in the process and perhaps half of China. So there is a real threat to world peace. The whole world would be devastated. If USA stops its attempts to dominate the world, N Korea would not be a threat to it. Hence USA must re-think its Foreign Policy of trying to dominate the world, especially smaller nations like SL.
The Legislature is above the Judiciary and the latter has no power to hear appeals against the just verdict of the PSC hearing according to SL Consitution. The courts have no power to issue judgments againt the Legislature.
Former CJ was removed justly for corruption just as her husband was removed from chairmanship of NSB for his fraud. The general public must have faith in the people who hold these high offices of being free of corruption. Hence the President acted fast quite rightly to remove the corrupt elements.
USA and its imperial West allies must keep their blood-soaked hands off SL internal affairs. Let them find fault of crimes against humanity by Saudi Arabia for the evil execution by beheading of an underage SL maid in Saudi Arabia. But USA will not intervene as Saudi Arabia is their ally. USA should bring a resolution to condemn Saudi Arabia for its brutal, barbaric and abhorrent prectices in Saudi Arabia where justice is non-existent as they carry it out in accordance with Sahria law which is unjust, outdated and barbaric.
Manjula names the US Officials “clowns” and what we do not realise is that these chain of events are leading to siginificant impact in the international arena.
We are headed towards a severe mauling at the upcoming sessions of the UNHRC sessions. Do we really don’t care? Are we be the proverbial ostrich?
The chances of an international enquiry on human rights violations including lost persons in the past are pretty high on the ladder.