US welcomes report while India studies
News Source: BBC
Welcoming the report issued by the UN expert panel on Sri Lanka, the US says it highlights the need for an independent and full inquiry on alleged war crimes in Sri Lanka.
Susan Rice, the US Permanent Representative to the UN said the report is “a valuable contribution” towards establishing justice, accountability, human rights, and reconciliation in the post-war Sri Lanka.
Ms Rice has commended UN secretary general for making the report public.
“We strongly support the Secretary General’s call for the Sri Lankan authorities to respond constructively to the report and underscore our belief that accountability and reconciliation are inextricably linked,” the statement said.
Meanwhile, the Indian government said it is “carefully studying” the report made published by Ban Ki-moon on Monday.
“The issues raised in the Report need to be studied carefully.
As a first step, we intend to engage with the Government of Sri Lanka on the issues contained in the report,” the spokesman of Indian Ministry of External Affairs Vishnu Prakash has said.
BBC Report

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if any problem for Sikhs ,the Indian prime minister could have take action. but this is Tamil problem . so ignored it
Ms.Rice why don’t you ask YANKI BANKI to investigate
your own forces for murdering and shillings in IRAQ , Afghan & Libya.
Our country is now free and everybody can live peacefully after the end of LTTE . I prayed for this for along time and now we enjoy the peace. What is your (US) problem.
Don’t you want to wipe out the terrorists .
Mind your own business
this UN,usa,and the western countries do not wish to have world peace.Srilanka has sufferd enough last 30years, and now realy all the srilanken and the entire south asia have enjoy the peace and they all like to get an advice from the srilanken governmant to eradicate the terrorist attack from their own countries.other than that UN and the USA are world biggers terrorists and they should mind their own business.
Dear Mr Pillayan,
Have you packed your bags? The Ban-ki-moon Panel recommends a permanent solution to the kallathoni problem Sri Lanka has had for the last 60 years.
Pack up your bags and go to Big Mama Land in India. That will satisfy all the World’s countries.
So get ready Mr Pillayan, you don’t have to go back in a thoni; we will arrange transport for you in the ships that we captured from the LTT.
Is that “war on terror” only United States can practise in all over the world but for Sri Lanka United State wants “war on peace” to destroy peace in Sri Lanka. What a joke. You better practice before you preach.
Guru… What kind of Guru ur man..? Real Gurus are not like this.! Pillai is good leader no..!
Tornado hits killing 100s in southern US as they welcome evil acts against SL..!
USA is the biggest terrorist and bully in the world. Greed for world domination superiority complex has made it mad, using its military power and resources to seize control of countries with oil resources and of strategic interest to maintain its world domination. Britain, France, Norway are stooges and lapdogs who tag along. Ban ki-Moon is its pariah dog jumping to every command of its master and dancing to its master’s tunes.
The toe-rag of a report, which is riddled with hearsay evidence supplied by the diaspora LTTE, was written and published on the instructions of Ban ki-Moon’s master, Yankee USA. When imperialist West failed to get UNSC and UNGA and UNHRC in turn to order an investigation into the final days of the War of Liberation, USA wreathing with anger, ordered Ban ki-Moon to draw-up this toe-rag private report using 3 person panel who are pro-LTTE, and to publish it. It has no legal or moral value except to please the imperial West and the diaspora LTTE. Hence SL should not get perturbed about it. It has only propaganda value to the uncritical and undiscerning eye.
If India, another lap dog and tool of imperial West, try to lean on SL and muscle in on SL at US behest, we will break-off from India and have ever closer ties with China and Russia in defence matters, trade and economic development. Yankees dogs and imperial West need to be taught a lesson by SL by such ever stronger defence, trade and economic ties with China and Russia, so that they keep off SL. SL is not Libya for them to unleash their military might on the pretext of coming to the aid of the Tamils. The Tamils do not want a split. It is the diaspora LTTE and its political wing TNA who are agitating for a split.
I cursed USA last month and prayed to God to destroy this great satan, the beelzebub, with natural diasasters. Let the seat of its power in White House and Pentagon and all its nuclear fleet and nuclear submarines and airpower be totally destroyed by Almighty God through natural diasters. Let its evil power utterly be destroyed. The worst tornados have hit USA now and sweeping across USA from Mississipi.
Woe unto you USA! Woe unto you Britain, France and Norway! You are the neo-imperialists who have allied together to rip defenceless nations of their natural resources and keep them ever subjugated and poor. You have murdered millions of citizens across the world over centuries, committing heinous crimes against humanity. Only Almighty God can stop you and punish you. God’s curse on you in order to save the world from your domination! You are a threat to world peace and prosperity. Hence I invoke God’s curse on you!
You do not have to be “unBuddhistic” in an “unBuddhistic” World.
Our beloved Sinhala Buddhist Nation is being threatened, harassed and bullied by an “unBuddhistic” international community who knows not what forgiveness and tolerance mean.
It is time to withdraw, meditate and get back to grassroots to evolve a buddhistic way forward in this moment of crisis.
Even Lord Buddha had his Devdutta who he cut off from leadership of the Sangha because he was a wicked man. Devdutta is Lord Buddha’s own cousin who plotted to kill him, but failed, as God protected the Holy One.
Evil imperial West can be punished only by Almighty God. If China and Russia were to form an alliance against imperial West it could lead to nuclear war, which we all want to avoid. Hence the only weapon we have is natural disasters on the imperial West to destroy their might. Hence, it is alright to invoke God to punish the wicked imperial West. It is not alright to sit back and allow the imperial pariah dogs of the West to bite us.
Even Jesus Christ cursed the Pharisees and the Saducees in his time, who were powerful Jews in the height of the Roman empire, for the burdens and sufferings they imposed on the ordinary Jews. Jesus was a holy man. He preached the message of love, peace and forgiveness. He even said if someone were to slap you on one face to turn the other cheek. But the very same Jesus did not hestitate to curse the Pharisees and the Saducees for their hypocrisy. Because there is a limit to suffering. We have to say enough is enough. We cannot allow wicked men to win the day. It is against our human nature. We have to fight evil and not succumb to it.
The Mahavansa is the history of the great Sinhala nation. Time and again, great heroic Sinhalese kings led the fight against repressive armies of invaders from South India. This battle is not over. Hon President MR is the new heroic Sinhala king who has wrested control of SL from the kallathonis and the imperial West. Militant LTTE are sethapochchi now. But the diaspora LTTE remain a threat, with their masters in imperial West and Tamil Nadu calling the shots. The kallathonis have to be pushed back to go back to big mama land, to the lap of mad bitches Jayalalitha and Kanimozhi. The kallathonis are TNA and such treacherous Tamils in SL who are calling for eelam, federalism and devolution, with ulterior motives. These people have their loyalties to Tamil Nadu and imperial West, and not to SL. Hence they are traitors.
The war is not over yet. It is just the beginning. It will never end. We must never let our guard down. We do not have the superior firepower of the imperial West. Hence, we need Divine Power to conquer the imperial West pariah dogs. Hence I curse the hypocritical imperial West pariah dogs for stirring up racial hatred in SL, to create disunity in SL again.