UPFA creates history; Secures near two-thirds majority; Death blow to JVP;
The United Peoples’ Freedom Alliance created history by winning a huge majority close to almost two-thirds in the 14th Parliament of Sri Lanka at the General election held Thursday.
Under the proportional representation system combined with preferential voting and a system of bonus seats for the winner at district level the two-thirds barrier was conceived to be insurmountable by its crafty architect former President J R Jayewardene.
In planting their imprint on the political map of Sri Lanka the people have in the process also relegated the Grand Old Party into oblivion and administered a death blow on the JVP dashing to the ground all its hopes of securing power by hanging on to the coat tail of a retired General.
The UPFA secured majorities over 100, 000 in six electoral districts while its majority in the electoral district of Kurunegala exceeded 200,000. The highest majority of 322,953 votes was recorded in the Gampaha district.
The results for Kandy and Trincomalee districts have not been released. They will be released only after a re-poll is held by the Elections Commissioner in electorates where counting has been suspended on account of alleged malpractices.
Daily News

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The citizens of Sri Lanka have given President Mahinda Rajapaksa, the Mandela of South East Asia who liberated 20 million Sri Lankans from the clutches of terrorist Tamils, a fresh mandate to create a monolithic and prosperous Sri Lanka.
Sri Lanka is the land of the sinhalese; others are welcome to live there if they respect the authority, traditions, culture, religion and language of the sinhalese people. If not, they are free to live.
President Rajapaksa eliminated terrorist TAMILS from their enclaves in his first term in keeping with the mandate given to him when he was elected.
In his second term, empowered by a majority parliament, our Mandela should ensure that terrorist TAMILS will never rise again by
1. Developing the North and Eastern Provinces
2. Taking over all land and houses that are not occupied in the Northern Province and in the eastern Province
3. handing over all the land and houses that are taken over to the landless from the south
4. Developing new settlement schemes in the North and in the East so that landless peasants from the south could begin new lives in the newly liberated lands
5. Urban and entrepreneurial sinhalese from the South to be given incentives to move to settle in towns in the northa and east
This will ensure a monolithic society where citizens of Sri Lanka could choose to live wherever in the island without fear or favour. There will be no minorities; society will be true sinhala buddhists.
At the next parliamentary elections, UPFA lead by Namal will gain majority representation in all provinces including North and east.
Hey, Guru Satyadasa.
Are you mad in this 21,st century to talk like a sinhala modaya. I am always against terrorism. But if you write something like this without using your head, then you are the one encouraging tamils to start a new more powerful tiger.
Dear Paramasamy,
Thank you for calling me a sinhala modaya. I have always been called so by Tamils and because of that, I have let wisdom flourish in my thoughts and deeds.
When Rtd General Sarath Fonseka was fighting terrorist TAMILS, he said that Sri Lanka belongs to the sinhala people and others who want to live in Sri Lanka should accept what is given by the sinhala people.
After the terrorist TAMIL leadership was eliminated by victorious sinhala forces lead by President Rajapaksa and Gotabhaya Rajapaksa on the shores of the Nanthikadal lagoon, the only leadership remaning for the terrorist TAMIL community is the Tamil National Alliance lead by Mr Rajavarothayam Sambandan and his henchmen. When Rtd General Fonseka contested the Presidential elections in Jan 2010, about 7 months after issuing the policy statement on the legitimate rights of the sinhala people in Sri Lanka, the TNA leadership supported him openly in his quest for the presidency. When this series of events are analysed in a logical manner, I can only conclude that the leadership of the terrorist TAMIL community has accepted a major policy stated by the Rtd General. Now it is up to President Rajapaksa, the Mandela of South East Asia, to implement the policy which was endorsed by the terrorist TAMIL community in the run-up to the presidential elections.
On the subject of un-utilised resources in the North and East, the Sri Lankan state, supported by majority sinhala taxpayers, have educated a significantly large number of people from the terrorist TAMIL community as Doctors, Engineers, Accountants, Teachers and these professionals, who couldn’t with-stand the demands of the terrorist TAMIL leadership packed bag and baggage and their wives and mothers-in-law and went to US, UK, Europe, Australia to provide professional services to alien white communities with the skills given to them by the majority sinhala peasants. The rich expatriates have no interest in the assets including houses, land etc which they abandoned in their quest for economic advancement. The sinhala taxpayer therefor has the rights over the assets abandoned by the terrorist TAMILS.
President Mahinda Rajapaksa has the onerous task of implementing a major policy ennunciated by Rtd General Sarath Fonseka when he was a soldier and not an opposition politician. President Mahinda Rajapaksa, the Mandela of South East Asia who liberated 22 millon Sri Lanka citizens from the clutches of terrorist TAMILS, has the courage and the skill in implementing the policy ennunciated by Rtd General Fonseka which was subsequently endorsed by the Tamil National Alliance lead by Mr Rajavarothayam Sambandan. All Sri Lankan citizens should support our Mandela in this matter.
i am agreed with mr paramaswami,i am pure sinhalese,but i dont like the way guru writting always ‘TAMIL TERRORIST’Hello,guru pls dont forget that,all terrorist are not a tamils,there was some sinhalese also was with prabakaran,tied up with terrorist to kill so many innocent civilians,terrorist identified as a killers,they are not a TAMILS,SINHALESE,CHRISTIANS,BUDDHIST or MUSLIMS.
but mr paramaswamy,that ur labal ‘sinhala modaya’you also use your head bit more then guru,then u can avoid insulting sinhala people with such a word.
Guru, you lack your knowledge of History…and Sarath Ponseka too a Stupid Idiot and please dont follow his footsteps.
The Budhism was proclaimed after Mihindu Maharahatan Wahanse decended from Mount Mintale during King Devaanampiyathissa. It is the first religion of Sri-Lanka as far as history is concerned. In fact Sri-Lanka belong to those people who were inhabiting before that half head shaved prince came to Thammennawa “Vijaya” and he brought 700+ with him but not “Sinhalese”. Just don’t call yourself a SINHALESE if you don’t know the history.
This country is for everyone…NOT ONLY FOR SINHALESE, I have the same patriotism like you have and you can’t challenge that.
Go back to the American History “as the sole owners of that land are the Red Indians” the aborigins who still live isolated like our onw “Veddas”.
Columbus discovered America that was named after “Amerigo” if I am not mistaken….and British ruled them too. Do you see any Englishman Claiming that Country?????? Saying America is British???????
I hundred percent support this president…and please dont be too Misled cos. sentiments like yours and few idiots in Sri-Lanka will be the course of another Civil War in the years to come if you don’t keep your mouth shut.
I have studied Budhism, Christianity and Islam and most of all knowledgeable of what is going on around the World. You seem to be a learnered Gentleman but I humbly ask you to be a bit careful while choosing you words.
Let us Live in Peace…Just forget the past and contribute to the Development of our Motherland..Enough is Enough.
Our Education system is in turmoil, we owe money in billions to the world bank and others money mongers, development aren’t exactly roads, bridges and railways…they are just the inception.
Unity amongst Majority & Minority is very essential and let our children live in harmony unlike the days we lived in fear of Bombs and Killings. THE CANCER HAS BEEN ERADICATED “I HAIL THE PRESIDENT” AND HE SHOULD RULE FOR MANY YEARS TO COME” AS THE ONLY DESERVING POLITICIAN AT THE MOMENT”
MACHO WHO EVER IN A PARLIMENAT OKKOMALA EKA BOAT EKE JUST WAIK UP MY MAN THIS IS 2010..N MANY YEARS TO GO, U ALL OF THEM ARE BLINED..SRI LANKAN FUTURE GOING TO NOTHER DEEP DARKNESS WAR – if our president respect to low , if he developed our organic agriculture , if he reduce parliament members to 60-70 our county will be stand its self ..Otherwise my friend u will see many of usual dramas n back to the hell
It is unfortunate that some fools like guru seems to have ideas such as manifested here. To identify a country with a religion is a disaster and identify it with a race and a religion is even a bigger disaster. Countries are identified by nationality and not race or religion. Everyone who holds the citizenship of Sri Lanka is a Sri Lankan and of course they should be allowed free movement anywhere in the country and not forced resettlements. There should not be Sinhala, Tamil or Muslim areas in the country and such areas should never be identified by the government. The first duty of the newly elected government is to bring down these barriers as soon as possible and let everyone integrate. I live in the UK and have seen the disaster of trying to create a multicultural country. People should be able to preserve their culture and practice their religion but both should never be allowed to creep into politics and governance.