US warns Sri Lanka on war crime charges
The United States urged Sri Lanka to move quickly to address allegations of war crimes, warning of rising pressure for international action if it does not.
The State Department stopped short of endorsing calls for an international investigation into the bloody finale of the island’s civil war in 2009, saying that domestic authorities have primary responsibility to ensure accountability.
‘We continue to urge the government of Sri Lanka to quickly demonstrate that it is able and willing to meet these obligations as it seeks reconciliation,’ a State Department statement said.
‘We hope the Sri Lankans will themselves do this, but if they do not, there will be growing pressure from the international community to examine other options,’ it said.
Pressure has mounted on Sri Lanka since Britain’s Channel 4 broadcast a documentary that showed what it said were prisoner executions and bodies of female Tamil fighters who appeared to have been sexually assaulted, AFP reports.
Courtesy: Ada Derana
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We’re Srilankans not bound to respond any fucking foreign country in our matters. You evil us & uk will learn good lesson this time by interfering of others.
He you Americans why don’t you warn the Israelis on the killing of innocent Palestinians are you afraid of B Natanyahu you are the greatest jokers in the world
USA does not have any rights to interfere over the war crimes in Sri Lanka. As I mentioed some times back at that USA should make investigation for their own war crimes what they comitted in Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan and many other arab countries. It is very funny that USA has such ethical simpathy on the armed conflict in Sri Lanka. No one cant claim any charges over the war crimes in Sri Lanka unless the Sri Lankan government make any investigation within the country.
It has been very common that many foreign countries critise the war crimes in Sri Lanka. They should put their hands on the heart and ask them selves that are they eligble to ask such a question in sri Lanka.
I would like to ask a question to all these western countries that, if the Prabakaran was a Muslim what would be your reaction over the war crimes in Sri Lanka? are you ready to to take the same stand over this issue?
Dont play a foolish double game over the war crimes in Sri Lanka. Recently, I read an article, one of the German delegates says that if the Sri Lankan government does not take any action against the war crimes then it needs an aerial attack like what USA does in Libiya right now.
Remember, we are not against any foreign countries and let us to practise our own foreign policy.
Mohamed Shareef Asees PhD
Suggest we stop playing with fire. According to Asees, the World is apparently preparing for Libya style attacks lead by NATO.
Elsewhere I read about HE’s recent visit to Russia and the reception he was given there. We are almost a pariah state if not one already.
The Parliamentary Committee should be convened without any delay even without the participation of the UNP; the TN solution should be pursued and consolidated.
Quote “Elsewhere I read about HE’s recent visit to Russia and the reception he was given there. We are almost a pariah state if not one already.”
We will become a pariah state of US or UK or any other western jokers if we undertake every instruction and order they give to us (like war crimes investigation etc). So what is the difference if we become a pariah state for real friends like Russia or China? It is better to be with friends rather than opportunists.
There are some good vocabularies that used in the International Politics by the western countries such as democracy, Human secutiy and failed states. In fact, these vocabularies are used by the westerners just to involve on the domestic affairs and create the problems within the country. From the USA perspective, NO WAR NO MONEY. USA mainly rely on the weapon business, thats why they create problems all over the world.
Mohamed Shareef Asees PhD
Guru… We’ve Fire of Will in our great Buddhism to conquer any other fucking fire in the univers..!
So just stick on & realy on Dhamma.
Dhamma will defends who apply Dhamma…!
Majority of the world are misbelievers, so they tend to act on evil thinking. But their power of evil also can be defeat by power of Dhamma easily…
Just don’t be afraid to face even alone to the fucking evil misbelievers of dogs myth..!
Hey Amden. What Dhamma are you refering to you fool I thought you were an atheist. And and get carried away with your high and mighty words.Does your bird brain understand the role of the UN. Its nothing to do with religion or race. I am not saying that Our president is guilty. In any war there is collateral damage which is un avoidable. But we should try to face these allegations and prove them wrong. Your type of cocky attitude will not help Sri Lankaa when the shit hits the fan.
Keep your Bloody Fool slave thought only to yourself.
If religion has nothing to do here, then your god is worthless, useless & powerless, but only you belive as the fucking “creater”…!
You see your every thought becomes fucking false on the spot as you’re a misbeliever..!
If a god is your father then he’ll be busy all the time in fucking to share his seeds to all your dishonest mothers..! So it’s right to say also that’s fucking jesus never be happy in fucking..!
If we didn’t bring the buddhism till now in SL, then today there’ll not be a Srilanka here & it’ll be a fucking ceylon, driven by a slave driver of west.
What could happen if all of sl people became the slavers of west in 100yrs before… By betraying everything like your grand grand fathers & mothers…!?
If it were so, then we could make another Bob Marlay now to sing as “get up, stand up ” & “no woman no cry” & “buffalo solder”..etc..
See how Ruinous is your thinking as a slaver of ‘dogs myth..!
Thi’s wht misbelief should be condemned & hammered fully forever..!
We’re just few people in this wide world.! So What’s the power we’ve to face to them..?
Just the Buddhism & buddhism based culture..!
Indians say if they pass urine to us, then we’ll be finished.! That’s true if we all were misbelievers.
This’s the reason why you slavers of gods myth are not count as real Srilankans.
Why any forgien tourist come to sl..? Is that to see a church or to pray 4 god..? No.. The buddhism & buddhism based culture is the reason..!
You bloody fool slave thinker say religion has nothing to do while things’re so..!
Actualy you’ve to say that you com’t see anything as you’re Blind with gods myth..!
Can you understand what & where you’ve gone wrong…? Instead only thinking to be oppose me…!
Keep your Bloody Fool slave thought only to yourself.
If religion has nothing to do here, then your god is worthless, useless & powerless, but only you belive as the fucking “creater”…!
You see your every thought becomes fucking false on the spot as you’re a misbeliever..!
If a god is your father then he’ll be busy all the time in fucking to share his seeds to all your dishonest mothers..! So it’s right to say also that’s fucking jesus never be happy in fucking..!
If we didn’t bring the buddhism till now in SL, then today there’ll not be a Srilanka here & it’ll be a fucking ceylon, driven by a slave driver of west.
What could happen if all of sl people became the slavers of west in 100yrs before… By betraying everything like your grand grand fathers & mothers…!?
If it were so, then we could make another Bob Marlay now to sing as “get up, stand up ” & “no woman no cry” & “buffalo solder”..etc..
See how Ruinous is your thinking as a slaver of ‘dogs myth..!
Thi’s wht misbelief should be condemned & hammered fully forever..!
We’re just few people in this wide world.! So What’s the power we’ve to face to them..?
Just the Buddhism & buddhism based culture..!
Indians say if they pass urine to us, then we’ll be finished.! That’s true if we all were misbelievers.
This’s the reason why you slavers of gods myth are not count as real Srilankans.
Why any forgien tourist come to sl..? Is that to see a church or to pray 4 god..? No.. The buddhism & buddhism based culture is the reason..!
You bloody fool slave thinker say religion has nothing to do while things’re so..!
Actualy you’ve to say that you com’t see anything as you’re Blind with gods myth..!
Can you understand what & where you’ve gone wrong…? Instead only thinking to be oppose me..!
The thing you think as the Religion has nothing to do with this..!
Because it is ONLY a useless, unrealistic, impractical, false story..!
In that story you’ll hear that an unknown god made the sky, then the sea & so on… They’ll tell till you tend to be sleepy… then you’ll be in sleep while they say & You may see it in a dream too…! That’s all you can do with it… getting a nap or sleep to forget all troubles for a while..!
My dearest GAMAYA malli… Actualy you’re right in that way.! Because what can you do for this with such a fucking false foolish story…?
The real religion Buddhism make this word Less troublesome & peacefull for all beings..!
Either we dream or not it’ll be realized sooner or later… This’s not a story in a big book of bibles. This’s the THEORY of fucking EXISTANCE of the world & beyond the world…!
Hey Amden. You are not a very good example for the words ‘Pansil’ ‘Dhamma’ and ‘buddism’ so stick to your fowl language because it suites you better.
Dear Manjula (at blog #5),
Are we sure Russia and China are our friends? China is lending us money through their institutions to fund white elphant projects where return on investment cannot be demonstrated. The terms of the loans and the interest rates are not competitive too. I was shocked to learn the the SL taxpayer will be paying back mega billion rupees over the next decade for the dud harbour in the south.
Russia assisted us during the war selling out-of-date equipment for the forces.
In terms of politics and international relations, both China and Russia are yet to demonstrate their stand on the war crimes issues facing our land. Statements by the Russian Ambassador in Colombo do not travel very far.
On the other hand, relationships with the Western world are generally straight forward. They are very outright in stating whether what we are doing is either right or wrong. The basis for that conclusion may be debatable and not politically correct to the local population. The westerners are clear on their stand.
The SL leadership has been shifty in its response to the World regarding genocide and human rights accusations. The SL leadership was advised by many on the likely consequences of their actions prior to the end of the war. But our leadership took a stand (correct, incorrect is another issue) and “conluded the war”(the war on the ground) only to find that the war is beng continued in other arenas. We are certainly being isolated by the World community including China and Russia and the common people of SL will bear the brunt of this isolation.
Amdeen, You are not suitable to post your comments at First of all, you should change your fowl language. Secondly, you should change the way of accusing any other religion or races in Sri Lanka. Remember, you can have your own religion, but you have no rights to critise other religions. In fact, religion and racese are two root causes of armed conflict in Sri Lanka. Third, you should post constructive comments, In fact, I dont see any constructive comments in your writtings, everytimes you just bubbling to others. finally, please be a good observer rather being an active writter at
Misbelievers of gods myth have proved yet here themselves are Montessori Class Narrow mined Fool Thinkers..!
1. They’ve no idea abt the actual & abuse.
2. They’ve no idea abt the talking in topic.
3. They’ve no idea abt how to answer.
4. They’ve no idea abt the admin of a web site.
5. They’ve no idea abt the SELF.
6… 7… 8… & so on…!
These fools push the world towards Ruin..!
You have hit the nail on the head. These stipid jack asses who are on their high horses talikg about Buddism and how great they are tend to forget that their lots of Sinhala catholics and cristans in sri lanka. Fortuinately there are’nt many idoits like the Mad Dog Amden or else we will be having even more problems in the country only with the tigers with all other religions waging a war against discrimimnation.
Roshan What do you ecpect from a fool who has tunnell vision. You know the saying Adu Kale Diya sale. uge Mole his than wadi nisa sadde wadi Malii.
Talking of genocide, human rights, russia, china, libiya,..etc won’t make any sense here now. You’ll not change the attiteds of those misbelievers in anyway. Fucking jesus never be happy…!
Srilankans have been suffering from various western attacks since 100s of years till at the moment. Today we’re in difficult situation because of them. The source of these problems made by westerns. Still they’re confusing here to trouble us.
But it seems we’re going to release as a nation soon from the suffering.
US, UK, UN, NATO, BATO… all will be “Chuckablast” when Buddhism Raised to the occasion..!
Keep on dreaming Amda. Gadafi was also thinking like you and now id in dseep shit. Thankfully our leaders have mpore brains than you, you illiterate,Uncivilised nut case.
Hah..hah..ha.. My dear Gama..!
Now you’ve become so hot but hang on brother & address me pls directly in any case of this, not others as well.
Because you may know that i’m writing independently & not depend on others. I’m not seeking support of any 1 in here.
You know that we called “thani aliya”..? It makes all moves ALONE & no 2nd one. My course is also same as “thani aliya”
i know you’ll not be a “Gama RAALA” but i’m a real “GAMA RAALA” who has went all over SL & abroad too.
so, Gama.. I know you’re very fortunate to be in sl with us. We can’t forget even your grand grand relations also who went under the slavery of west 100yrs ago.
Then we must not let issues to grow untill to be cut with AXE, when it can be cut with NAIL.
You all know well that there’s nothing to do with gods myth except having “something” from the NGOs of west.
So the time has come to you to decide what to do wisely & honestly…!
How can you go still behind the western gods myth, while knowing well they mistreat Srilanka..?????
There’re people suit talk with & not suit to talk with..!
What a talk with someone who compares Gaddafi govt & our govt..?
Hey Amda You should join the FBI. Or may be not. You have got your knickers in a knot as usual. You are barking up the wrong tree as usual. Just because I don’t share you stupid beliefs and ideas don’t jump to conclusions that I am a descendant of another country. I am pruod to be a Sri Lankan but not so proud to know that we have such stupid fuckers like in our contry trying to show the rest of the world that we are an arraogant, aggresive, cocky race when we are not. You give Budda Dharma a bad name but you are too dumb to realise that because you have a bird brain.
Will you know about the buddha or Dhamma, while thinking big in FBI..? You’re a real chicken shit of westerns as you say Gama..!
It’s better to talk with a tree than with misbelievers of gods myth…!