To inquire into LLRC observations: Army chief appoints Court of Inquiry
A Court of Inquiry, appointed by Army Commander Lieutenant General Jagath Jayasuriya to inquire into the observations made by the Lessons Learnt and Reconciliation Commission (LLRC) in its report on alleged civilian casualties during the final phase of the humanitarian operations and a probe as regards Channel-4 video footage irrespective of its authenticity or otherwise, are now in full progress.
The five-member Court of Inquiry appointed on January 3 by virtue of the powers vested in the Army Commander by Regulation 4 of the Courts of Inquiry Regulations, read with Regulation 2 of the Army Disciplinary Regulations, is headed by Security Forces Headquarters Commander Kilinochchi Major General Chrishantha de Silva.
Army Commander Lt Gen Jayasuriya stated that in view of a consistent policy, followed by the Sri Lanka Army from its inception in 1949 of maintaining zero tolerance towards any breach of humanitarian laws by its members during engagements such an inquiry is warranted, especially in view of the observations of the LLRC.
A Court of Inquiry is an initial fact-finding inquiry, akin to a non-summary inquiry by a magistrate. If there is a prima facie case disclosed against any person from the evidence led before the Court of Inquiry, a General Court Martial, is convened to try the alleged offenders. A General Court Martial has the jurisdiction that is identical to a High Court Trial-at-Bar and can award any sentence, including the death penalty.
The Court of Inquiry has already commenced its proceedings.
Courtesy: Daily News

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I wonder what nakiya ND has to say now!
The villain Jagath Jayasuriya is appointed as the investigator, judge and the jury. They are PRETENDING to be learning their lessons from the LLRC Report. Where else could this fun happen other than Mr’s rule. Hillarious!
They are desperate now prepared to lick anyone’s arse to get around the issue of accountability before the next UNHCR session. The noose is tightning for sure.
Sri Lanka has been seeking friends across the globe as the date nears for the UNHRC session. Its Foreign
Minister G.L.Peiris has been on whirlwind tour of world capitals in a bid to narrate to them the Sri Lankan government’s side of the story and seek support. President Mahinda Rajapaksa himself has visited Pakistan, and is now in Singapore, in what appears to be, a similar mission. The senior officials in the country are also in touch with India, which has traditionally been against country-focussed resolutions.
What’s your main INTENTION by giving such comments which condemn SL govt..?
To whom & to what you favour in this situation..?
Do you suppose any other leadership for SL within current politics..? Then What’s your VIEW here, while you criticise this govt..? Have you alternate perfect IDEAS to solve all these problems.? There’re 3 fingers pointing at you while you point 1 to others..!
There’re many pandits here only to bark at anyone but nothing can do by themselves..!!!
The Singhala Prime Minister, President all cheat all the Sri Lankan people for 60 years.
Likewise, they try to cheat European, American, Indian, Chinese everybody. Now they are in big trouble.
What is the war with the tamil people? Only big money in commission in buying gun, buulet, armored truck, jet plane, navy boat. All big komis.
And in the end, no Prabakaram; nobody know where he is. So Army kill the tamil people.
All corruption only. Big family eat money and poor people suffer. Same in India.
And the big tigers Karuna, Pillyam KP all are enjoying. Karuna kill 500 police and 60 bhikku. Today he is minister. He go new year dance to Hilton Hotel with singhala lady. KP living in Anura Banadaranayake house. Pillayam, boss for EP, get commis 20rs for every bottle arrack sold in EP. Pah!
Bloody frustrated. What to do?
Amden, please help.
my dear srilankan,srilanka will be the best land in the world without bloody tamil tigers and the tamil disapora,we all srilankan fedup with these tamil terrorists,we do not need these asylum seekers, and the tamil disapora with the forign passports.let them to go to their big mama jayalalitha in tamilnadu…….
Pillayan, the tiger, collecting komis on every arrack bottle sold in the EP, he get 20 Rs. Pillayan come to Onlanka and write blog, very stupid blog. If he is fed up with tamil, he can jump into river and the fish will die if they eat him because his meat is spoilt and the blood is poison.
Mad dog ‘polmudu’, the diaspora Tamil, is barking again non-stop. He has been barking in a frenzy ever since the mad psychopath facist dictator VP and his moronic LTTE terrorists were all wiped off the face of SL.
330,000 plus Tamil civilian hostages held by mad dog VP as a human shield (war crime) was saved by our SL heroic forces. The only Tamils slaughtered were the terrorists, 80,000 of the morons. We have the video evidence. The genuine article, unlike the concocted evidence by the diaspora Tamils of so-called ‘genocide’ of the Tamil civilians, two years later. It doesn’t wash with us.
All attempts to arrest and haul before the Hague on charges of war crimes etc by the Tamil diaspora failed miserably. Every few months they try to drum up support nonetheless to do so, our Hon President and the Def Sec and the Army Generals. They were the true heroes who saved the Tamil civilians from the evil dictator VP, worse than Hitler and Stalin combined. All the miserable attempts of the diaspora Tamil morons have failed and will continue to fail. What a waste of money in lobbying and greasing the palms of various imperial West bigwigs and lawyers. They are getting richer and richer on the back of the stupid diaspora Tamils. They are having a laugh. They also keep the ball rolling to get even richer.
Our heroic Defence Forces need a bit of exercise again. I do hope the moronic new LTTE leader in Norway, who has filled the Bata sandals of VP, come out to SL with his ‘army’ of mercenaries for a new war. He will not have the guts. He will shit himself and piss himself in the face of opening volley of shots from our heroic forces.
The dumb blogger in blog 6 appears to be living in a world of illusions.
With the chief of the heroic forces safely behind bars the Kurakkan Satakaya clan is reigning supreme looting the country to the last penny.
Mr Knicker-less Dias continues to dish out his rubbish aplenty to fellow bloggers.
Down with Mr Knicker-less.
Who is this knicker-less guy? Udurawana calls him “Nakiya”. Is he a wise old man?
Prana Bahar-Deen,
The knicker-less guy the Nakiya ND is an CENSORED of the MR clan and thinks that he owns this site. Any comment aginst the regime he considers unpatriotic. He calls such commentators JVP/JAM or diaspora LTT rump. He writes long essays after essays of rubbish as the 72 year old senile has nothing better to do other than write and fiddle with his balls.
Please Don’t publish insulting comments / filthy words.
This site is monitored by Crime Investigation Department (CID) and Media Ministry.
With every comment, your IP address will be recorded in the system.
Anyone can criticize without insulting people.
I will oblige sir as I do not want this balanced interesting website to be censored and taken off. I have one clarification though.Is it insulting comments against the regime or individual bloggers that needs to be avoided? Please clarify. Are words like pulmuda, diaspora rump, koti ok as some are treating this as a pro regime web site and anything non conforming to this assumption is defended as unpatriotic. Mind you Srilanka consists of many races and all need to be accomodated unless you think otherwise as the Administrator. Awaiting your reply please sir.
As per Code of Ethics for News casting websites given by Ministy of Mass Media and Information:
(ix). The website shall exercise particular care to respect the private and family lives of individuals, their families, their home, health and correspondence.
Guys…! jealousy & envy lead to frustrate & trouble the self. Many are blaming to MR with jealousy & envy. In first they need to recognize those feelings are in their minds. They’re May be disappointed unp & jvp members. But doing so you only abuse yourself. Because this’s a people selected govt & they’re in power, it might be not perfect but you can do nothing to them.
As elder people we know that no one could talk even a word against unp govts when they had power in ’80s. But today you blame to president & joke too. It’s not a MALE task, it’s a female task if you were in ’80s here in SL. You must thank this president about letting you have this freedom & letting you have the freedom of terrorism both. This’s the best govt since ’80 as we know in SL. So don’t bark in vain without knowing at least 20yrs of past.
Then according to dhamma that you’ve born by yourself here to face this condition. Did anyone ask you to come to this world before your birth.? No, you’ve came yourself here to get This portion & destiny, so why blame others.? MR also has born as same way by himself. So who made the deference.? That’s the deference of CAUSE of your births which have done by yourselves.
So if you like to be in good condition, then avoid bad behaviours like jealousy. Otherwise you’ll be more frustrated in the hell. You’re going to get another life with results of your current behaviour. If it bad then again you’ll be in bad condition. Would you like.? So mind that you make yourself good or bad, not others. Don’t blame others for you faults.!
Dear Administrator,
Thank you very much indeed for censoring the man who calls himself ‘Udurawana’. At one time, he went overboard with such obscene/filthy language against fellow bloggers, that I had to call your attention to it. You warned him and deleted all his obscene comments. He then said in his defence, that it was a ‘fake Udurawana’ that wrote all the obscene comments. That was an utter lie! There was no ‘fake’ Udurawana. This is proved by the fact he has started dishing out his filthy/obscene language again, in blog 9, which you immediately censored. I think such bloggers must be totally banned from this site for repeat offences of using obscene/filthy language as he lowers the tone/standard of this website. It also shows the character/nature of the man.
Thank you for having this excellent website to give us an opportunity to express our views. Keep up the good work!
Best Wishes!
PB-D, Parakrama and Udu are all proven diaspora Tamils who are daily uduburanawa like mad dogs, running amok ever since our Hon President, The Hon Def Sec and our heroic Defence Forces saved Motherlanka by totally annihilating Mad dog VP and the evil LTTE, who are now stoking up the fires in hell, for the rest of diaspora Tamils/TNA/Tamil nationalists to join them. They have declared themselves ‘the sovereign nation of Tamil eelam in hell’! All the Tamil nationalists in SL and Tamil Nadu are welcome to join them in hell.
And Nico…! Do you remember that when i called you as “nico” then you complained about it as i insulted you.!
But now you do more than that in mentioning of names in above comment.
So don’t be unhappy when others call you in same way as you do ok..!
Thank you for your balanced comment about Nicker-less the old whimp.
Amden, the silly sod, has a coterie of diaspora Tamils now to massage his inflated ego even more! What a fool!
The bloody fool blind misbeliever of myth god..!
you fool slaver of western given gods myth, now talking against the same west.
What a jackass you slaver.?
How do you donkey f..king bugger blame westerns while you fool believing myth god story teached by westerns.?
What a f..king chicken shit of westerns you buuruwa writing here about imperialism..?
Your grand grand fa has done cleaning toiletes of western slave drivers who were here 100yrs ago. That’s Same as the slavers came from india.
But you mind that indian slavers worked in tea states while your old relations washing the f..king kitching of western slave drivers.
Also indian slavers didn’t betray their hindu religion for money, they’re still hindus today.
Backboneless your relations gave up everything for western bread. That’s why still you pray to the myth, while knowing the f..king truth.
Because still you may get something to eat from westerns through the religion.
It’s better to cut your stomac off yourself than being a misbeliever for food.
Pig killers, you mind you’re entitle to be a f..king pigs after the death instead of heaven. Only you may dream the heaven till the death & be a pig..!
This man Amden is a religious extremist, like Taleban and Alqaeda. He is a Buddhist extremist who does not tolerate worshippers of the ONE TRUE LIVING GOD, THE CREATOR OF THE WHOLE UNIVERSE, WHO IS ETERNAL, WHO IS LOVING AND FORGIVING, WHO IS RIGHTEOUS, AND WILL REWARD US IN HEAVEN WHEN WE DIE IF WE LIVING ACCORDING TO GOD’S HOLY WILL, IN UNION WITH GOD.
Buddhist extremists and any religious extremists must be condemned as just as bad as other extremists who do not tolerate race, caste, colour etc.
Lord Buddha himself was not a religious extremist and preached against all forms of extremism.
Amden cannot be a good, righteous man if he is a religious extremist. Like Muslim extremists, the Islamists, they would kill people who are non Buddhists or non Muslims according to their misguided evil extremism. Even the Buddhists Prelates of the three Nikayas would join me in codemning Amden and other such extremist evil fools. They have no peace and joy in their hearts and lives, which are warped in their bitterness of extremism.
My ancestors, if you want to know, were noble men related to the ancient royal families of SL. They are of the Gampola dynasty. The ‘Abhayasinharamaya’ in Maradana was built by my ancestor, who was Mahamudaliyar under the Dutch rule in 18th C. He had Walawwas in Colombo and in Galle, which still remain and you can visit.
These Nico fool never learns or understands where they’ve gone wrong as he’s an EXTREME FOOL. And Just sings repeatedly the same irrelevant bull shit weeping poems instead.!
A real Buddhist never praise any kind of intentional killing of living beings. Are you deaf donkey living in this buddhist country.?
Now, Simply tell me that;-
ISN’T THE GOD BELIEF ENCOURAGING YOU TO KILL, if a god forgive you for the sins of killing..?
Then who’ll be the killers you stupid fool slaver..?
As buddhists the 1st of 5 good habits(පංච සීල) is;- refrain from killing.! (පාණාතිපාතා වේරමණී) for us. So, we’re determined to not kill at all.
Then, if you have learned at least up to grade – 8 in the school, you must be learned in social studies that;
sl was a buddhist country before westerns come here. They came & destroyed sl for their favour letting heavily suffer srilankans. And force to be slavers of their myth god belief too.!
You FOOL CLOTHLESS DUMB is now one of those slave believer of gods myth..!!
Isn’t it or not..?
ANSWER JUST ABOVE 2 QUESTIONS…! Or jump to the sea which you believe myth god has made. Myth god may be at the deep sea to welcome you.
i know you’re ever searching help with your big advocate misbelievers who spread gods myth by singing false poems in front of brick walls. But you’ll never be able to answer those while wearing cloths.! That’s so.
You’re naked people who covered both eyes by wearing the western “gods myth top hat”.
You know only some words like religion, spirit, heaven, salvation, eternal, etc but not the real f..king meaning any of those.
You’re in deep of the misbelief Darkness & while miserably heading to the extreme dangerous hell.
You’re the most UNLUCKY folk in this work who swayed to hell by misbelief, although happen to born in this pure BUDDHIST SRILANKA.!
Remove the top hat or go to hell…!!!
Yes, on one in the world can answer those questions to their favour but to thinking hard while looking far away…!
***THE BELIEF IN SALVATION OF GOD IS A great myth & mistake***
***YOU BECOME REAL “evil doers” PRACTICALLY BY BELIEVING SALVATION OF GOD, despite the word of “religion” & despite the name of so called religion***
***SO, ALL BELIEVERS IN Salvation of GOD ARE ENTITLE TO GO TO “hell” after the death, as a result of their evil acts***
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then all your efforts are in wasted by misbelief.!
The all substances absorbs to a tree of BITTER TASTE will spend to make better taste of fruits. Because the tree is better.!
Same as that the everything you do according to misbelief will cause you to suffer.!