Traffic jam near Town Hall due to protest by Muslims
Posted by Editor on April 27, 2012 - 3:55 pm
A traffic jam reported in the Town Hall area due to a protest by a group of Muslims in front of the Davatagaha mosque against the relocation of a Mosque in Dambulla, the police said.

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Dear beloved Muslim and Sinhala brothers,
We faced 30 years civil ethnic war experiencing loses of lives , property leaving long lasting trauma in minds all of us and serious consequences to the country. It is easy to start some thing but difficult to stop.
Therefore, don’t say any word to promote any ethnic unrest between our ethnic communities. We need live thousands of years in peace and harmony as Muslims, Tamils and Sinhala people in this country.
Media also should be careful in reporting these issues.
I prefer if Media did not report this case.
I am Sinhala Buddhist but Tamils and Muslim people have helped me greatly.
Really this very good our muslims brother arranged peacefully demostration against Dambulla mosque attacked.Sacred placed named we can´t destroyed minority holy places,we can´t forget past 30 years LTTE terrorist war how this muslims helped our country.
This racist monks actived should control otherwise soon blast another war.Bhudist temple everywhere and every coner of sri lanka,why this monks are still wan´t make more troubles?Now very important to build temples…..otherside our economies so down,we should developt our economis well not this kind of unnecessary religeos matter in future!
All who are living in Srilanka MUST KEEP IN MIND that today there’s a Srilanka for you because of “sinhala Buddhists” & not otherwise..!
If there was no Buddhism here in the past to secure identity of srilanka then this will be the Ceylon today, a slave island of UK.!
So you muslim/tamil have no moral right to protest here at all & you must respect to buddhists..!
Sinhala Buddhist don’t treat you in the animal way which muslim countries treat Buddhists..!
You muslims do your ‘Business’ selling to majority sinhalese & you’re living because of sinhalese..! So you should mind that who are you here…!
Amden how would you say that muslims are living because of sinhalese??Dont be in a hap,thinking that that you are a genious of every thing.
We live in Sri lanka as a sri lankan and as a platarian in this earth. No body is depending others. First you try to live independently, free from desires.These desires leads to the discriminations.
I appreciate the sayings of those Basnayaka and Weerasinghe.We are Sri lankans always.Weldone guys.
Mr Amden stop comments here ur very uneducated person.
We are friends in Lanka. And we don’t have any intentions to make you guys angry. Dambulla is century long area for Buddhists. I hope you might not have and land deed or ownership to build a mosque there in legal ground. If you don’t have legal ownership is good to obey the land rules. We are not attacking you or making an issue here. We don’t need any more issues in the country again. I hope muslims brothers and sisters are knowing the facts and understand the truth. If you don’t have ownership then its good to leave. Don’t bring out your feelings into this, its not that and its a legal issue.
I know Muslims are educated and well aware of Sri Lanka history and land ownership’s available for temples. Lets not fight or harm our relations.
Thanks and may triple gems bless you……
Hope Allah will help you to realize the truth…..
Ashiq thambi..!
What a srilankan you who don’t know that more than 90% muslims living here with selling daily needs to majority..? Is that not a dependence of buyers..?
Can you evil doers kill cows here independently as you like..?
And the one who called above himself as “weerasinghe” might not be a real sinhala one or he is timid abuser of his name..!
There’re such ILL men also in every nation.?
The sacred land of Sri lanka has been dedicated to the load Budda from the eternal time of our great history. The pearl of the Indian ocean was conserved by great Buddist warriors dedicating their lives for the sake of Buddisam. The sinhala race has a privacy to take decisions than any other of this land.Sri lanka is the national state for the Sinhalese. All should protect the country with the convention of the priority. All are Sri lankans.
Amden is not uneducated but what he points-out, there’s is an underlying infinitive truth and you must be broad-minded to not to look upon as it is but drown beneath the surface deep down and get convinced with reality! Only in Sri Lanka, Sinhalese especially Buddhists, are afraid of talking on behalf of their rights and equality on their own piece of land due to the sole reason as they need to avoid getting criticized and labeled as “Racists and Extremists in the name of Majority” ! Whoever the community or/and ethnic groups crying for their rights must be legal and whoever the race trying to invade a land which had been priviledged, preserved, sacredly consecrated throughout the history, legally authorizing to any religious group/community – be it on behalf of Buddhists, Hindus and/or Islamists, must be expelled !!(Invaders are always invaders and cheaters as LTTE also was pychopathetic, brutal and most ruthless invadors once-upon-a time asking for whole chunk of meat). For people who cry unnecessarily for Islamic rights here, please one clarification: If this would have happened vice-versa, will our Islamic brothers leave it letting to hands wiped off and simply transferring their authenticity to offer their religious land which they protected for long long years on a plate to a Buddhist invasion ?? And you know, one cheap guy without a bit of morale value (Name is Pure Sinhalese Buddhist as it appears, but must be a definite Traitor of Pure Buddhism to vandalize it) called ” Racist Monks” with insulation denegrating the dignity of a Follower of The Highly Nobel Lord Buddha’s Aspect, hence I dare say ” learn to respect every religion equally “!!!! The Nayaka-Thero of the Dambulla Buddhist Temple (Priest in Charge), had been offered the religious land which had been consecrated by the ancient emperor to the Buddhist Temple of Dambulla, not to raid that land and build illegal mosques, churches or hindu temples as per their will, wish or desire of greed, nothing but to the homeless people who lost their homes due to the demarcation and expansion of Dambulla city and its surroundings of development and construction for the sacred Dambulla city.
Above “Weerasinghe” might be a f..king fake evil “Cow Killer” who trying to mislead others here..!
And now it seems that minorities in srilanka have “mistaken the Fairness of Sinhalese” & they’re going to be “Too Much” & forget who are they here.!
You muslims “Hurt & Kill” animals in the name of religion. Hurting & killing beings are not a Civilized culture of humans at all..!
These Fool Evils should keep well under controled & the Killing cows while drinking cows milk is a worst ungrateful uncivilized nature of them. We shouldn’t let to rise head of such barbaric folk at all..!
I understand Amden is a pool and untamed person. I think there is no any logic and basis for having a mosque there near Buddhist sacred area. It is not good for long term ethnic cooperation. Buddhist temple has thousand years historic ownership but we have to convince our Muslim brothers very decently, through perhaps legal procedures.
If the mosque exists here in long time, there will be conflicts between Buddhist going to worship the temple and Muslim devotees .
Amden aiya !
then how about the pigs and chicks. Are you a pure vegetarian?? then what will be the side dish for the bottles.
I assure that as per ur statement, that ill person will be you only Amden.
Real discriminitor.
ok if we are cow killers asper ur statements then what about you people pig face, eating pig flesh.
Dear Ashiq
Watch your mouth please ! If Pro-LTTE Racist Sampanthan could talk and continue striving to divide hardly-earned united and sovereign country sacrificing thounds and thousands of lives, being among the majority while enjoying the death-free atmosphere, for Sampanthan and his Tiger-ally’s whole chunk of meat/// as well as if rauf Hakeem can talk on behalf of his ethnic group to remove military camps in their dominant areas to facilitate drug trafficking and illegal smuggling, can’t we sinhalese buddhists talk for our rights and priviledges in the name of Equality ?? We will have no-where to go if bloody Prabhakaran would have caught the control of all our motherland !! Muslims can head to Southern India and Gulf countries while Tamils can head to Southern India, Norway, Canada, UK, USA, Australia, Malaysia and Indonesia for their survival if Sri Lanka is in trouble but we Buddhists have only one escape forever : ” Jump in to Indian Ocean ” Sri Lanka is no body’s “Ilayanadu” or not destined to be spoiled and vandalized under “Jihadism/Lashkar e-Toiba,Taliban or Majahiddin” !!! As the Name it says: ” It’s Heladeepaya/Heladiva belonged to Sinhalese Buddhists ” where other ethnic group can eqaully survive with bestowed priviledges same as majority Sinhalese Buddhists !!!