This is second step to take country forward: Wimal
News courtesy: Ada Derana
The Constitutional Amendments are in three stages. It is not wise to criticize them without looking at the whole process. What will be taken up on Wednesday is the second step to take the country forward, said Jathika Nidahas Peramuna (JNP) leader Minister Wimal Weerawansa.
The JNP is fully supportive of the Constitutional Amendments (CA) being brought before Parliament on Wednesday, said Mr. Weerawansa addressing the media at party headquarters in Battaramulla this morning (Sept. 06).
The next stage is to go in for an Executive Prime Minister’s post. The Executive Prime Minister will be answerable to Parliament unlike the Executive President, he added.
Through the CA the term of the President need not necessarily extent to more than two years. It depends on the voters. If they want the sitting President to continue for another term they will vote for him or her. Or else they may not and that person will lose. So the voters are those who will decide, Mr. Weerawansa.
Most political parties are blaming the government without reforming their constitutions. Don’t add party woes to the government account, said the JNP leader. They are attempting to put forward proxies to rule the country, Wimal Weerawansa claimed.

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I am glad WW broke off from JVP to form JNP. The JVP was and still is and will be a bankrupt anarchist party funded by USA led imperial West in order to sabotage and subvert the current government of MR and the progress the country is making in leaps and bounds since the total annhilation of the brutal terrorist organisation, the LTTE.
The LTTE is making an all out effort to rise from the ashes again through the paradesi kotiyas with the help of our enemies, Norway and imperial West. Only MR, a true patriot and son of the soil and a devout Buddhist, can prevent it. He is walking in the path of our great ancient kings. Perhaps he is a re-incarnation of a great ancient king. We need to extend him our unstinted love, respect and co-operation to take Sri Lanka forward to attain ever more great victories on the path to total emancipation from the imperial West, the mad dogs and bitches.
I am very glad that WW-led JNP has carved out a distinct policy for his party which is truly patriotic and close to the aspirations of the common man of all creeds, colours and races. We are one great nation. As MR has oft said the only division among us today is “those who love the country as patriots and those who do not by serving slavishly imperial Wests’ and paradesi kotiyas’ interests for money and selfish gain. JVP, is such an enemy of the nation serving only their selfish interests, greedy for power by hook or by crook.
I thank WW for his unstinted support to MR within the UPFA. MR deserves to be our ‘king’ for many more years to come in order to carry out the programme of re-building the country and the nation to be the ‘Wonder of Asia’, the ‘Shining Star of Asia’. Let Lanka be a model of good governance for the whole world, and HE Mahinda Rajapaksa the best leader of the world today and for ages to comes, a Statesman of great stature. Whether he dons the mantle of ‘Executive President’ or later the mantle of ‘Executive Prime Minister’ is irrelevant because it is this man MR who is important to us one and all, the sons of Mother Lanka. Let the Executive Presidency be for the moment.
ohhh ohh Nicholas Dias, there u again y u acting like a “katu kana balla” pls 1st of all b a man, then u ‘ll sean the real world
Ganesh is obviously a pardesi kotiya licking his wounds having been totally vanquished by the humanitarian War of Liberation of Sri Lankan Tamil citizens from the self-appointed so-called Tamil liberator, who turned out to be a Tamil destroyer. Today thousands of diaspora Tamils are returning to Sri Lanka to enjoy the real peace and joy of life of a fast-growing economy with better quality of life for all.
u calling mee “paradesi kotiyas” CENSORED mama daham paasal geya,pansalee haduna waduna senhala lee theyana, apee kama-rata gana kakkuma theyaena hoda bauddayek,not a CENSORED balls nathe man like u “katu kana balla” Everybody knows your an Indian CENSORED Nicholas dias,
Yes people like you “katu kana ballo” you don’t feel the pain of food cost or cost of living because your buttering with bad politicians who ever in a parliament, my issue is “cost of living” yes people like use we work hard- we do two jobs to feed our family
you stupid ass don’t think that I’m anger with our hero mr. president-he is a real hero & he I’ll be in our mind a nother over 30 years , he is the one who stand against & stop the ware and give use an Opportunity or chance to wearing a trouser-otherwise “VP” will screw our sri Lankans CENSORED,
Mind your language Ganesh! Be a gent! Wearing a trouser will not make you a gent. A good Bhauddeya won’t be seething with anger. A “pansele hedunu vedunu honda Bhauddeyek” will not use abusive language. Lord Buddha was compassionate and merciful even to the enemy. Besides, ‘Ganesh’is a Tamil name, the name of a Hindu god. LTTE kalu kotiyas even learnt Sinhala and disguised themselves as Buddhist monks to commit atrocities. I can smell a ‘paradesi kotiya’ miles away. If you love and praise HE the President then why do you criticise me using language of SF, the traitor?
Nicolas dias Once again an Indian “katu kana balla” talking about our-myHE n stupid evil LTTE, yes I’m angry because other country donkeys like u try to interfere our matters, I’m a sri lankan gentleman, yes wearing a trouser & sarama too, and you an Indian gay who wearing a pants, yes when I get anger with stupid like u I use abuse language, because we are Buddhist but loukkeka aasawan walen perchcha, I’m not a “saadu” that’s the deferent u legal alien, yes yes my father is tamil from matalle my mother Buddhist from Kandy, that’s way I have groove in a Kandy temple,
Yes I’m proud of my parents there have show to stupid races people (tamil+singhala+musilm fighters) how to love, how to build mix culture,religion & loveable sri lankan family life style over 50 years, so you are here to bring back the fire like “demala koholahale” there is no chance for an Indians like you- we are the young generation with open mind, yes yes you can smell all of sri lankan ass- you legal alien that’s why your are in my country ,or wait till we fart then u’ll get good smell too, yes we singhalayo get anger very quickly, that’s my nature u pons, I have singhala-lion lee and anger I’m boiling like “madduma banddara” because I don’t wont other country stupid’s like you or American any of , your hinde songs the way of your cultures your comment in to my country stay away, ur country India one of large in the world what the hell you ar doing in my small island, we are sri Lankans we have all kind of natural sorceress but still no one able to fined out properly, I hope things will be in to peoples way soon later,
so finely why don’t u go back to ur country and have a look what around you (ur peoples are shitting on the main road, there are fighting for deferent districts leading issue++++ ) you can do something to tem with your Indian government, instead of buttering to our morans politician, why don’t you work like a man and earn like a man” there for once again you are pons Nicolas dias with out balls
ganesh mind your language, this is last warning for you !.
Else We’ll ban your comments permenantly !
Onlanka Administration
Thank you Administrator for stepping-in to warn Ganesh to mind his language. It is a shame on any religion for someone to be livid with rage with anyone holding an opposite view. Afterall someone who is spritual-minded would seek to love all mankind as children of God. That is why, Mahatma Gandhi who was a Brahmin stood against the caste system in India and called the ‘outcaste’ people ‘Harijans’ meaning ‘Children of God’, so as to treat them well and not to despise them through man’s ignorance. Mahatma Gandhi was ultimately assassinated by a fanatical Hindu when MG was trying to bring peace among Hindus and Muslims. It is a pity that religious and racial intolerance has blighted the world.
HE Mahinda Rajapaksa, like Mahatma Gandhi is trying to unite Sri Lanka as one people, one nation without racial and religious intolerances. There is only one division, he said. That is, “Those who love the country and those who are traitors”. Traitors only love themselves through narrow self-interest to promote their well-being. Lord Buddha taught to live and let live. Do not even kill any animal. All religions teach to respect even animal life. The recent slaughter of animals in a kovil in Puttalam to invoke the blessings of the godess ‘Kali’ to vanquish their enemies remind me of the human scrifices in the film ‘Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom’ to ‘Kali Ma’.
Ganesh has admitted his father is Tamil while his mother is Sinhalese. Inter-marriage is good to create an atmosphere of peace among races free of fear and mistrust. I am sure both his parents taught Ganesh to love his fellow men, to love God, and not lash out at people in hatred because they hold opposite views. Learn tolerance Ganesh and put your prejudices aside. I haver nothing aginst you. Do not resort to name calling and abuysive language just because you disagree with someone. Do not resort to fisticuffs. Kotiyas did that.
Incidentally, I am not an Indian as you wrongly assume. I am a Sinhalese whose ancestors fought against the conquering armies of the imperial West. I am carrying on this fight with MR and like-minded Sri Lankans, whatever their creed and colour is, to keep the paradesi suddhas and the kotiyas from grabbing our beautiful country for their own selfish, evil strategic ends.
Thank you very much for on lanka administrator team to allow me to be open mind
There you go mr.nicholas dias finely you have telling your buttering was soo hard to be honest is it?? Once again I’m a not a politicks person even didt vote for any of our corruption political party even any color blue,green,SF,red or ANY because so far I didn’t see any helpful politician active in sri lanka
Yes ware was finish, that’s why we pay for politicians to do there job honestly & properly
Once again remind you my anger “is cost of living” in sri lanka,
I return from my break and what a mess I find. My compatriot, Mr Nicholas Dias, the long suffering Sinhala Buddhist Patriot, being attacked by the LTT remnant rump, Ganesh.
Nicholas, sad to see you advocating mixed marriages. Our blue blooded puristic Sinhala Buddhist race will be adulterated by the terrorist tamils.
Ganesh and his brothers are better off following the vanquished Sun God into oblivion.
The great Sinhala Buddhist Leader, HE Mahinda Rajapaksa and his ersthwhile son, Hon Namal can enhance their stature by taking over all lands and other assets illegally occupied by the terrorist tamils in the North, in the East and in Colombo. This could be done under the auspices of the brilliant 18th amendment which crowns the Sinhala Buddhist King, the conquerer of the Sun God’s terrorist tamils, for eternity.
May the Triple Gem bless the Sinhala Buddhist Democratic Republic of Sri Lanka, the land of true buddhist citizens.
Thank you Administrator for warning Ganesh not to be verbally abusive. I hope he has learnt to be civil. Education is not just rote learning and passing exams. It is about learning to live in harmony in society with spiritual and moral values. Ganesh gets easily hot under the collar though he says he is a ‘pansale hadunu vadunu honda Sinhala bauddhayek’. There were koityas who went round the country on suicide missions disguised as Sinhala bauddhayas and even dressed as a Buddhist monk. these koiyas have all been eliminated. The rump still remains that have to be searched and destroyed. Ganesh appears to belong to this category, though he calims a Sinhala lineage through his mother. His father is a kallathoni kotiya who hid in Matale and married a Sinhala woman to get a right to settle down in SL. Nearly 2 million kallathoni Tamils were brought into SL by the British to as cheap labour to work in their plantations, while the noble Sinhalese battled to kick the British mad dogs and bitches out. It was the Sinhala warrior nation that kicked them out. Indira Gandhi,the wicked cunning bitch, did not keep her promise to take them back. Infact she harboured, trained, equipped and released the VP led terrorist koitiyas to subvert and destroy our economy. This way she averted the Tamil Nadu Tamils from fighting for a separate nation state for themselves in India. It was a diversionary tactic on the part of this cunning bitch.
Sri Lanka is predominantly a Sinhala Buddhist nation. The Tamils were invaders from the 3rd century BC, under Chola and Pandyan dynasties. We had evicted most of them until the British brought them back to create us a problem. The noble Aryan Sinhales could not be bent to imperial British will. We heroically fought them to oust them ultimately in 1948. However, they have re-grouped under US yankee leadership to dominate us and subvert our country on the back of the paradesi kotiyas, INGOs and treacherous NGOs.
There are 70 million Tamils in Tamil Nadu and more as diaspora in the West. Why do they not fight for autonomy in India if they want to form a Tamil nation? It is ludicrous to demand a Tamil nation for less than 4 million kallathoni Tamils in SL. If they want to stay let them stay as Sri Lankans and not continue to demand autonomy through extremist rabid politically bankrupt kotiyas, the TNA et alia. All these kotiyas are the rump who should be kicked out to Tamil Nadu where they can form their so-called eelam state, their homeland, their Tamil nation.
We are tolerant race as Sinhala Buddhist. However, there is a limit to tolerance. True, Lord Buddha taught maithriya and karunawa. But here is a limit. enemies who continue to seek our destruction should not be tolerated. Even Lord Buddha had his Devadatta, his own cousin and disciple at first whom Lord Buddha expelled.
Guru Sathyadasa, welcome back to the fray! Let us fight on brother as Sinhala Buddhists to identify and oust the kallathoni kotiyas, the INGOs and the treacherous NGOs who should be rounded up and destroyed. Evidence is SL was occupied by Sinhala Buddhists from North to South and from East to West. The kotiyas are trying to destroy this archeological evidence and claim one third of the country for their so-called eelam homeland for their so-called Tamil nation. We have put a full stop to it. Now it is time for us Sinhalese to re-claim our lost land,Jaffna, Batticaloa, Colombo, Puttalam, and the upcountry and all pockets occupied by the kallathonis. We have aright to live in our own country and settle down anywhere we please without let or hindrance. Let India beware! Let imperial West beware! Do not interfere in our domestic affairs. We do not inerfere in your domestic matters. We do not interfere in Kashmir or rights of aboriginees in Australia, or native Americans (Red Indians) in USA.
Norway owes us billions of dollars for 30 years of subversion of SL by open support to evil terrorist VP and the LTTE. They sponsored them. Norway together with Britain financed the terrorist LTTE to capture the whole of SL through military means. They supllied sophisticated weapons and provided training. they even sent their experts to train and fight along side. the evidence has been gathered from LTTE bunkers. Reveal all these evidence to the sinhala nation and to the world to shame Norway and the imperialist West. Forget about the subtleties of diplomacy. The imperial West did not hesitate to call for the blood of our noble President , his brother the Defence Secretary and the heroic commanders of our Sinhala forces. Norway has to pay large compensation over many years for the damage to our economy they caused through the LTTE they sponsored. If they refuse to cough up the compensation they have to be taken to International Court of Justice to obtain redress, along with other guilty nations. I sincerely hope HE the President and the Defence Secretary take up this cause on behalf of SL seriously and opursue it to the end to pay for our regenration on fast track to be the Shining Star of Asia.
If two people fall genuinely in love, whatever their colour or creed, then such a marriage should not be prevented as it aginst the spirit of Lord Buddha’s dhamma. As true disciples we cannot bear hatred and prevent such a marriage.
My Dear Nicholas,
Thank you for your compliments. We do have a fight on our hands; unlike the Sun God the battle has to be fought to the end. We will not be running away from the battleground hiding in an ambulance.
The war is not over yet. The terrorist LTTE were vanquished, but the pockets of deshiya kotiyas are in hiding as ‘sleepers’ to fight another day. The TNA and other rabid dogs are still baying for Tamil autonomy/nationalism. They are supported by the Tamil Nadu nationalists who wants to create a Tamil empire with SL. Imperial West is aiding and abetting this for their strategic ends to become world hyperpower. Norway will continue to provide shelter, funding and military training for a miltary campaign again with VP2. The INGOs and NGOs will continue to subvert our country to prevent the fast-track economic growth and self-sufficiency.Stringent laws have to be enacted for security from the enemies. They have to be identified, arrested, tried and executed. They are nothing but filthy vermin.
India has been our enemy for centuries from the time of Chola/Pandya occupations. We have to find genuine friends like China, Russia, Iran, Libya, Venezuela, et alia who oppose fiercely yankee and tommy neo-colonial domination of the world through economic and military strangle hold. With the help of the NAM we can win future battles also. But mostly we have to develop our own strategies for our security. Let the imperial West learn from us and use our model and not the vice versa.