U.S. sure India will go with it again in new Sri Lanka resolution
R. K. Radhakrishnan
The United States is sure that India will support a country-specific resolution sponsored by it in the coming session of the United Nations Human Rights Council in Geneva.
The U.S. representatives revealed here that it had “decided to sponsor a procedural resolution at the March 2013 session of the U.N. Human Rights Council along with international partners”.
U.S. Deputy Assistant Secretary of State James Moore told select media here that “the resolution will be straightforward; it will be a procedural resolution, and it will build on the 2012 resolution which called on Sri Lanka to do more to promote reconciliation and accountability. The resolution will ask the government of Sri Lanka to follow through on its own commitments to its people, including the implementation of the LLRC [Lessons Learnt and Reconciliation Commission] recommendations.” Responding to a question, a transcript of which has been posted on the U.S. Embassy website, Mr. Moore said he was sure that India and all the countries that voted with the U.S. last year would follow the same lead this year: “And the reason there would be another resolution this coming March is because we and the other 23 members of the Human Rights Council who voted for the resolution in 2012 believe that the government of Sri Lanka needs to fulfil the commitment that it’s already made through the LLRC to its people,” he said.
“So this new resolution would reflect our support for those commitments, our continued support. And for the people of Sri Lanka as they continue to face these important issues,” he said.
Official confirmation of the Indian stand was not available. But it is reliably learnt that the issue did figure in all the recent high-level engagements. Sri Lanka has responded to the U.S. announcement, saying that it will defend its rights record. Significant progress has been made, it contended, in implementing the recommendations of the LLRC, which went into the causes of the war with the Tamil Tigers.
(Courtesy The Hindu)

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This idiots still poking others asses!!!
Well, if we are an outstanding, exemplary nation who is an committed member of the free world’s international community, none of this mud which some parties with hidden agendas are throwing at us, will stick.
If our reputation is fabulous (and not bordering that of a pariah state), we can stand tall and face up to these imposters with honour and dignity.
India will no doubt vote with USA and the imperial neo-colonial allies (the so-called international community).
This time if India vote with USA against SL, will our Hon President have the courage and strong will to cut-off trade links with India for good and increase healthy trade links with China, Pakistan and Russia, including increased military links, with training. SL should also stop sending our officers to India and USA for so-called ‘further training’.
Indian goods are shoddy. They mint money from us by selling us these shoddy goods. This is the best opportunity we have of breaking-off trade relations with India for good. Our Hon President must have the strength of character to say ‘No’ to India this time.
Hardly surprising. India went with the LTTE until they turned the gun on India.
From BBC yesterday.
“Israel has boycotted a regular review by the UN Human Rights Council, the first time any country has done so. ”
What is good for the boy of the US should be good for SL.
99% of the countries in the World keep the informed in advance of all major actions. This includes Russia and China. Likewise, the US keeps all countries informed of its actions.
When such information is received, the State Dept registers it and a “concurred” or “noted” acknowledgement is issued.
If you ask GOSL it will be denied because of the strong anti US sentiment that prevails in society.
I would classify those who are advocating a ban on trade and other facilities with India because of the vote against the nation at the UN, as having an intellectual capacity of the fiery Cabinet Minister who attempted to starve to death at the US embassy precinct a few years ago.
Another joke in the offing. These Americans lead by President Barrack Hussein Obama are a bunch of idiots who continue bringing up these meaningless resolutions which, soon, if not already, will be ignored by he world.
Sometimes I think USA and Sri Lanka are both in the same league; the same league of pariah states achieving nothing and states where the rich get richer at the cost of the poor.
The pariah states also resort to murder and pillage to fill the coffers of the rich.
Obama is a bad smell in the World arena and he is going to be around for the next four year,
The American peoples are paying a heavy price for elevating a nigger to the White House.
Sri Lanka has not still sunk that deep, because SL do not preach the others, while using the veto in the UN repeatedly to obstruct UN resolutions to protect their henchman (Israel) doing the quite the opposite!