US submits draft resolution on Sri Lanka
The United States today submitted the draft resolution against Sri Lanka to the United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC).
Welcoming the constructive recommendations made by the LLRC in its report but, the resolution also notes with concern that the report does not adequately address serious allegations of violations of international humanitarian law.
It also stated that the report of Sri Lanka’s domestic Lessons Learnt and Reconciliation Commission (LLRC) and its findings and recommendations while acknowledging its possible contribution to the country’s national reconciliation process.
The full draft resolution:
Draft Resolution: Promoting Reconciliation and Accountability in Sri Lanka (3/6/12)
Guided by the Charter of the United Nations, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the International Covenants on Human Rights, and other relevant instruments, Reaffirming that States must ensure that any measure taken to combat terrorism complies with their obligations under international law, in particular international human rights, refugee and humanitarian law, as applicable, Noting the Report of Sri Lanka’s Lessons Learnt and Reconciliation Commission (LLRC) and its findings and recommendations, and acknowledging its possible contribution to Sri Lanka’s national reconciliation process,
Welcoming the constructive recommendations contained in the LLRC report, including the need to credibly investigate widespread allegations of extra judicial killings and enforced disappearances, de-militarize the north of Sri Lanka, implement impartial land dispute resolution mechanisms, reevaluate detention policies, strengthen formerly independent civil institutions, reach a political settlement involving devolution of power to the provinces, promote and protect the right of freedom of expression for all, and enact rule of law reforms,
Noting with concern that the LLRC report does not adequately address serious allegations of violations of international law,
1. Calls on the Government of Sri Lanka to implement the constructive recommendations in the LLRC report and take all necessary additional steps to fulfill its relevant legal obligations and commitment to initiate credible and independent actions to ensure justice, equity, accountability and reconciliation for all Sri Lankans,
2. Requests that the Government of Sri Lanka present a comprehensive action plan as expeditiously as possible detailing the steps the Government has taken and will take to implement the LLRC recommendations and also to address alleged violations of international law,
3. Encourages the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights and relevant special procedures to provide, and the Government of Sri Lanka to accept, advice and technical assistance on implementing those steps and requests the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights to present a report to the Council on the provision of such assistance at its twenty-second session.
Courtesy: DM Online
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Telling BullShit with your pieces of papers now..!!!
1. YOU’RE responsible for INVADING in srilanka as ANIMALS 100yrs before.!
2. YOU’RE responsible for killing 1000s of people in srilanka 100yrs ago.!
3. YOU’RE responsible for bringing poor Tamil people as slavers from south India to Srilanka to work as slavers.!
4. YOU’RE responsible for destroying forests of srilanka & cultivating Tea/Rubber for your own favour.!
5. YOU’RE responsible for destroying the Great Buddhism/ culture / agriculture/ nature/ civil socity/ civil life/ economy of Srilanka & so on…!
YOU’RE responsible for invading as Animals for your own favour & by force in srilanka.!
What a f..king Law or Right you addressed yet about invading in our Srilanka..?
Srilanka is suffering from the damage done by You animal blood suckers & many other countries also.!
Are YOU ANIMAL WESTERNS talking about law & rights of others now..?
BullShit Blood Suckers You Shit & Piss yourselves…!!!
F..k Off & Mind your bullshits which leads you all towards the Hell.!
bull shit USA @ WEST
Welcome the US submitted resolution against Sri Lanka to the United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC)!
As a nation we have a chance to prove that we are not what they say. Find other ways and means to prove it…I mean a peaceful method rather than talking of bullshit….By showing our anger we tell the world that we are what they say.
The US resolution is totally against aspirations of the tamil community. The resolution is aimed at a solution well below the already implemented 13th amendment to the constitution. The tamil community is under shock at the behaviour of the international community.
The best the tamil community could do in these circumsatances is
1. to stand shoulder to shoulder with the Rajapaksa regime and reject the US resolution
2. negotiate a solution with the Rajapaksa regime based on the homeland concept that meets atleast half-way with the aspirations of the tamils.
This does not mean negotiating for ‘Eelam’. This means negotiating an arrangement that will keep away foreign interference in the internal affairs of Sri Lanka. We all learnt bitter lessons from the IPKF saga which was an external interference that was agreed to by the parties to the conflict at that time.
Why do you so afraid to say the “shit & piss” to whom deserve it..?
You can say any bullshit according to your god belief..!
Because your god(or evil) is waiting impatiently in the heaven(or hell) to forgive(or punish) you all the bullshits done by yourself…!
“**He’s sooo Merciful**”(hilariously)
Isn’t that what you believe my dear…?
So don’t be hesitate to do any bullshit & you’ll be forgiven for all shits.!
YOU’VE NO RIGHT to ask any good to do.! The bad also good for you because your god doesn’t mind it & forgive you all.
I remember once you written something here as “it’s not good enough….& so on”
i’m telling why you care whether it’s good enough or not…?
God will forgive whatever it is…!
That’s your Hilarious Belief of unknown god which let You been hilariously hammered by your own belief here…!
By the way your god might so impatiently looking forward till your DEATH to finish his DUTY & give Justice for you too…!
So Damian., see here, the god is mercy but god is waiting till you die to forgive you too…!
So you must be mercy to god also by GOING SUICIDE to let the god to do his duty finish.!
Because god has to forgive not only you but there’re lot of fools like you are waiting in the “forgiving list of god” from all over the world. (although it’s much hilariously true)
so if you love your god then do that & kill yourself to ease your gods duty.! Don’t let your god to be tired in waiting till your death.!
Have you ever seen this extreme important advice in the Whole Blind Book…?
Because those pages are secret. But you know that Prabakaran has seen them & that’s why he introduced the Suiciding to tamils also to go to heaven quickly.!
So why you waiting here & join with them ASAP.!
I’m warning you that your god might be angry & won’t forgive you, if you get too late to die…! So be hurry now…!!!
No.4. MP thambi…!
Nee pooo da… paandi!
Poita ellam ungal thamil aalraaraka solla da…!
Namaka ungal padikkam waana..!
Mahesh you go & teach your fool tamils. We don’t care such writings of you here..!
There is a blogger with an undeveloped intellect. Let us join to gether and protect him as a brother.
There’s an error in above 6th comment which now I admit & apologize for.!
There’re some tamils who say that “this UN action favours to SL & against tamils”..!
I wrote above 6th comment to them.
They think they can mislead Srilankans by telling so.
Then Mahesh..! I’m continue to develop the intellect also myself. And if you read me then you’ll get know that i’m writing without depending others help or protection here.
Now see here..
As a human i made a fault & i’m rectifing it also as a human. No god need to be forgiven for it. I went wrong & i rectify it myself.
But it has effected already on others i owe that sin. Can a god cancel now that effect already happened. No one can because it has happened already.
So i’ll have the outcome of that although i apologized & admitted. But by apologizing & admitting i make it peaceful & bearable. Then i determined not to let happen it again.
That’s the way of real, practical & true perfection/purification/nourishing of the soul.
Because I see & realize it happens the same within me by experience.!
“Not a Belief” which can be or can’t be..! But a Definit..!
So, i made it peaceful here & no one blame at me. Then refraining from such acts in future will lead me towards where i should go after the death.!
Will it lead to hell that, avoiding of sins..? NO..! It’ll lead me to the heaven.
Even if that, the “avoiding sins” lead to hell then all will be in the hell & nothing to do.
But see if i let a god to forgive me for above fault then i’ll not be carefull about it & forget. Doing so won’t be avoid it again & all will be frustrated here.
The US Draft Resolution was a very tame Resolution, which fizzled out in the end. SL expected a virulent attack by USA on SL sovereignty, on resolving internal matters through our own home-grown solutions involving all communities, instead of ones imposed by USA or anybody else. Small wonder why the diaspora Tamils/TNA are hopping mad. They are seething with fury. After all the millions spent by Diaspora Tamils on buying congressmen and lobbying even Mrs Clinton. All the millions spent on re-election of Obama is down the drain now. Hurrah!!! Tamil nationalists are seething with fury. If VP was alive, he would have ordered the assassination of a few top US men and women for letting the Tamil nationalists down, as he ordered the brutal assassination of Rajiv Gandhi. GTF, what next mate? All your ploys have failed one by one. GTF chairman, the mad priest (who should be ex-communicated by the RC Church) will be kicking himself with fury. He is no better than a mad mullah of the Taleban/Al Qaeda! His Tamil nationalism has eaten him to the core, like a poison.
What sheer hypocrisy of White House to advise SL on how to implement LLRC recommendations!!! Let me tear-apart its resolutions one by one:
1. “Credibly investigate allegations of extra-judicial killings”
USA has killed hundreds of top people around the world through its arm CIA, those the US govt believes do not play-ball with them. One of them is a former UNSG, Dag Homesjoeld. Gadaffi was murdered through CIA, by luring him into the open, with the promise of safe haven in another country. His convoy was immediately bombed by NATO planes and Gadaffi dragged out of the sewer he was hiding in, buggered and shot with his own pistol. This was a war crime. Osama was murdered in cold blood on the orders of Obama, who sent a special US Marines corps with shoot-to-kill orders. They invaded Pakistan to do so in stealth helicopters. Obama, Mrs Clinton, CIA and Pentagon officials watched in glee live scenes of the assassination. They then cheered. Obama was not arrested, given a fair trial and then sentenced. Is this US justice? USA glorifies itslef as the most civilised and most superior nation in the world but it carries out brutal murders of its perceived oponents in cold blood, like a mafia ‘godfather’ on the orders of the US President. The brutal murder of Osama was a war crime. The US President and all those officials in the planning and execution of this murder should stand trial in The Hague for this war crime as well as the murder of Gadaffi. These are but a few of the many extra judicial killings of US Whitehouse, Pentagon and CIA sees perceives as enemies. So who is USA to advise SL on so-called extra judicial killings? Only the Tamil LTTE terrorists have been killed in the Humanitarian Operation to rescue the 330,000+ SL Tamil hostages held as human screen by the LTTE, a war crime by the LTTE. So-called disappearences and killings of Tamils in the N never took place. They were later found in other areas in SL or were LTTE who had escaped to the West to seek asylum, under bogus names and false passports. The diaspora Tamils concoct these lies to seek revenge from the West against SL for the total and humiliating annihilation of the LTTE, nearly 80,000 of the blighters.
2. “De-militarize the North”
USA and its NATO allies have invaded, destroyed the infra-structure of Iraq and Afghanistan killing millions of innocent civilians and continue to do so, calling it blithely, ‘co-lateral damage’ as if it is alright to do so. They haven’t pulled-out yet after 10 years from these countries which they have occupied illegally, as it was an illegal war. They pretend to pull-out eventually but will not do so, till they have an effective puppet govt in place. So what right has USA to tell us to de-militarize the N, when it is our own country? We have not invaded another country as USA has done with NATO. We have military camps in the North and East as well as in the South for security of the country. USA has also such military camps, in every State, within USA for internal security. I tell USA and NATO, pull-out your huge armies from Iraq and Afghanistan and leave these countries alone, to govern themselves without US and West gross interference. Leave SL alone to govern our country the best way we alone can govern. USA and the West should not impose their dogmas on us on how we have to govern our nation.
3. “Implement impartial land dispute resolution mechanisms”
Did the USA grant impartial land rights to the true native Americans, the Red Indians, who they robbed whole- sale by colonising and killed them in cold blood along with the millions of bison, for fun. The while settlers were paid for the native American scalps they brought after killing them in cold blood. Their human rights were violated through these massive slaughters and their land grabbed.
SL is ONE COUNTRY ONE NATION. Any SL citizen can settle anywhere he/she likes. There are civil courts to settle land disputes. Tamil nationalists demand a separate sovereign state for themselves. THIS IS FIRMLY NO. Let these Tamil nationalists seek their Tamil nation in Tamil Nadu where they originated from, as kallathonis. In Tamil Nadu there are 70 million Tamils. Let the less than 100,000 Tamil Nationalists in SL return to Tamil Nadu to demand their Tamil Nation to be formed there, from the Indian Central Govt.
4. “Re-evaluate detention policies”
I suggest that US govt do this for the thousands of Arab, Afghan and Pakistani prisoners they hold unjustly in Guantanamo Bay prison camps, which is like a German concentration camp with high walls, razor wire fences and high security. They are being tortured daily in the most vile, degrading and inhuman manner only USA is capable of devising. I suggest the US govt release these prisoners immediately and pay them fair compensation, and close-down the Guiantanamo Bay concentration camp. Obama came to power with the promise that he will close it down, but he negated his promise.
5. “Grant devolution of power”
It is not for USA or Britian or India or any other country to advise us to do so. We can resolve our problems the best way we can, through our own home made solution, through discussion and negotiations with all the communities involved, weighing the pros and cons.
6. “Promote and protect freedom of expression”
What wonderful freedom of expression there is in USA today! Bradley Manning, 24 yr old US soldier who served in Iraq is an example of wonderful US freedom of expression! He is languishing in US prison today for daring to release to Wikileaks a video he has filmed secretly, showing US atrocities, human rights abuse and war crimes to prisoners in Agu Ghraib prison, some of whom were innocent civilians rounded-up by US soldiers on the off-chance they may be able to provide snippets of info. USA is trying to shut down Wikileaks, as it is an embarassment to US hypocrisy. Freedom of expression in USA is actually nil today with even more laws passed recently.
7. “Ensure justice, equity and accountability”.
I’d like to see US accountability for all its war crimes, crimes against humanity and human rights abuse around the world, starting with Vietnam war era. US govt huge record of these stinks to high heaven! Because it prides itself as the most superior nation economically and militarily, USA is riding rough-shod committing all these crimes, with no one to call a halt. Ony God above can punish USA one day through natural disasters as He destroyed Soddom and Gomorrah. I hope and pray this may come about sooner than later.
These are just a few of my thoughts on reading the US Draft Resolution against SL.
Dear Mahesh P ( MP),
I am coming out of self imposed exile from these columns due mainly to bad language being used to defend themselves and also to attack others who do not subscribe to their point of view.There is a set of guys whose only form of attack is a mixture of shit & piss.
The Great Religion of Buddhism teaches us “-to refrain from doing anything that which being done, one repents then to avoid such deeds”-Dhammapada.
Our friend blogger Amden went off at a tangent at a very terrific speed ,now he himself finds lost in the quirgmire he hiself created.However it is somewhat quite heartening to see him appologising from you for his mistake.
As for your views and intentions, we the moderates from the deep down South do love you and appreciate you.Hope to see you very often in these columns.
Are you sure the US resolution has fizzled out?
The UNHRC sessions continue till 23 March and the US has distributed the draft to the 47 countries taht for the UNHRC.
It will shortly be taken up for debate and vote.
Following this, the UNHRC meets again mid year. Louise Arbour is aiming a more forceful resolution at these sessions.
So Mr Nicholas, rest assured there is more to come.
Please read Blog 4 where mahesh presents a moderate tamil view of the resolution and its impact. It is indeed, good reading.
Got a topic to address..? Ok..
The truth is tangent than most people think. That means very deferent. So this’s not a big tangent although you wonder.
I’ve used language deliberatly to condemn wrong views. And not be hesitate to rectify myself according to Dhamma.
But i don’t defend or attack by using language at all. Someone can feel a “question” as attack or as anything else when he fails to answer being afraid of LOOSING himself.
Then We’ve various things to use & develop & practice & eliminate & think & meditate & realize & experience etc in Buddhism.
But it’s no need to avoid repenting or regrettable things upto god belief. Coz god will forgive for all at last. So why be bother to avoid anything.?
Actually no need to be repent or regret about anything at all coz god will forgive for all..!
But you’ll never going to practically experience of such forgiving in this life.! No one had experienced so yet.
You only have to believe it. And if not then be ready to be in hell also. Coz who knows what happens after death.?
Then we’ll never be frustrated or lose anywhere till we follow dhamma practically. You also had only to pick a thing from Dhamma. See how it’s also condemn the misbelief of god..!
AUJ I Totally agree with you. Bad is evil. No Dhamma in it.
Dear Amden
Forgiveness: – Amden you are not in the right path when it comes to forgiveness.
Let me explain –
If I deliberately or by mistake kill a person ….and I go and ask for forgiveness with true repentance and promise that I would not repeat the sin that I committed… again in my life is the real meaning of forgiveness. Repent for what you did and ask for pardon.
You cannot repeat the same sin again……………… life.
We will know the work of forgiveness is complete when we experience the freedom that comes as a result. We are the ones who suffer most when we choose not to forgive. When we do forgive, the Lord sets our hearts free from the anger, bitterness and hurt that previously imprisoned us.
If we don’t forgive, neither will we be forgiven: the God that I mentioned in one of my writings is of-cause merciful.
Mind you I am not undercover a nick name. My Name is Damian …real Name
Dear Amden
AUJ Please forgive and forget Amden
God will not forgive everybody. A person who repent and ask for pardon and will not do the same sin again in his life time will only be forgiven…..
God doesn’t like us to be in Hell but we select it.
F*** is a sacred thing. We are among the living for the sake of that beautiful act of our parents. Using F*** in your mother-tong is a disgrace to your parents.
The biggest problem is that many people who practice once faith do not know what life is after death…
So let us forgive and forget………………
I’m not a type of 1 who you think but i talk only reasonmably. I’ve loving kindness towards all than you. Then the name is not important here too.
You failed to answer my question as fear of collapsing your whole belief. And you take a fact in Great Buddhism to recover your Misbelief of god (which Auj mentioned). You’ll never understand the Great Buddhism although be “COPY CATS” of The Great Buddhism.!
Your thinking of forgiving an unknown god is simply just an illusion. Because no one can ever prove or experience it.
You only repeat same thing again & again in vain. Then you foolishly come to explain me what i’ve explained you above with same meaning. This’s causing me to Damn you & your misbelief with Shit & Piss. Can you & Auj both understand that now.? You’re only beating around the bush & never come to any point to talk straitly.!
Because you’re in the BOTTOM OF DEEP WELL OF WRONG VIEW. You can’t think free & Broadly. You’ve no reasoning power. Your’re blinded with Misbelief.
Let it be so & then you say above that “…The lord Sets our hearts free from anger…”
if it’s true then why that lord can’t set your heart not to do any fault by you..?”
if a god can create you then why he fails do simple thing than that..?
My friend..! You mind that the each thing you say in god belief, contains the false…!!
You’re trapped in an ILLUSION OF GOD BELIEF…!!!
By talking with me in your god belief, You’ll only provide me reasonable facts yourself to Damn you with shit & piss…!!!
Now…! I’m telling you all god believers in the world…!!!
1. Tell me just one thing in your god belief which i can’t condemn reasonably…!!!
2. Tell me just one thing in “GREAT BUDDHISM” if you can condemn it reasonably…!!!
I just say that the more you talk in god belief, the more you’ll be frustrated…!