Two women arrested for aiding and abetting the Beliatta mass shooting

Handcuffs - Arrest by Police

Two more suspects have been arrested from Rathgama area for allegedly aiding and abetting the suspects involved in the recent killing of five people in Beliatta area, Police said.

The two arrested suspects are females aged 23 and 33 and they are residents of the Boossa area, the Police Media Unit said.

The two women were arrested after an operation carried out by a team of officers from the Hakmana Police Station yesterday morning (January 29) in the Rathgama area.

Investigations have revealed that the two firearms used in the shooting incident were transported from Karapitiya to Boossa on a motorcycle belonging to one of the suspects after the crime was committed.

Earlier, 3 suspects were arrested in connection with this incident.

One of the 3 suspects who were previously arrested was identified as the driver of the SUV used by the assailants.

It is suspected that he may have been involved in directing these murders.

Investigators found the SUV in which the assailants came parked near Vidyaloka Pirivena in Galle.

Hakmana Police are conducting further investigations.

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