Trade Unions warn of Countrywide Strikes on March 15


Several trade unions, including doctors, port workers and state bankers had engaged in their trade union actions against the government’s move to impose a huge PAYE tax, increase electricity bills, and increase bank interest rates.

Trade unions said that they would engage in trade union activity to paralyse the country on Wednesday (March 15) if the president does not listen to them.

The state-run hospitals were affected in several districts including Colombo when the GMOA (Government Medical Officers’ Association) launched a strike on Monday (March 13) to pressure the government to revise its new tax regime.

Sources said that some surgeries had been postponed.

GMOA sources said that trade union action would continue unless the government responded positively to a joint demand made by over 40 trade unions in the public sector, countrywide disruption would take place on Wednesday (March 15), a spokesman for the protesting unions said.

Meanwhile, several state bank employees today (March 14) reported to work clad in black. They believe that a positive response will be received today, if not, the trade union action will continue to pursue professional avenues.

“A series of protests will be implemented across the country tomorrow.” The strike will continue on Wednesday (March 15) if we do not find a solution,” the bank employees union said.

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