October 06, 2010: Those who bombed the Sri Dalada Maligawa, attacked Sri Maha Bodhi and shed blood killing scores of devotees, massacred over 500 unarmed policemen and hacked to death 35 Buddhist monks at Arantalawa in the most inhuman manner, are government ministers today, said the Venerable Maduluwawe Sobhiha Thera, Chief Incumbent of the Sri Naga Vihara.
Addressing a media briefing held last afternoon, the Thera said that there were no cases heard on the heinous crimes and not even an investigation. Neither they asked pardon for those crimes.
“Irrespective of whatever the wrong committed, the victory over terrorism stands tall about all of those things, and we therefore request the President to value this victory and release him.
“The credit for that great deed will invariably go to the President,” said the Venerable Maduluwawe Sobhitha Thera.
He also said that a special pooja has been scheduled at the Temple of the Sacred Tooth Relic in Kandy on Thursday, with the participation of the Maha Sangha, to invoke the belessing on Sarath Fonseka who is currently in prison.
Courtesy: News First
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Mr. President is not human he is so selfish he things only of his family members. sorry to say
These buddhist monks are an impotent force in society. Why are they preaching now when they have failed miserably to educate the rulers of our motherland on the fundamentals of buddhist philosophy?
They should not be preaching from the roof tops, these miserable failures. They should go back to the drawing board and how they can effectively contribute towards the craetion of a just society based on Lord Buddha’s teachings.
garuthara haamuduruwane wahaama mee skkele wada nathara karanu manawe,
ape senha lee athyee sri laankekayo
Mee kallathoni Ganesh, nodanna de kath karannath epa, nodanna deta angili gahannath epa! SF dushta, mavbima, hamudaava paava dunna nivata ballek. UUta lebiya uthu nisi danduvama labevi – ellum gaha.
gon harako kalathoone ube thatha ha amma,mama nuwara epadunu nuwara enna lion kenek pin wasso,mama kathaa karanne apee rata wenuwen satanee peramunee hetapu weerayek gana,ehema nathuwa SF, RANIL, MR,JVP nemei gon wasso,
ape sama dannawa uba apee salle walen enna pin pade kaarayek keyala
Ganesh apata helikale thatha demala amma Sinhala kiyala. Ohoma aya kottinta full support. hengila indan kalu koteenta navathum pahasukam dunna. dhan boru sinha hamak daagena SF ge patthata kade yanava aanduvata viruddava, rate nevathath kala koholala athikaranna. unta vena vedak nethi padada ballo.
nicolas dias.oya nilpata kannadi dala sf ge prashne gana katha karanna epa,mamath mahinda da surport eath me wade waradi sf kiyanna jathika virayek ban.meka mahinda ge paliganimak with gotabya.
ou nicholas pin pade gon naambo ape wage singhala demala badapu nesaa thamai ada “demala koholahla”naththe mata dan wayasa 47 magee puthaa bandeth sinhala lamayekwa,kotenta full support ubalage thaththa ha amma,mokaatawath nawathum pahasukam denna mata uwamanaawak neha ballo mage konda kelen thaama mama job 2k karanawa uba wage apee mudal walen enna pin pade kaarayek neme mama, mata singha hamak nemee parayo theyenne mata sinha agak theyenne eekai mee wage kaalakanne deeta keenthe yanne,mata SF,MR,RANIL,JVP wadak neha, mata keenthe SF mee rata balu koteyaagen beeraganna peramunee hetapu kenek para ballo,uba athewenakam ee ratata wada karapu kenaata banenawa, uba wagee depaththa kana aya ha uba wena paksayata geyaaama apee janaade pathetumaatath keyanneth oya tekama thamai,ou mama aanduwee hoda naraka dekama wemasanawaw 3weela kana lankaawe nuwara pansalee haduna purawasek wedeyata, uba wage pin naambek wagee penata kanne neha ballo,mokada uba apee mudal walata wada karana pin pade gon wassek nesa dan ubata theerenawa athe kauda kadeeyana padada balla keyala, lankaawe sama dannawa ubawa ha wagee eunta keyanne pin pade walata kadee yanawa keyala
Doesn’t the Ven Sobitha Thero know that SF is currently on trial on serious charges at the criminal court? People on such serious charges are invariably held in remand prison. SF is held in Welikada prison because he was found guilty of serious breaches of military code by lawfully constituted military tribunals. Whether he is a ‘war hero’ or not is immaterial. What is important is any man, whether rich or poor, if found guilty of a crime should face the consequences in accordance with the law of the land. We cannot bend the law to suit the man’s stature. He should have looked before he jumped. Because he got away scot-free after all these years of crime in the army he thought he could get away this time also. He is not teflon coated. His past has caught-up with him finally. He raped an innocent young maid in a senior officer’s house and got away scot-free. The poor girl lost her mind and killed herself. His crimes stink. They cry to high heaven. God has eventually punished him.
Sobitha Thero represents the extremists few who fail to see the bigger picture. It is true Karuna and Pillaiyan were once hardcore LTTE with blood on their hands. However, they repented, broke away from the strangle hold of VP, sought forgiveness from the President and the families of those killed by the LTTE. He admitted the crimes against humanity committed by him and Pillaiyan on the orders of the facist dictator, VP. They were all brainwashed by VP. Today they are reformed men. They have joined the government of MR to rebuild the country as one nation. They have helped in a big way to defeat VP and the LTTE by sharing intelligence on his bases and strategy. Karuna’s reward is a ministerial rank to work to unite the people of North and East with the South as one nation. Pillaiyan is CM in the East. Nearly 12000 cadres who had fled to the SL army side were also rehabilitated and given opportunities to rebuild their lives without fear. I am truly amazed that a Buddhist thero should speak of not forgiving K & P and also KP for their past barbarities once they have truly repented. This is certainly not Lord Buddha’s way. Perhaps the good monk should practise what he preaches.
SF has never repented or asked forgiveness from not only the President but also from the country. He has a big ego. He is geting his wife, the JVP, UNP and hangers-on, to stage various protest rallies around the country and in certain cities in the world. This is making a bad situation worse for him. Sobitha Thero should recite seth pirith for the good of the nation, and advise SF and his wife to have the courage to plead guilty to his crimes which were proven with overwhelming evidence, and to seek a Presidential pardon. He should then retire from politics and do penance, by using the massive funds he received as bribes from the imperial West for his election campaigns to works of charity, such as ‘Api Venuven Api fund. People will then forgive him.
Ha, Ha, sad to find a stupid sinhala in Uncle Nicholas. Karuna, Pillaiyan and KP are prabakaran’s sleepers waiting to rise against the Sinhala Lion when the boss raises his finger. Where did you guys get the plastic face which was shown on TV claiming to be Prabaharan’s body? Is this the reason for your traitor Fonseka’s to visist to China in the last days of the war?
Demala Chelvan is undoubtedly a kotiya waiting till doomsday for ‘eelam war V’. He is deluding himself, along with a few deshiya and paradeshiya kotiyas, that VP is not actually dead but has escaped and is in hiding, licking his wounds probably. He claims, with no supporting evidence, that the body shown in the media is not VP’s but someone else’s with a plastic face, even though DNA evidence has proven it is VP’s. Ofcourse, DC and other like-minded kotiyas are not going to accept such incontrovertible scientific evidence because they cannot swallow the bitter pill their fascist evil leader is now suffering in hell for all eternity. VP will ofcourse have for his company Saddam Hussein, Hitler and Stalin. Go on dreaming DC. We are waiting eagerly for your ‘eelam war V’ under Nedumaran from Norway. Perhaps VP will rise up from hell with Hitler, Stalin and Saddam Hussein for ‘eelam war V’.Our Sinha forces will pack him speedily back to hell along with other idiotic kotiyas like you who may be foolish enough to join Nedumaran. I wonder whether DC is actually any kin of kallathoni Ganesh, whose sinha hama is now falling off. Does he also claim to be from a kallathoni father from Matale and a Sinhala mother from Nuwara? Is he also a ‘pansale hedune vedune, daham paasale giya’ kotiyek? Action speaks louder than words.
ai bolee mee demala sahodarayanta theerena teke me singhla gonnunta notheerenne,munge oluwalata jarawa daala mha godak
penata kana nicholas ha guru gaanu wage act karanawa
why only tamils got a open mind and there has a love feeling about sri lanka insterd of singhales in sri lanka, sinhalaya moodaya weegena enawada bolee..
This is the time to stand against the Democracy.General S.F who did lot of thing to Sri Lankan People,Actually he is Hero.Plz my dear people,give your hand to protect our one and only Hero.If we miss that our life will be dangerous.
Haischandrath ganesh vage kallathoniyek, Sinhala nam gena, moda sinhala genu bandala. Mun eka nagule bendunu, made erunu, meeharak joduvak. Munva pannala danna ona me ratin tamil naduvata. Un ehata gihin sapen inna puluvan! Mun dennage vade ape ratata ha anduvata banina ekkai. Ona modayekuta puluvan ratata anduvata baninna. hebai unta beha rata naggala ganna MR vage.