US move against Sri Lanka an undue meddling in country’s sovereignty – Rev Malcolm Cardinal Ranjith
Rev. Malcolm Cardinal Ranjith of Colombo says that presenting of a resolution against Sri Lanka by the United States Government at the United Nations Human Right Council (UNHRC) session in Geneva is an undue meddling in the sovereignty and integrity of Sri Lanka
Rev Fr Cyril Gamini Fernando, Chairman, Current Affairs Committee of Archdiocese of Colombo issuing a statement said that the US move with the support of certain western countries is also an insult to the intelligence of the people of Sri Lanka.
The statement further reads:
His Eminence Malcolm Cardinal Ranjith is of the view that the authoritative reply which we can give to this unwarranted interference is to immediately implement the recommendations of the Lesson Learnt Reconciliation Commission report, which are based on the evidence and submission of the people of our own country.
His Eminence the Cardinal, requests the government to take immediate action to do that, while requesting all Sri Lankan to unite together in this matter leaving behind all differences of race or religion.
Source: Government News Portal

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Place pass your messagers to FOOL EVILS OF UK…!
We are all very grateful to you, Your Emminence, for your forthright, timely and appropriate views, as a son of Motherlanka and a true patriot.
US Whitehouse, through its CIA and Pentagon is the world’s biggest bully and thug! Its acts of war crimes and crimes against humanity, since the days of Vietnam war, with no country daring to censure USA and charge her leaders at the Hague, for the gross war crimes and crimes against humanity committed by its Leaders, the Generals, the CIA and Pentagon officials, cries to high-Heaven for vengeance. “Vengeance is Mine, saith the Lord. I will repay.”
USA is the anti-Christ, the great Satan, who is ever drawing its nation closer and closer to World War 3, to an abomination of desolation through nuclear bombs. There is no power big enough or bold enough to stop USA on its wanton path of destruction, through its greed for ever more power and the mineral resources of smaller countries, which she robs through intimidation with its military power. The colonial powers did the same to us in SL from the 16th C. God alone can bring USA to its knees, just as Rome and other great empires were destroyed. I am praying daily to God, not to let USA have its own way and get away with it, but to stop it from destroying the world with WW3. God can destroy USA with natural calamities, such as earthquakes and tornadoes, to bring it to its knees. It is better that a few US citizens die than millions in the world over in a WW3, precipitated by the hawkish actions of USA.
I hope Your Eminence can influence the Vatican not to remain silent, as Pope Pius XII did in the face of Nazi massacres of millions of Jews, but to condemn USA outright for its record of gross war crimes and crimes against humanity. Holy Father is the Voice of God. USA must listen and stop its bullying and intimidation of smaller nations, to comply with US agendas.
There are many comedians in this drama. Now enters one in robes.
You are about to send God into rehab with all your demands.
Hey Guys,
What happened to the case of illegal child smuggling by SL’s Catholic Church?
Nobel Laureate Rev Desmond Tutu’s comments overshadows this minion comedian’s in robes.
Hi Every body
The way you think and behave is not good enough. It seems that you people are condemning the thoughts of others.Freedom is lost. Think of yourselves first. Knock at your heart and see for yourselves whether you people are fruitful in life.
Hi Damian..! How’re you man..?
Isn’t it GOOD to be condemned the “THOUGHT OF KILLING” in ANYONEs Damian..?!
If you say NO, then you become murderous too.!?! And you must say YES, if you love to live as others too.!
So, just the “condemning of others thought” wont make any sense. The good or bad status of ‘the fact which condemn’ is make a real sense..!
For example;
The man who called Prabakaran was a full of killing thoughts himself. He intended to kill anyone who against him despite the person.
Then his remaining supporters still praise to him. So isn’t it good to condemn them also..?
Well, Here we’re again, Damian..!
Will the freedom be lost, when condemn the real killers..?
Should anyone have the F..king Freedom of Killing..?
Think of yourself 1st & knock your heart(if you have 1 of them) and see for yourself whether you like to live or be killed by (tamil) terrorists…?
Hilariously, the truth is;
only the Freedom will not make any sense.!
But The good or bad status of the Fact which have the freedom for, is make a real sense.!
You know what i mean Damian..?
This is outrageous!Nauseating and damning!.The way the names of highly respected dignitaries are being volleyballed or footballed is beyond all norms of decency. Bloggers 4 ,5 and 6 should be ashamed of yourselves.
Bloggers 4, 5, 6 are diaspora Tamils, pro LTTE-rump and TNA. They have no conscience just as VP and the brutal LTTE had no conscience. They respect no religion. Hencve the cause of these divisions. God will destroy them in time!
Hi Amden
Thanks for your comments. There is GOOD & EVIL. LIFE & DEATH. Out of the four- you are given two things. what would you select? For me its GOOD & LIFE. Then this world will be a better place for the man kind. Prabakaran was made by people. You could call them evil. Look at the politicians today. They were brought by people. We people are in the wrong track. We think of this life only. That is the biggest mistake done by many in the world today. Where do we go after death. Life after death ……think of that… nourish the soul not the body. Purpose of living….This is life. Then this world will be the most wonderful place to live..but temporary. Think of forgiveness. Forgive those who have committed a sin against you. Ask to forgive my sins as well. Reconcile…………..
Dear Knicker-less,
If you like to continue with your blasphemy as in Blog 11, you are free to do so and you have every right to do so.
I am a follower of Arap Karma, the Son of Destiny, who is destined to drive the nation. Arap is a citizen of Sri Lanka just as you are.
Yes, Damian..!
It’s glad to know you as a 1 who “fears of next life state” & i’m also strictly so.
Then We all like good & life, averse bad & death. But we see mostly there’re bad & killings existing in the world.
The origin of those evil acts is WRONG VIEWS in the minds of people.
The major view of people in the world, is that a god will forgive their sins.
The people who has that view are dare to kill & do bad, because they believe god will forgive them for their sins.
Then Doesn’t that “god belief encouraging to do killing & bad” really…?
That’s why we see mostly the bad & killing in the world because the most of people are god believers in the world.! Which i used to call as “Gods Myth”.
So, Damian..,
the god believers unwittingly & simply make this world worst place to live..!
Then, Prabakaran or this govt has not made by the people.!
If Prabakaran made by the people, then people can make 1 more Prabakaran again now, as some need it now. So Prabakaran has made by himself with his evil mind.
But it can make now a worse one than praba, if there’s a one who has a worse evil intentions in mind than Prabakaran..!
Then if people made this govt, then this govt could be made earlier then this because people wanted it since before & all were before also. But this govt made by themselves that’s why this govt has mode only now.
Do you understand what i mean Damian..!
Further more Damian..,
you now think of next life. Isn’t it.?
So then who are going to make your next life..? Yourself of other people..?
And, if the people tell you to kill others, then do you kill so, while being a 1 who think of next life.?
So. Damian…
Praba made himself an evil doer.!
You make yourself good or bad..!
Only others can help on ones course of action, heading towards the hell or heaven…?
I think this explanation help towards the heaven to you too…!
I know the only reaction is ‘no reply’ when point the facts reasonably towards any MISBELIEF…!
Hilarious for us & Dangerous for them.!