United States stresses importance of free and fair elections in Sri Lanka

Julie Chung - U.S. Ambassador to Sri Lanka

Julie J. Chung – U.S. Ambassador to Sri Lanka

The U.S. Ambassador to Sri Lanka stressed that no process is more vital to Sri Lanka’s democracy than holding free and fair elections.

She noted that the United States looks forward to working closely with the candidate chosen by the Sri Lankan people to lead the nation.

This message comes at a critical time, as Sri Lanka prepares for its upcoming electoral processes amid growing public attention.

The ambassador’s statement reflects the U.S. commitment to supporting democratic values globally and underscores the importance of upholding these principles as Sri Lanka navigates its political landscape.

Marking the International Day of Democracy, Ambassador Chung also celebrated key values essential to any stable democracy, such as accountability, human rights, and justice.

She emphasized the importance of ensuring that every individual has a voice in shaping their future through elections, reaffirming the United States’ support for democratic principles in Sri Lanka.