US threatened Lanka with sanctions during final stage of war – Wikileaks
Courtesy: Ada Derana – Pix by
The US had threatened Sri Lanka with costly sanctions if weapons deals were carried out with Iran and North Korea during the final stage of the war, a US wikileaks cable reveals, Norwegian newspaper reports.
According to the English Norwegian newspaper, “During the final stages of its war against the LTTE, Sri Lanka was reportedly in negotiations to buy rocket launchers and other military equipment from both Iran and North Korea. US officials threatened Sri Lanka with costly sanctions if the weapons deals were carried out. Any purchases would have been in violation of UN resolutions against trade with either country.”
The paper adds that the leaked cable states that “Sri Lankan officials denied they were in the process of illegal weapon purchases, but the US ambassador in Colombo wasn’t convinced. There was no comment on any deals with North Korea.”
Oslo newspaper Aftenposten continues to churn out stories related to the content of more than 250,000 diplomatic cables that the US had intended to keep secret. Among the topics: Sri Lankan dealings with Iran, alleged French espionage and German-US spy satellites, and Israel’s plans for war.

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USA should mind their own business,I think they have a big problem because srilanka did not ask help from them.Srilanka very much like to have our neighbours countries like India China japan Iran etc.because they gave a great help to srilanka, to finished one of the worst terrorist, in the world call Ltte. Therefore I am asking all the srilanken should get together and we have to be very proud,because we are the only country in the world,won the war against the terrorist. I am very proud as an origin tamil to be srilanken.god bless my srilanka.
Imperialist Yankees and the British Tommies assisted terrorist LTTE through Vikings, financially and with sophisticated weapons purchases through intermediate agencies. They wanted LTTE to capture the whole of SL and then export the eelam ideology to Tamil Nadu. US plan was to break-up India into several independent States just as USSR was split-up. The imperial West feared the rise of India to be superpower and a challenge to US supremacy in SE Asia. US wanted to dominate SE Asia and have a base in Trincomalee. Hence they did not want LTTE to be defeated. LTTE was just a tool for them, just as Iraq was against Iran, in the past.
Even India refused the sale of sophisticated conventional weapons to SL. They sold us their decrepit 2D Radar system which could not even detect the slow-flying monoplane the LTTE used to bomb targets in Colombo. India then bought the sophisticated 3D Radar system from Israel, who installed it for India. India is not our real friend. From the time Indira Gandhi trained, financed, armed and let-loose the LTTE terrorists on SL, India has been our enemy. India has now set-up consular offices in Jaffna and Hambantotoa to spy on us through RAW. MR should not have allowed it. He has now become a weak leader.
We managed to obtain sophisticated conventional weapons from Ukraine, Pakistan and China mainly. Iran, Lybia and a few other countries have helped us financially and through bi-lateral trade. We have not bought weapons from Iran and North Korea. I wonder whst other juicy info will be released by Wikileaks re US duplicity and treachery in SL by working against SL interests through its enemies.
If all Tamil can think like a pillayan I don’t need say what will be the future of Sri Lanka This is what we need from all the community not as a Tamil, Singhala or Muslim should Think as a Sri Lankan then no one can touch this great land’
Well i dunno what pillayan thinks. what i think is pillayan is immature. it will be great site to see all tamil and sinhala people living in harmony. but this is very cosmetic. just words are not enough. this unity needs to be reflected in the constituion .equal rights for tamil people. without this there will be always conflict among tamils and sinhalese. the current consitution is racist and discrmintive. how can you expect unity between tamils and sinhalese when people look at there racial identity rather than there acadamic results to give admission to university and jobs. 1983 riots , the president said the war is over but still thousands of innocent tamil stuck inside the camp without basic needs even after 1.5 years what a shame . with all these problems how can you expect tamil people to live in harmony.
This individual who calls himself ‘DON Yen’, a most peculiar name, seems to be a diaspora LTTE goon. That is why he is unaware that the Tamils in SL everywhere, not just in North and East, enjoy a peaceful co-existence today, free at last from the scourge of the fascist psychopath dictator VP and his equally brutal LTTE terrorists, who repressed his own Tamil community for 30 long years.
Does this man not know there are no more IDP camps in SL? In Tamil Nadu there are huge camps to this day of Tamils who have been exiled from Burma and have fled LTTE grip in SL. They live in slum conditions. I know this for a fact because I have worked in these camps in TN. Today, Tamil exiles in TN are returning to SL because the conditions are so much better here. SL Tamils vote with their feet, just as they did when they crossed the Nanthikadal lagoon in the final War of Liberation to cross-over to the security of SL army side, amidst a hail of bullets from LTTE and the bomb blasts of LTTE suicide squads who tried to prevent the exodus. The Tamil community in SL is not interested in eelam of the rabid Tamil nationalists. They just want to live in peace to bring up their children to enjoy a better quality of life. There is no racial discrimination in SL. It is a myth created by Tamil nationalists. There is equality of opportunity to all Sri lankan citizens. I deplore caste discrimination in Tamil community which is a major problem. DON Yen should address this problem first. I salute Pillaiyan for his bravery in uttering the obvious truth that SL Tamils are today free at last from the fascist regime of the psychopath VP and his brutal LTTE terrorists. SL Tamils are ow enjoying peace at last to lead a better quality of life, with massive aid from SL government.
my dear mr.don yen,I am not Immature,to tell you francly we tamils and singhala we have never had any problems each other.the present crises been created by our own tamils people,not the singhala people,i went to school with singhala friends i did not have any problems,I went to colombo universiti i did not have any problems been a tamil, who create the 1983 riots,not the singhala people that was VP.During that period even I lost many things,but i do not blams for singhala people,that was fate of all srilanken.You are asking for equal rights,can you please tell me which western country you get been a foriegner your equel rights,I have lot of friends who went abroad for ever,they are really frustrated with their life and with their children.So my dear according to your heart think yourself.srilanka is not such a bad country.therfore my adviced is all the tamil disapora has to think differant way otherwise there will be always conflict among the tamils and singhalis.
Dear Messer Nicholas dias and pillayan
i am niether a pro ltte nor a tamil nationalist. Please do not misunderstand. I am a sri lankan just like anyone of you. but as a citizen of a democratic socialist republic country i would like my voice to be heard rather than being suppressed, not like Mr lasith wickremasingha’s voice, a journalist who got shot for expressing his point of views.
I do not support LTTE because they are murderers, I completely agree on that with Dias and pillayan. I am not against Sinhalese people in fact one of my parent is a sinhale. But I am against the Government. they eradicate anyone who speaks against them, the worst part is it cost them more than 20000 lives to end this war (this is just the tamils from north, but the figure is much higher if you include the SL soldiers).
The value of a human life is immeasurable as we all know. I am glad that the war is stopped now but i am angry on the government that they behaved like LTTE showing no difference between them, massacring innocent civilians in north to end this war, they should have done this in another way.
Coming back to you Mr Nicholas Dias
I respect you for working as an aid worker for TN camps. Could you pls explain to me what is TN? I think I didn’t understand the abbreviation TN? Anyhow since you have outdated news about IDP camps let me update with some new statistics? Until the time of writing this message which is roughly more than one and a half years after the war had ended, there had been only 94% of total refugees been released so far. That 94% is 326000 lives and there another 21000 lives stuck inside this camp and they will be released mid or later this year. Just imagine Mr. Dias how would you feel if you are stuck in one of those IDP camps with very low living conditions. I don’t think it’s a very nice picture. I am angry against the government for their slow process. The whole world know, accept for sri Lankan government which is trying to hide the sexual abuse and killings of some of the refugees from those IDP camps by the SL army. There are many archives available at UN to substantiate this. Unfortunately the people who got abused happend to be Tamils. Well tamil eelam is a stupid idea in my opinion. May be the tamil eelam is plausible if both sides of sri lanka is governed by a federal government like French Canada, providing the necessary constitutional rights for both parties. I have to disagree with you on the idea of no racial discrimination in Sri lanka. I think there was and there are, but i do not wish this discrmination to exist in the future. For instance Dudley Shelton sennanayake one of our earliest prime minister who imposed a law not to give citizen ship for tea workers who came from india, again unfortunately they were Tamils, the 1983 black july incident again the the people who died were tamil, burning of Jaffna libaray which destroyed some of the most richest tamil literature, 1977 riots, 1953 riots, 1958 riots, 1956 gal oya riots, 2000 bandrawela riots where 27 youths got massacred by the local community with the help of the police. Again those youths were tamils. How unfortunate again. The 2006 riots. With all those past events i cannot understand how come you are saying that there are no racial discriminations. Those riots were clear act of racism provoked by the government.
Okay now rather than giving you past accounts .let me tell you about the present. Certain things ratified like the DS sennanaykes’ citizenship law which is a good thing and there are some gray areas in the constitution which needs to be amended. This must be done for betterment of all sri Lankans rather than discriminating the tamils. There were hundreds of thousands of Tamil civilians died unnecessarily because of those riots and civil war. And those people who lost their loved ones and those who abused physically and mentally needs see some sort of justice.
Okay mr dias let me put you in scenario for the sake of argument. Lets say the majority of sri lankan population are tamils and the tamils are very discriminative and there were lots riots happening against Sinhalese minority. And you lost one of your family member say your wife or you mother or your sister some one.. won’t you be angry against the government for letting this riot to happen?. Wont you be desperate to see some sort of justice? Wont you have hatred towards tamils unconsciously for murdering you family member? What would you do? Would you just forget everything and keep quite
This is just a scenario for the sake of argument but i wish and may god bless you and your family with a better and prosperous life. I am sure you are a family man.
Now if you want real peace to prosper between tamils and Sinhalese those tamil families who got effected needs some sort of justice other wise thing will go back to square one. Remeber LTTE got stronger after 1983 riots; they took advantage of the people who got effected in the riots, and the government took the advantage of the racial discrimination to stay in control, it was a great way for them to do politics in 1950’s to gain majority vote. The result was devastating and innocent peoples mind were poisoned by racial discrimination. I do not want this to happen in the future
I am not against Sinhalese and I am not against you mr. Dias All I am saying is that you need to be a bit more aware the things which happened and happening behind you and take necessary actions. In this way perhaps like you said there will real peace between tamils and Sinhalese all over sri lanka not just in colombo.
Okay now you said you deplore the caste discrimination in tamil community. I admire you for that but this discrimation is not solely seen on tamil communities it can be seen in many other communities even in Sinhalese community. I can write pages after pages about the racial discrimination in Sinhalese community but i would suggest you to read Sadharmaratnavaliya and Yogaratnakaraya which you give a great insight to the pre british empire caste system such as “govigamma”, “karav”, “Durave”, “berave” and so on… existed in sri lanka.
Okay now MR Pillayan.
You have a very weird name for being a tamil, but definitely better than mine. Anyhow Like i said it is not about you going to school with Sinhala friends many of my Sinhalese friends who studied with me at Yale. I am talking about the effected people due to racial riots provoked by the government, the constitution which needs to be changed for equal rights, which needs to be addressed properly, deploy and vigilate without any racial discrimination, and you are talking about hanging out with friends and having a baila party which sound immature, thats why i called you an immature. I am very happy that you are satisfied with your life. And you got a place in the university. But do you know the exact number of qualified tamil students who got rejected admission to university because their ethnic minority?. Do you know the government have a quote for giving admission for letting student to university based on their ethnicity rather than their A level results. My friend this is called racism. You are not aware of the thing which are happening behind the screen and you are living in a teddy bear lane which made me call you an immature. You asked about equal rights in western country for forginer and I have only one answer for your question “Obama” which explain the equal rights more than anything. I don’t know what is wrong with your friends abroad, but i can tell you this even though your friends have some mirage of racial discrimination it is not bad as sri lanka.
Okay now again i am happy for you that you lost only things during 1983 riots, because i know people who lost their loved ones, 4000 tamils were killed during black july . 4000 lives are more valuable than the things that you lost. And of course Sinhalese people are not responsible for this the government is it responsible for provoking such racial riot and not doing anything about it. The govement didn’t show any justice for those innocent 4000 lives.
This is reality and mr dias try not to salute mr pillayan who lives in a teddy bear lane.
Mr Don Yen is an western imperialist educated (Yale) goon attached to diaspora LTT rump.
His brain is stuck in the pinky holes in the fat bottoms of dumb blonde women.
How dare are he insults patriots of the Supreme Sinhala Buddhist Republic of Sri Lanka such as Hon Nicholas Diaz Mahatmaya and Hon Pillayan Mahatmaya who bears the name of the terrorist turned cabinet minister.
Okay Mr ASELA welcome to the forum. Yes I am a jolly graduated person from University of yale which is one of the top university in rivalry with harvard and oxford. A good education is very imprtant, i guess you didn’t recive that i can see that from your language which cleary defines who is the real goon here.
Again you just expressing vulgar thoughts other than your point of views, i guess you have a mem brain, no wonder why you are so workd up on the fact that i studied at yale. Yes of course I like all types of women blonde white ,asian, black i am not a racist. in fact i have dated many blonde women and south asian women some of them happend to be sinhalese women, if you have something agiants that i advice to go see a doctor because you might be suffering from homophobic.
I always dare, because dareness is something that in my blodd probably i got this from my parents. I will express my point of view on anyone znd anything thats my right.
keep your racial supremeist ideology for you self and find yourself a nice women.I think your brains are messed up due to lack sex. You joker
My dear Don yen,thank you for your comments,But tell you francly in your message you did not mention a one good positive thing about srilanka or srilanken governmant or singhala are telling you do not like Ltte or terrorism,but if some one read carefully about your article can understand who is racial and who discriminates who.As you said i am really lucky to be srilanken and i am also very proud it.Also you were telling there is no justice in srilanka,tell me what did ltte done to our own tamils,and what happen to our past tamil polititions who came to power,like Mr.amithralingem and etc.And who kiled our best foreign minister mr kadiragam not only that you are talking only North tamils, what about the tamils who lives out of the north.Also i would like to ask you what happen to the politcal parties like eplrf,plot,eros,who stopped are telling you do not like Ltte?I do not think so,Do you think we tamils got the justice,and the freedom from mr.V.P.What happen to the money been collected by western ltte disapora?Did they spend for building school,hospital,road, they put on their own pokets,where did the children from went and join with Ltte,poor tamil young boys and girls,Tamils who got enough money they bribed for Ltte and left the srilanka and got their asylmant in western countries,and now they blame for srilanka.So my dear according to our knowledge we have to be very generos to our mother lanka, and we all have to get together and rebuild our beautifull country.
Asela has correctly described Don Yen as a “western imperialist educated (Yale) goon attached to diaspora LTT rump”. I would like to add that he is a cross-bred half breed who has no affiliations to the Sinhala Buddhist State of Sri Lanka.
I have been advocating land reform in the north and east to return all the land squatted on by terrorist tamils and their ancestors, to the true owners of the land, the Sinhala Buddhist peasantry. I have identified Namal R as a capable Prime Minister who can lead this reform programme.
Sri Lanka should abolish thesavalamai without any further delay. Sri lanka should by law ban all inter-racial marriages to ensure purity of the Sinhala Buddhist race.
We, the Sinhala people, really love chipanzees like Mr Pillayan. They have no thoughts of their own and can be trained like monkees in the zoo to eat bananas when given without peeling the skin. We love you Mr Pillayan, you are a leading chimpanzee and we like to see more of you in our Snhala Buddhist State.
But we don’t want your brothers in the north and east. They are VP’s people, they are terrorists who hack our women and children to death at night in the villages.
So, I tell all tamil people, please join the chimpanzee band lead by Mr Pillayan and we will give each of you a banana every day to eat to keep your bottoms happy.
But terrorist people like the smarty ass Don Yen, we dont need them. Mr Don Yen doesn’t understand democracy. He is dividing the leaders and the people. He loves the people and hates the leaders. Mr Don Yen, the leaders of the Sinhala Buddhist Republic of Sri Lanka were elected under the Westminster Parliamentary System by the Sinhala Buddhist Citizens. We, the Sinhala Buddhist Citizens, are intrinsically related to our leaders.
Mr Don Yen, what you and your so called PM, Rudra Kumara, could do is to collect money and buy land in Tamil Nadu so that you and your people can go and live here and suck Kanimoli’s B’s for a living.
So Mr Don Yen the half caste idiot, please go away and do not read and comment on our Sinhala Buddhist online newspapers.
Dear Pillayan,
Thank you for your comments. I am always franc and i will be. Yes i didn’t mention a lot of positive things about the Sri lankan government because do not want to write pages about the positive thing the government done for us, my point is to express the negativity existing in the government and in the constitution so we can fix it thats why you see a lot of negative expressions on the government. If you are an alcoholic and you want to stop it , first you must accept the fact that you are an alcoholic then you need to work towards that to fix it. Otherwise you won’t come out of it. This is what the developed countries do they accept the problem first, and then solve it.
The government has done good things yes I accept that but they need to work on certain important issues so we can have (when is say we i mention both tamils and sinhalese) a prosperous, peaceful future, and they need to work fast on it. The current government is very slow a good example is the resettlement of IDP camp refugees and the current economic situation the countries is going through .
I already told you that I am not a pro LTTE because I don not like the LTTE for the following major reasons
1. They recruit child soldiers
2. They are initially a mob gang started s TNT on may 5th 1976 (Tamil new Tigers) assinated the mayor of Jaffna Alfred duraiyapha on 1975 to hold the political position Jaffna.
3. VP is a war monger rather than a peace keeper or a freedom fighter even though he consider himself as a freedom fighter.
4. He killed many tamils and Sinhalese from north and south.
5. He murderd many important political wings on both pro and anti sides.
And i can point out many more reasons but i do not have alot time over there. Anyhow if you still want to think that i am a pro LTTE feel free to do so after all you are living in a Democratic country.
I already agreed that LTTE and VP are murderess, they are not a true freedom fighter for tamil, but you are still imposing questions about LTTE on me, which is pointless i.e you mentioned on your paragraph
“Also i would like to ask you what happen to the politcal parties like eplrf,plot,eros,who stopped are telling you do not like Ltte?I do not think so,Do you think we tamils got the justice,and the freedom from mr.V.P.What happen to the money been collected by western ltte disapora?Did they spend for building school,hospital,road, they put on their own pokets,where did the children from”
LTTE took advantage of the effected people by the state terrorism like 1983 riots. I can#t belive that you are acting like that riots never happend. LTTE is indeed an evil organisation but they arosed when after 1983. Do you know why? Because they took the advantage of those effected people. Just imagine what would an effected tamil victim will do after the riots. He will think
“ okay my family is dead the government didn’t do anything about this i am going to join LTTE and take revenge”.
Then LTTE use those people to show terrorism against the government.
However someday there will be peace and the country will prosper but this both tamils and Sinhalese will live together all over sri lanka not only in Colombo once the government start treating the tamils as Sri Lankans not by mere words but in real life providing the justice for affected people and change of constitution. Until then i will express my voice of freedom and i think other sri Lankans will do the same
The Guru and Asela have written correct stuff. All the tamils whether they be the Don Yen variety or the Pillyan variety, the are all the same. Never trust these guys. They all are born with gunpowder in their testicles. This is the stuff which makes them hack mothers and babies in the villages to death when asleep, encourage young girls to become suicide bombers, behead captured policemen, kill their own brothers when they disagree and so on.
So Mr Guru, don’t trust these guys even if they are chimps like Mr Pillayan, one day they will kill any Sinhala Citizen for no reason.
Now they have their own PM in New York who is sucking the backsides of leaders in the American Government.
The best place for the tamils is either Tamil Nadu; if they want to live in Sri Lanka, they must be kept behind barbed wire and segregated from the innocent Sinhala people.
Pepople like Pillayan pretending to be patriots are even more vicious because they are LTT sleepers who are preparing to commit atrocities when the time comes. Mr Pillayan kind of Tamils are the snakes (the Guru calls them chimpanzees) who turn out to be vicious to kill innocent Sinhala citizens when their Big Brother, the dead snake VP, sends a message.
Mr Pillayan, we know who you are and stop pretending to be our friend and stop pretending to be broadminded. People like Don Yen are musch easier to deal with because their intentions are clear and our valiant security forces can deal with them as they did in May 2009.
So it does not matter whether you are a Pillyan Tamil or a Don Yen Tamil, you are all Tamils and do not belong to our beloved Emerald isle.
okay mr pillayan perhaps you saw the true colors of real sri lanka. they think your are chipanzee. but please do not all sinhalese are like this. the one in thi forum are bunch of fags.
well ranjan, asela and sathya gurudas. you guys are bunch of fags i know there are more fags like you existing in sri lanka but we will exterminate you one by one. oh yeah and thank you very much for calling me an a western imperialist, indeed i am a very good one and thank you very much for calling me a samrty ass becuase i am a natural smart ass and proud to be one. my advice to you is that i know you guys are trying to be a smart which deosnb’t suite you gamay godayas.
oh by the way SL army won the war because The chinese provided them with state of the art weaopnaries and technology, india provided staelite images. but you guys are nothing when it comes to fight those stupid LTTES wihtout international help. IF your sri lankan army is so strong they would have won the war 30 before.
well i think you three fagots love to kiss the chinese chow mein arse. please carry on licking their shit stuck buttholes.
your government is ruled by buch of pimps trading your motherland for the chinese. chinese are the next super power to be and they are blody arrogant and they will someday ,will someday force your country to do something which you don’t like, and when you refuse, they will nuke your land which is almost equvalent to the size of a chinese guys penis and gang rape your mother in front your eyes, and you will be enjoying a live chinese ganbang porno.and when that happens you can rub your face on my epic arse. hahahaha good bye bunch of fagot.
oh one more thing china is becoming achristain country rapidly and your extremist sinhala buddhist ideology can kiss their epic arse. and theywill send you bunch of ape fucker to west bengal where your ancestors came from which is a part of todays india.
good bye mother fucker mwaahahahahahaha
Mr Don Yen, the half caste dispora LTT rump, is trying to be a self appointed foreign policy advisor to the Sinhala Buddhist Republic of Sri Lanka (SBRSL). He is also trying to defend the defeat of his snaky leader and the rag-tag army (financed by the terrorist tamil diaspora)by the brave soldiers of the SBRSL.
Mr Don Yen, if you have nothing to do, don’t do it here.
Your now deceased snaky leader aspired to be a King maker and boycotted the Presidential elections to make sure MR wins the election. He did achieve that ambition. But MR was too smart for the snaky leader. He took on you and vanquished all of you with the strength of the buddhist lion.
The terrorist tamil geese who thought they could be Kingmakers in our Sinhala Buddhist land are now 6 feet below the ground. You idiots had this kingmaker mentality right from day 1 of independance starting with GGP’s 50:50 and the Federal Party of the deaf MR CJV supporting Sinhala Buddhist Parties to form Govt.
MR has made sure, absolutely made sure that you will never ever be kingmakers in the Sinhala Buddhist Land.
We do not need you Mr Pillayan and Don Yen; the Sinhala Buddhist Republic of Sri Lanka does not need terrorist tamils for its survival and growth. This message has been loud and clear for the past 60 years. The educated terrorist tamils have heard this message and have left the SBRSL in droves for the white man’s lands. There are a few remaining here including the likes of Mr Pillayan. They are snakes and LTT sleepers who are waiting for commands from their masters including your so called terrorist tamil PM, Rudra Kumara. When I think of how an LTT sleeper assasinated the great Sinhala buddhist leader, late Hon RP, I shudder what the current sleepers including Col Karuna, Easter P CM and many others, can do our Sinhala Buddhist Republic and its leaders.
All these terrrost tamil hangers-on and other terrorist tamil remnants including Mr Pillayan, the Chimpanzee, should be segregated and kept away for the pure sinhala masses.
It is time the TNA realised that terrorist tamils have never been wanted or needed in SBRSL since 1948. If they have any brains (I doubt that; if they had any they wouldn’t be asking for eaqual rights) they should seriously negotiate with TN Leaders (the likes of Kanimoli) for settlement of all terrorist tamils in Tamil Nadu.
I am really not worried about security threats for the likes of Don Yen; I am confident our loyal and valiant soldiers can protect the Sinhala Buddhist population. I am extremely worried about terrorist tamils in the South (Mr Pillayan the Chimpanzee); these sleeper snakes of LTT can do anything at any time.
Mr Pillayan, pack you bags and cross the Palk Strait. WE DO NOT NEED YOU.
An extremely practical view point from Ranjan S.
The elected leadership of the tamils who represented the interests of the tamils from 1948 have always been manipulative and dishonest in order to achieve the ends of the “shrewd” (they call themselves wise) yalpanam people.
They have always seen themselves as King Makers; this attitude culminated with the boycott action by the late VP in the Presidential Elections 2005.
The King Maker initiatives have always fallen flat on their face; in the 2005 elections the boycott helped Prez MR to power and he valiantly drove the last nail in the tamils’ coffin.
The tamils community have been given strong messages of unwantedness via several media including a few violent ones over the 60 years since independance. As Ranjan S says the educated tamils have got the message and left the country.
As part of seeking a solution to the Tamil question, the option to re-settle all Sri Lanka Tamils including those residing in the South, in Tamil Nadu should be seriously considered. This will benefit the entire sub continent by (1) ensuring cross border security between India and SL (2) making available opportunities for social advancement to SL Tamils in a culturally compatible environment in TN (3) eradicating terrorism and the rise of violence (4) freeing up land and resources occupied by Tamils to the Sinhala peasantry for their advancement (5) leadership of the Sinhala people in Sri Lanka focus on social advancement of its people and not being tied down to defending against terrorism and violence and war crime accusations.
Such a solution will also beneficial to the entire world community as they will not have to use time and effort in tracking down illegal operations of Tamils world-wide including credit card scams, extortions and violence (in the streets of Scarborough) and also put an end to Tamil boat people. The only loser in this option will be “PM” Rudrakumaran who will become redundant in his job; however as a US Citizen, he can receive his dole entitlements.
I do agree with Ranjan S with regard to tamils residing in SL’s south who are highly likely to be LTT sleepers awaiting the resumption of terrorism.
People like Pillayan, the Ada Derana blogger, are most likely active sleepers awaiting orders form the Intelligence Chief, Pottu Amman, whose body was not found following the crushing end to the war on 19 May 2009.
Guru an Ranjan have written very strong stuff over the past few days.
I do agree; one cannot like bum sucking, apologetic tamils like Pillayan, the blogger. He is likely to be a LTT sleeper.
On the other hand, bloggers like Demala Chelvan and Don Yen are open and honest and it is a pleasure to deal with them on a one-to-one basis.
Mr Anton B who represented Tamils in the “Peace” negotiations was a dishonest, smooth talking blabber merchant who talked in tongues all the time. His slipperiness and dishonesty was one of the causes for the failure of the peace process.
Likewise, I simply cannot trust the Pillayan types as I do not where their alegiances lie.
This hot debate is captivating. As Asela says, I too prefer to deal with honest tamil nationalists like Demala Chelvan (with his philosophic approach) and Don Yen ( with his aggressive approach ) opposed to slimy snakes like Pillaya (who appears not to have a clue about whats going on).
Wonderful to note my point of view being appreciated by a wide audience.
It is definitely a positive to deal directly with outright tamil nationalists (eg: DC, DY) and not with “Colombo based” tamils (eg: Pillayan). Even the TNA falls into the latter category.
When the Sun God was existing, the TNA which claimed electoral representation of majority tamil voters, were taking instructions from the Sun God. Now they are attempting to talk political solutions with the UPFA. The TNA should become transparent and declare their allegiances. Is the TNA continuing to take instructions from Diaspora LTT elements? What relationships does it have with Mr Rudra Kumara’s Governmemnt in exile? How does the TNA exchange views with its electorates to ensure a consultative decision making process?
Now that there is a Gen X body (Mr Sumanthiran) in TNA leadership, they should publish their policies and allegiances so that the UPFA and other stakeholders could negotiate with it in good faith.
Though I have been throwing brickbats at Demala Chelvan, I do appreciate his honesty and transparency and his unstinted commitment to tamil nationalism.
I cannot trust people like Pillayan because you simply do not know who you are dealing with.
Dear Mr Pillayan,
I am ashamed and appalled at the unwarranted spate of insults hurled at you by the likes of Guru, Ranjan, Asela and Koltiha. I apologise on behalf of the true Sinhala patriots, Buddhist and Christian, who do not think in this manner.
The above mentioned 4 are an abomination on the Sinhalese race. They do not represent the views of the majority Sinhalese. They are less than 1% of the Sinhalese population, who hold such extremist nationalist rabid views. Majority of us Sinhalese are tolerant of minority races living in pluralist SL. We live and work together and even intermarry to make SL a better place for all to enjoy a prosperous life, for ourselves and our children for generations to come.
In India, there is flagrant racial and religious intolerance and bloodshed between extremist Hindus and Muslims. They do not tolerate intermarraige. They live in separate communities, in ghettos. Occasionally, they kill each other over racism and religious intolerance. Do we need such a situation in SL also? Hon President MR rightly stated there should be no intolerance of minorities. In fact, he declared there are no more minorties. Only minority are those who cannot tolerate other religions and races in a pluralist society, and clamour for bloodshed like blood thirsty vicious animals. We have to put a full stop to this. The only division in SL is those who are patriots and those who are not, whether Sinhalese or Tamils or Muslims.
I am truly sorry for the insults hurled at you my brother, Pillayan. I am sure Rani and Geetha will agree with me. We welcome you and embrace you as a fellow Sri Lankan citizen, a patriot, who wants to contribute to building SL to be a model land of tolerance, peace and harmony in line with the holy dhamma taught by Lord Buddha and repeated by Jesus Christ and Prophet Mohammed. Even Hinduism, through its sacred texts, advocate peace and tolerance. All right thinking religious leaders and people will be ashamed of the likes of extremist, rabid, nationalistic individuals who vomit such appalling racist insults. They are anethema to the Sinhalese and an abomination to Buddhism. They call themselves Buddhists but are not true disciples of Lord Buddha, as they do not live according to the holy dhamma of Lord Buddha, but are encouraging religious and racial intolerance and violence. These extremist Sinhalese nationalists are fortunately just a handful, and do not represent the majority Sinhalese. They are inciting racial hatred and violence. They are just as bad as the extemist nationalist Tamils, who turned to militancy and terrorism under VP and the LTTE. Sinhalese extemism of a few bred in turn Tamil extremism. Islamic extemism was bred by the Christian extremism of the imperial West from the time of the crusades in the 13th C.
Dear Pillayan, please do not be disheartened by the comments of these rabid extremist Sinhales few. We welcome you and embrace you as a brother, a fellow traveller, and a child of God. Please continue to live peacefully with fellow SL citizens Sinhalese and Muslims peacefully and fight for ONE SRI LANKAN NATION FOR ALL. Just ignore the hatred, intolerance, insults and diatribes of the evil Sinhalese rabid nationalists few. They are racists. They cause and encourage Tamil nationalism and bloodshed. We should fight such rabid racism and intolerance in SL to make it a model pluralist, tolerant, ONE NATION.
All those who are expressing extremist religious and rabid racist views, whether Sinhalese or Tamil or Muslims are spawn of the devil and not children of God, Harijan, as Mahatma Gandhi said. He was assassinated by a Hindu extremist for encouraging religious and racial tolerance and denouncing intolerance.
My dear friends thank you very much for your missjudgemants and critics,to tell you there is no good or bad terrorists,they all are same,My personal opinion is srilanka and we sufferd enough last 30years and therfore now we all need peace.please let us to live together peacefully.God bless my motherlanka.
Yeah, yeah; its only Nicholas who is defending Pillayan. The Late RP had a close relationship with the LTT sleeper who had gained RP’s confidence eventually to have him blown into pieces.
A similar fate awaits ND as a result of befriending LTT sleepers of the Pillayan and his ilk.
My dear mr.N.D. thankyou for your kindness and defending me, but unfortunatly this is the nature of srilanken,If you see what happen to Mr.V.P.or Sarath fonseka,or the present situation with our former Prime minister we all are unhappy with our privat life,so we do not sacrify and our mutual understandig is very bad.therfore this is nothing to do with weather you are a tamil or buddhism.this is Human nature.
Dear Pillayan
I deplore racism wherever it is found. As you said it the nature of some people, fortunately few, who are bigotted and chauvanist. They are territorial like animals and fight to the death for a piece of land. Such people are sad individuals. They have no peace and joy in their souls. They live in living hell till they die to continue to live in hell for all eternity. VP and other LTTE leaders, along with Stalin, Hitler, Idi Amin, Saddam Hussein etc are in hell for all eternity.
It is the few extremist Sinhalese who reacted to the killing of 13 Sinhalese soldiers by VP and the LTTE in 1983 that led to reactionary racial riots in SL. The killer instincts of thugs of both communities, were given free reign when they attacked each other and slaughtered innocent civilians. Innocent people were pulled off trains and buses and slaughtered. Houses and businesses were set on fire. The people who committed these atrocities were spawn of the devil. Such pogroms happened in India also between the Muslims and Hindus. It is always a few thugs who cause the mayhem in the name of religion. We should say enough is enough. Gandhiji sacrificed his life for the righteous principles we all hold dear. He was assassinated by a Hindu, of his own community.
We should always fight off the views expressed by these bigots and chauvanists, whether they are Sinhalese, Tamils or Muslims. These spawn of the devil have no place in civilised society. They have no place even among animals, as even animals can be better behaved. Notably, dolphins have been recorded even in ancient history to have saved people in the sea from sharks, and prevented people from drowning by bouying them up and helping them to the shore. When a 10 year old boy fell into the Gorilla enclosure in London Zoo, the huge alpha male gorilla immediately protected the boy and gently carresed his face as the boy lay unconscious on the ground. The gorilla shooed-away other female gorillas who approached the boy out of curiosity. When the zoo keepers rescued the boy he did not attack them. This gorilla received lots of gifts from all over the world. When he died a statue was built for him in commemoration of the incident and the care shown by the gorilla, by a grateful world.
Unfortunately, the bigotted thugs among us are worse than beasts. They are predators like dinosaurs. These people are a shame on the human race. We will never get rid of them. Even Lord Buddha had as enemy his own cousin, Devdatta, who was so full of hatred that even the loving compassion/maithriya of Lord Buddha could not change him. This is the unfortunate world we live in amidst evil people, who will suffer for all eternity because of their racial hatred and intolerance.
Guru and his ilk need a spiritual regeneration by meditating on the holy dhamma of Lord Buddha. Get rid of desire. Do not be paranoid and suspicious of Tamils/Muslims. There are good and bad people among all communities. Only people who live according to their conscience, lead a spiritual life of renunciation, and care for one another, can lead a happy life in the peace and joy of God for all eternity, as they become one with God our creator, our true father and mother.
Lankawaseen vidiyata Nicholas, Pillayan Hera Mewage Dewal liyapu Hemoma Lejga Wenna Ohna. Mona Oxperd Ekke Igena Gaththath Gathiya Atharinna Behene, Oyala Aye Pasel Gihin Samaya Samagiya Kiyanne Mokkakda kiyala Igenaganna. Sinhala ho Demala Wunath Minnissu Bawa Amathaka Nokaranna. Mewa Keedenek Kiyawanawada? Mama meka Denui Dekke. Mama Hithanne Ape Rate Minnissu Oyatharam Moda Eyi?
Don Yen nam Aniwaryenma DC. Eya hithanne Den thiyenna Anduwa Thma Me Okkoma Weradi Karala Thiyenne, Anna Ethana Thama Eyata Weraduna Tena, Vp Weradi Karapu Ewata Minnissu Meruwa Ewa, Demala Podilamaige Anagathaya Iwarakarapu Heti, Balen Edagena Giyapu Lamayinge Demawpiyan Vinnada Duka Eyata Amathawela. Rajaya Kale Hemotama Demala ha Singhala Muslim Hemotama Samayak .
It is clearly visible Pillayan has got ND and his followers twisted in his clutches. When the time comes. When the time comes, a young woman with a dynamite laden vest will visit them for a final loving embrace.
The way things are, the chances Pillayan being a sleeper is almost 100%. I wouldn’t trust so called “peace loving” tamils. I would trust committed tamil nationalists like DC and DY whose intentions are transparent.
ND classifies this issue as racism. I beg to disagree. It is nationalism. As DC says, there are two nations within the shores of Sri Lanka. The options for resolving the issues between the two nations include (1) negotiating the terms of coexistence and (2) geographically moving the second nation to an alternative location.
Lets face it and negotiate in good faith with committed nationalists. As ND and Pillyan suggest, if the issue is pushed under the carpet, it will be a festering wound forever.
The comments included in this blog will be forwarded to the LLRC and the UNSG Panel today for their consideration. So interested parties are urged to contribute their final viewpoints within the next 24 hours.
Guru Mama hithana vidiyata Jvp Karayek. JVP Ekka hema thissema ballanne Rate Samaya kada karannai, Meyala Mewage Dewal Liwama Samannya Demala minnisatath Singhala Minnisungena Tharahak Enawa Aniwaryenma LTTE Wunath Nowunath, Me Wage Minnisun nisa Thama Me Yuddeta Mulika Hethuwa . Ara Nicholas Keewa vidiyata Podi deyakata Ahinsaka Minnisunge Depala ginitiyala Ahinska Minnisun Marala Yuddayak Ethi Kare. Weradi Karanam Weradi Kara kennata Daduwam Denna Usavi thiyenawa.Mokatada Ewa Thiyenne. Temil Kiyala Ipadunoth Hemmoma LTTE Newe, Singhala Wunoth Hemoma Jvp Nowana vidiyata Hithanna Beri Eyi Me Ayata. Athalosaka Weradi Walata VP Kalawage Ahinsaka Minnisunta Wandi gewanna wuna. Oya Moda Hituvili Denwath Athaerada Samaya Samagiyen Geewath wenna kalaya Den Evith.
Dear Rani,
I read your message. With all the respect please try to type your message in english because it is kind of wierd for me to read sinhala in english. i can understand what you are saying but it takes long for me to undrstand. anyways yes i think government is responsible for killings of innocent people so does the LTTE. But now the LTTE is no more they were punished however for thier atrocities. however what about those 20000 + people who died. what about the people who dies due government side shellings during the war they need some kind of justice too. Like i said if the government is very honest and provide neccesary sttlement and rights for all sri lankans without any discrmination with zero tolerence yes This goverment wil have my full heart blessings.
Dear Nicholas,
You rght yes are right the riot was done by both tamil mobs and sinhalese mons. My farther witnessed that. but the plot was to exterminate the tamils who are danger to sinhalese, and the government didn’t do anything about it. thats why i have rage againts the goverment. The government have responsibility to protect their people. I am angry againts the government for no protecting the people who dies in central bank bombing. see I am againts the government for not protecting their people. The people of sri lanka ndeserves more than what they have now. but these needs to done without any racial discrmination.
Rani, thanks for your support. I know I can count on you to fight narrow racism and rabid nationalism of Guru et alia. Perhaps you are right that Guru is a JVP supporter who likes to stir-up racial hatred in SL by setting-up Tamil against Sinhalese against Muslim. The crude insults they hurled against Pillayan is very hurtful and utterly shameful. Guru calls himself a Sinhala Buddhist. Lord Buddha himself would be utterly ashamed of his vitriol and diatribe against Pillayan. Guru and his ilk are an insignificant minority. But they can bring out the worst behaviour in a few thugs by their racist talk, to stir up civil unrest by pogroms against innocent Tamils and Muslims.
JVP is politically bankrupt now. They cannot topple the strong MR government. So they plan on trying to destablise the country by stirring-up civil riots. Sometimes they play the race card at another time they will play cost of living card. Latest card they are playing is the rain and floods card. There are disastrous floods in Australia, Brazil, USA, China etc. worse than in SL. However, the people in these countries do not blame the government of their countries for their plight. The governments in these countries are doing their best to bring relief to their peoples. The people unite together to bear-up and help each other. This is humanitarianism.
I strongly detest JVP just as I detest TNA. They are an abomination in SL. They are extremists who cause strife, so that the country is set-back from developing. Perhaps they are bankrolled by USA, Britain, Norway and the LTTE diaspora to cause civil unrest such as university students’ unrest, bus strike, civil service strike and health workers strike etc. The JVP and TNA have no love of their people or the motherland. They are not patriots. They only love themselves and are hungry to grab power at all costs.
Dear DON Yen,
No government in any country is 100% democratic and work in the interests of the peoples. Government ministers, even in imperial West, are corrupt. In UK, one MP was sent to prison last week for false accounting and stealing from the Treasury. This corruption is rife in India. Unfortunately, Sri Lankan governments, since independence, failed to work in the interests of the people. The ministers of governments in power only enjoyed for themselves a comfortable life-style at peoples’ cost. They did very little to find real and viable solutions to the ethnic problem. Ethnic problems are found in most countries. We have to find our own home grown solution and not copy other systems. We have to find a solution within the concept ‘one nation one people’. What is important is we are one human family. Our enemies are not people of different races, religions and communities but hunger, poverty, ignorance, disease, homelessness, unemployment etc. Let us be united to fight these common enemies, to make SL a wonderful country to live in, where everyone can be happy and prosper together for generations to come. Let all communities be united to help SL gain economic victory and be a model to other nations of good governance of people by the people. We have a very good and honest leader in MR. Let us support him to unite SL as one nation, to make life comfortable for all, and not for just a few at the top.
Rajan, Asela, guru sathya dasa and kolitha your moms are insatiable sluts. They gave me a good blow job last nite mwhahahaaaaa
Dear Don Yen,
Please do not hurl insults at your enemies through bitterness as it does more harm to your soul by making you evil. Let us combat hatred, discrimination etc by leading a pure life as a child of God in love, peace and tolerance. God will then reward you with eternal peace and joy. As God is good be good; as God is loving be loving; as God is forgiving be forgiving. Then you grow in the image of God to become one with God. This is heaven, a state of eternal peace and joy in God. Unlike animals we have an eternal soul, the spirit of God. In philosophy of Vedantha, Ramanuja also taught this in the 11th C in India. It is important that in this short life on earth, we become detached from seeking luxuries and power. We need to aspire to become one with God throughout our lives by living according to our conscience. This is the path to eternal peace and joy in God. Heaven begins in the here and now on earth. It is a state of being and not a place.
Nicholas Dias,
I am really pissed off at at those fagots. becuase i haven’t seen such evil anywhere elsem ,someone who says they will erase my race completly. anyhow i’ll stop insulting them becuase you seem to be good a man, but not for those nazi scums.
My dear D.Y.Take it easy,dont get angry,As mr.N.D. said you have to love and respect our fellow country men,The all srilanken not like those an idiots.the real srilanken they respect each other and we all need peace.
Dear Don Yen and Pillayan,
I am really sorry about the cruel words, barbs and insults hurled at Pillayan and you by a few Sinhalese commentators. They are very hurtful and I feel for you. These people are a shame on the Sinhalese race. They do not represent the majority who do not think in this evil way. They are bigotted Sinhalese louts/thugs. They will never change their ways. I think they are evil JVP louts who want to incite racial hatred once again among us. I think they are doing this deliberately in order to created racial riots in SL once again by rousing the worst instincts in a few rabble around SL, to bring about the downfall of MR government and try to capture power themselves. Fat Chance!
During the unfortunate racial riots in SL in ’83, my father who was a CGR headguard protected the driver of the train who was a Tamil by locking him in his guard’s compartment, and not allowing the Sinhalese rabble to get to him, when they stopped the train in Gampaha and attacked Tamils in the train. He fearlessly opposed the rabble and send them away packing. The police came and de-fused the situation so that the train was able to proceed.
Just a few rabid evil extemist racist politicians, in both sides of the divide, is enough to cause racial conflict on a large scale by arousing the worst base instincts of man. Terrible atrocities were committed in India during several Hindu – Muslim pogroms. Even Mahatma Gandhi could not stop it. He was finally assassinated by an extremist evil Hindu fanatic. In human history, down through the milleniums this has repeated often. In New Guinea, one race attacked the other and even ate the enemy, as they were cannibals. It is very unfortunate. Let us try to be spiritually uplifted by the teachings of true religious leaders of main religions in the world, and lead spiritual lives in accordance with our conscience. This way we grow in the image of God, our eternal father and mother, to enjoy being one with God, in peace and joy. On death, we continue to enjoy forever this peace and joy in heaven in God.
We are all children of God. We are a large human family. Down through the milleniums, ethnicity changes took place in man depending on where he eventually settled on earth. It is stupid to fight over land on basis of ethnicity. This is territorialism of animals.
I think we have a genuine man in Hon President MR, who seems to be spiritual. But not everyone around him in the coalition think alike to bring about peace and harmony among all communities. We must stop thinking in territorial terms, this bit of SL belongs to this ethnic community and another bit to another community. We are all Sri Lankans. We are ONE NATION. We should be able to travel anywhere in SL and settle anywhere we like to lead a happy fulfilled life with our families, to enjoy a better quality of life, to share our wealth with those who have less. Afterall, what is the point of accumulating wealth, when we are not going to take it with us on death. Isn’t it better to accumulate spiritual wealth of good deeds which we can take with us on death. For we will merit eternal happiness, on the meritorious lives we have led.
I studied under Fr Peter Pillai at St Joseph’s College and gained admission to Colombo university to study for honours degree in Maths and Physics. However, I renounced all this and joined the Franciscan Order in Bangalore where I led a life of Poverty, prayer, meditation and sacrifice. I studied Indian Philosophy, Western Philosophy, Theology and Comparative religions for 6 years. I worked among the poor and the destitute, and in refugee camps in Madras. I returned to SL to lead a humble life in the Franciscan way. I taught at St Peter’s College and used to give free 1-1 tution to poor children, including Tamil boys in Maths, Science and English during weekends. I found fulfilment as these boys did well in these subjects.
I have no racist views. I deplore racist views propagated by a few. It is abominable. I call to them all, not to make life hell for themselves and others by holding such fanatical racist views, but rather to seek to live in peace and harmony with one another, helping to make life better for one another. This way, one would have spiritual joy within, and God will live within. Nobody can rob such a person of his spirituality and joy.
I hope Pillayan, Don Yen and others who feel hurt by the cruel barbs and insults hurled against you for being Tamil or Muslim, not to let that make you feel bitter but to seek solace in leading a life of goodness, peace and joy in God.