The West-Al Qaeda-Wahhabis manipulating Muslims and Islam
In July of 2013, European Parliament identified the Wahhabi movement as the source of global terrorism and a threat to traditional and diverse Muslim cultures of the whole world. Wahhabi cult was a creation of the British. That should make Muslims happy that the EU Parliament has identified not all Muslims as terrorists but Wahhabis. The Al Qaeda was a creation of the US. Hillary Clinton herself admits but the version that the US is now fighting the Al Qaeda is one story too hard to believe. In short it appears that the ‘Muslim’ fundamentalist organizations are all sourced back to the West and requires Muslims to seriously take cognizance of ground realities sufficient to realize how they are being manipulated through Islam.
The Globalist elite through West, created and controls Muslim fundamentalist movements
In discussing US foreign policy or any US policy for that matter it is essential that we realize that US policies are all about what America’s corporate elite desires and these policies have nothing to do with the ordinary American people in fact they are victims themselves of US corporate elite policies. Politicians are puppets of America’s corporate elite.
Muslim fundamentalism is just one aspect of policies that are engineered to serve a handful. The choice was simple. To destroy the Soviet Union empire was more important than creating Islamic fundamentalists or arming terrorists. Thus, the very nations that claim to be champions of human rights are its worst violators. Behind most of the world’s terror outfits, blamed largely on Muslims is the US, UK and their unholy alliance of elite corporate.
What is unfortunate is that the West has roped in Muslim states to fund a global initiative to use Islam against Muslims themselves. The US State Committee admitted in 2003 that Saudi had spent $87billion to promote Wahhabism globally. Wahhabis deal harshly with moderate Muslims and silences them. Wahhabism has been exported globally with petrodollars funding schools, colleges, mosques, Islamic centres, missionary work of fundamentalist imams and it is on this basis that opposition for madrassas funded by Saudi’s are made in non-Muslim majority nations. The Wahhabi teachings have caused sharp divisions among Muslims as well as contributed to tensions against Muslims by non-Muslims. Source Wahhabi to its origins and we know who are manipulating all these global troubles.
Today, we do not know who is handling whom and how far these terror groups themselves know what they are doing. There is little point spending billions to curb terror when behind the scenes the same countries are creating terror and terrorists. Muslims need to put aside their religious affinity to take stock of these ground realities. These terrorists are using Islam as a camouflage and a perfect means to shield themselves within the global Muslim community.
- The links have been obvious – roots to Boston bombers, killers of the British soldier in the UK, Al Muhajiroun, Chechnyan violence, majority of hijackers of 9/11 were from Saudi radicalized in German mosques.
- Jimmy Carter’s National Security Adviser Zbigniew Brzezinski was interviewed by CNN on 13 June 1997. He admitted that the US organized and supported Bin Laden (Mujahadin) to fight the Soviets. Interview with Zbigniew Brzezinski /coldwar/interviews/episode-17/brzezinski1.html
- CIA director & Secretary of Defense Robert Gates in his ‘From the Shadow’ memoirs published in 1997 confirmed that the US backed the Mujahidin in the 1970s. What is shocking is that CIA aid to Mujahidin was given 6 months before the Soviet army invaded Afghanistan on 24 December 1979. President Carter had signed the first directive for secret aid on 3 July 1979. It is most likely that the Soviets were mischievously drawn into Afghanistan just as US has done with Ukraine.
- The American Government and Israel created Al Qaeda under the authority of President Reagan on 27 March 1985 through National Security Directive 166. American universities even published text books to be distributed in Afghanistan amongst children extolling the virtues of jihad and killing communists. J. Michael Springmann, chief of visa section at the US consulate in Jeddah says that the CIA insisted visa be given to Afghanis to be sent for training to US and then sent back to Afghanistan to fight the Soviets. Just as CIA is alleged to have provided visas for the 9/11 hijackers. Whistleblower Sibel Edmonds a former FBI translater claims Bin Laden worked for US as US outsourced terror operations to al Qaeda and the Taliban
- President Ronald Reagan in fact met Afghan Mujahideen Commanders at the White House in 1985. This negates the notion that Al Qaeda was founded by Osama bin Laden. Al-Qaeda is an organization totally under the control of the intelligence agencies of the US, Israel, Britain and France. The head of Al Qaeda was chosen as Osama bin Laden or “Colonel Tim Osman,” as he was known. Salafist, Deobandi, Taliban and Al-Qaeda militant groups are paid agent of US imperialists. UN report confirms that militant Salafists have infiltrated Syria from 29 countries! While Mohammad-Hassan Asafari, member of Iran Majlis National Security and Foreign Policy Committee says thousands of al-Qaeda-linked terrorists from Saudi Arabia, Libya, Jordan and other countries have entered Syria in recent months to fight against the Syrian government and have been provided with intelligence support by the Israeli regime.
- CIA is said to have also given one year visa in 1990 to Shiekh Omar Abdel Rahman though he was on a State Department terrorism watch list
- The alliance between the United States and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia helped spread the ideology of fundamentalist Sunni Islam all over the globe and targeted countries that U.S. elites consider a threat to their economic and geopolitical interests. Sunni extremists are Wahhabis and Salafists. Invariably the victims become moderate Sunni’s and Shiites. However, Wahhabis are not representative of entire Sunni Muslims.
- It is now very clear that Al Qaeda is not only a creation of the US/NATO and their allies, but also a tool fighting on their behalf against the interests of Muslim unity and resistance to Western hegemony in the Muslim world. Why is it that these Al Qaeda terrorists who claim to be Muslims only kill other innocent Muslims and have never attacked Israel the arch enemy of Islam?
- US and Al Qaeda elements are collaborating in all of America’s interventions in East Europe, Middle East, Africa and now Asia in a bid to dismantle socialist or quasi-socialist nations. Thus USSR, Yugoslavia and Libya becoming targets. Gaddafi’s killing had nothing to do with liberating the Libyans but the anger of the West for Gaddafi’s terms for Western oil companies and his attempts use the wealth of Libya to make Africa independent of Europe and America. The press does not reveal much on Al-Jama’a al-Islamiyyah al-Muqatilah bi-Libya (Libyan Islamic Fighting Group, or LIFG) which is a radical Islamic group fighting against Gaddafi and who were former Mujahedeen’s who fought against the Soviets in Afghanistan. The UK cannot deny that 250 British special forces troops were also deployed inside Libya before NATO bombing. US special forces had also been sent to Libya in February 2011 a month before NATO bombing began. LIFG is also said to have been funded by British intelligence to assassinate Gaddafi in 1996 (ex-M15 officer David Shayler $160,000)
- In 2011 US joined Al Qaeda to take over Libya similar to the Bosnian 1992-995 and Kosovo 1997-98 exercise where the local conflict was created to enable a ‘humanitarian intervention’ helped by Western manipulation and false facts spread through its corporate media. Mass rape was reported but only 4 women were willing to back up story.
- It is now known that Bosnia was a set up. Muslim atrocities were never highlighted because these were part of the plan to oust the Serbian government. The foreign mujahidin in Bosnia were all US engineered. It is also known that from 1992 to 1995, the Pentagon assisted the movement of thousands of Mujahidins and other Islamic groups from Central Asia into Europe to fight with the Bosnian Muslims against the Serbs. These hometruths were made available by Prof. Cees Weibes of Amsterdam University in his report ‘Intelligence and the War in Bosnia’ exposing the secret alliance between US Pentagon and radical Islamic groups from the Middle East. Osama bin Laden is said to have trained members of the Kosovo Liberation Army. In fact Osama’s military commander was leading an elite KLA unit during the Kosovo conflict. That becomes strange news with US listing the KLA as a terrorist organization in 1998 for transporting USD2billion worth of drugs annually into Western Europe or are these terror listings simply a smokescreen just to fool the world public? In fact US intelligence is said to have even trained KLA before NATO bombing of Yugoslavia and makes any to wonder what fools we are to buy every lie the West makes.
- Just as heavy vehicles and other equipment suddenly disappeared and accidentally found itself in the hands of the LTTE, the Organization for Security & Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) left before the airstrikes and its satellite phones and global positioning systems were found with the KLA so that these terrorists were closely in touch with NATO & Washington. If still in doubt, a former US army captain David Hackworth confirms that US military contractor MPRI (Military Professional Resources Incorporated) trained KLA and fought with them! Its all about drugs in Kosovo! Its all about drugs and gas in Afghanistan. Its all about oil in Iraq, Libya.
It has not mattered to the US Government that the wars the US is entering leave its public in trillions of debt – totaling all forms of debt including government, business, mortgage and consumer – Americans are in $54.4trillion debt.
It has not mattered to the US Government that the wars the US is entering leave thousands of soldiers either dead, disabled or hooked to drugs and suffering psychological traumas because the corporate elite that make the decisions to wage wars end up securing the deals in all of the ‘humanitarian’ military interventions now taking place with the tacit approval by puppet UN officials.
The American public is suffering no different to the rest of the nations where these corporate elites have either unleashed terror (using Islamic fundamentalists that they have trained) or through economic sanctions, dictators and implementing regulations through the UN that have nothing to do with the democracy they pretend to preach. The American public is kept docile by Patriotic Acts, National Security Acts and have because of their ignorance given away all their liberties to these corporate and their henchman.
As for the Muslims, they need to wake up and realize that if their religion Islam does not preach violence then no Muslim should take a gun in defense of Islam. The links and origins of Islamic terror to US/UK and Allies shows how far Islam has been manipulated and requires the Muslims themselves to take action. If the majority of Muslims are for peace, for this to be relevant and meaningful they must not allow the fundamentalists to rule them. It is these fanatics who are killing, who are taking over mosques and madrassas and indoctrinating people and youth and silencing the peaceful majority. The silent majority of Muslims should not remain silent. The Russian Communists ruined Russia, Chinese Communists did colossal damage too, Japan too has a history of killing, Tamils were silent for 30 years allowing LTTE to prevail. Peace loving people cannot become irrelevant by choice.
Muslims need to first realize that the brand of Islam causing havoc the world over is handled by the West for their own geopolitical & economic agendas. Americans need to wake up before Americans suffer no different a fate to what the Muslims will find out when the fanatics own them. We need to realize that all of the post-World War 2 conflicts were engineered to serve the pockets of a handful. The peaceful majority of these conflict-ridden countries did not speak up until it was too late.
When US says that it was monitoring Muslim radicalism in Sri Lanka a decade ago, we need to realize that the US was preparing the next wave of trouble in Sri Lanka. All of the new incursions that the people have opposed which the Muslims did not practice earlier (halal labeling, sharia banking, sharia laws, loud speakers, madrassas, Arabian mosques, Arabian schools, animal sacrifice, increasing numbers of hijab wearers) in reality have been encouraged with the indirect intention of creating disharmony and inciting emotions of non-Muslims against Muslims. These are perfect pressure points where Muslims are made to make the demands and non-Muslims question why a minority religion should dictate how the majority live and eat. The Muslims in a dilemma on what to follow and what not find themselves submitting to the will and ending up manipulated. This is basically the hard truth and that which leads to all the tensions.
In summary, we need to realize that America is not controlled by Americans or its politicians. In reality both the American and the American politicians are puppets in the hands of a handful of corporate elite who use the power of America to wage wars/interventions/invasions upon nations initially using American soldiers as cannon fodder and now outsourcing that to its corporate partners in the Middle East to produce the Islamic groups to fight each other and ensure that the elite of US/Allies prevail in all of the countries they will hold reign in. All of the countries the US is supposed to have liberated find themselves in total chaos ruled by the very people the Americans hand over power to. The supposed ‘liberated’ people find themselves jumping from the frying pan to the fire – they have not only lost their country but the country’s resources as well!
The people need to understand only a few facts. A handful of people are ruining the world. They have no love for any country, creed, religion except for money and power to control people. The money in their control has made them psychopaths desiring to watch people suffer, plotting to make people suffer and ensuring that people live in suffering.
The people can reverse the trend. The choice of course is theirs.
– by Shenali D Waduge
Latest Headlines in Sri Lanka
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The untold truth here is that the so called “democracy” is having fundamental flaws.
The few rich can make politicians such wonderful and proud “puppets”, only because this faulty democracy. The vote is the most important thing in the democratic system, and not any human values, and that is why everything is gone under the vote power which is being manipulated by the money power. The fancy words “human rights” were only invented by the cunning political manipulators, again to earn more money.
Politicians cannot rise above this problem because their eyes shut and brain-washed with crazy concept of democratic freedom. They cannot understand that the world was a much better place as a whole when the countries were ruled by kings and authoritarian rulers. Few unfair things may have happened but it never was “mass killings” like now in the name of “democracy”. Eg: Sadam Hussain may have killed few thousand of his opponents, yes, it is wrong, but what happened after him, it was millions who got killed and still counting; is it better than Sadam’s times? Is Libya now better after Gadaffi? Is Egypt now better after Mubarak?
However USA/UK has no problem about not having democracy in Saudi Arabia, all because of oil and the rulers are close friends of USA. So, when USA cries fowl about lack of democracy in countries (like Iraq, Libya, Eygipt etc), that proves that the USA/UK politicians are talking from their smelly asses.
The world should wake up to the facts that the democracy in the current form is destroying the planet.
People in USA in general, and US troops etc are foolish idiots who does not know at all what is happening to them. They never read independent news, extremely gullible to any lie by their politicians, and just keep eating junk food and watching Hollywood dream stories, and that is USA!