We assaulted the protesting students at the Dehiwala Higher Technical Institute and chased them away leaving them only with their underwear and in Peradeniya, we stripped the fasting students naked and chased them away, said a beaming S. B. Dissanayake, Minister of Higher Education yesterday.
The minister made this statement attending a workshop held in Colombo yesterday on the theme ‘Preparing for a strategic plan to develop skills’, taking place for all institutions affiliated to the Ministry of Higher Education.
He said that the violent behaviour of students at universities could not be prevented when such an environment was prevalent.
“Students turn violent because they know could afford to do it. The students of the Dehiwala Higher Technical Institute chased away its director and occupied his official quarters.
“Venerable monks, It took me only four minutes to slap two or three on their ears and chase them away. It took only four minutes. They ran along the streets in their underwear around 8pm. Now there’s no hum
“In Peradeniya, they had put up a hut and was conducting a big fast. We went around 3am. We wanted to embarrass them a little. We stripped them naked and chased them away,” said the Higher Education Minister S. B. Dissanayake.
Source: News First

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What A blody Idiot he educated his kids in Australia and he isdistroing Srilankan Education sistem
well done. About time somebody teach a lesoon to these stupied “memorise the book and pass the exam” buggers.
These buggeres have no brains.
These students of Dehiwela Higher Technical Institute do not appreciate free university education in this country. There is no free university education in most countries. The Sri Lankan students are therefore very fortunate to have free education from nursery school to university.
JVP, on contract from imperial West and the diaspora LTTE, are hell-bent on creating civil unrest in the country through university students. A few vociferous minority students have been brainwahsed by the JVP with their leftist dogma, which has been rejected the world over as failed political theory. Even China and Russia have rejected it. But JVP still hangs on to it. Imperial West and the enemies of SL are using the JVP to create civil unrest. JVP is just one tool against the elected government and the battle for economic victory for the people.
The minority of students, controlled by JVP, are making life impossible for majority good students who want to learn, graduate in their chosen fields, and then serve the nation in whatever capacity they are employed. This is the plan for the development of SL envisaged by the Hon President in his Mahinda Chintanaya. JVP is the major hurdle against this aim and objectives. New students who enter Universities are subjected to horrific ‘ragging’ (navaka vadhaya’) by the evil JVP-led minority self-appointed leaders within the student unions. The JVP has now linked the student unions of most island-wide universities through creation of Inter University Union, to spread their leftist dogma, to brainwash the innocent students, and mislead them into civil unrest to topple the government. Fat chance!
The country should never succumb to such malpractices of JVP. THe leaders of the student unions who engage in civil unrest should be arrested and made to confess their links with JVP. They should be charged with serious offences and punished through the courts. To discipline the way Hon Minister of Higher Education did may be a home-grown temporary solution to instill discipline among the riotous JVP-led university students but it may have a backlash as human rights abuse. In the ancient days ofcourse, both in Britain and in other countries, miscreants were punished by holding them prisoners in ‘stocks’ (dandukande) and subjecting them to ridicule by the people. Hon SB has gone back to this method, a short sharp shock. It may or may not work. Let’s hope it works. But in the long-run they need to be arrested and punished through the courts and also their university places given to deserving students who want to learn.
Good good…! & Must sweep out Jvp who’re behind them. What a miserable bulls’re these jvps & their brain washed stupid students.!? These donkeys bring only sorrows 2 Srilanka.
Is this person the Minister for Education in the Democratic Republic of Sri Lanka?
If I can find my citizenship Card, I will soon be handing it over to the GA for Killinochchi, shortly.
I do not wish to be a citizen of brazenly open pariah state.
Well Demala Chelvam, Pl; let me know when you wanna leave Mom Sri Lanka, I will buy your Air Ticket to Christmas Island! Bon Voyage buddy!
Shame on you Mr. Minister… this should not be the way a democratic government treating fellow citizens. Leave behind LTTE, JVP etc, its poor students who you have assaulted. May be their brothers and sisters laid their lives in the war against LTTE!!!!
You showed your stupidity to the whole world and you are proving what LTTE diaspora are trying to convince the world with about SL. Such an idiot!!
Dear Amarakoon,
There are two nations within the shores of Sri Lanka; one being the pariah state the other being the flourishing state which is about to reach nationhood.
Those who hand in their citizenship cards of the pariah state will be welcomed as puritanic citizens of the new state.
This fellow DC is already in UK enjoying British citizenship. He can smoke his ganja pipe and enjoy pipe-dreams as much as he likes with fellowdiaspora LTTE. They will get some comfort in their dreams. DC is a liar by pretending he is in SL.
SL remains ONE NATION forever. The only pariahs are the kotiyas who were totally vanquished by the Sinha patavu. VP was a psychopathic dictator like Hitler. The man was expelled from school at age 15, when he blew up the school’s toilet block. He was given shelter by MP Amirthalingam and his wife. VP is an uneducated brigand. He knew no statecraft. He showed his gratitude to Amirthalingam later by killing him. His wife lives in UK now and mourns the murder of her husband by the ungrateful pariah mad dog VP. DC why don’t you pop round to her house and ask her views about VP and his ganja pipe-dream for eelam? She did not want to live under VP dictat. That is why she fled to UK. Even VP’s father and mother disowned him and preferred to live in India. DC and his type of pariah dogs only know how to distort facts. Their motto is: End justifies the means.
Dear Nicholas,
Your writings are a reflection of the troubled state of affairs in the pariah state.
Even your friend, Hon Liam Fox has foresaken you.
As the smoke from the Incinerator (gifted to the Blue Brothers by the noodle eaters) billows, the puritanic other state within the shores of the island, is reaching nationhood.
On a practical note, how can the act of the Hon Minsiter for Education in assaulting and denuding undergraduates be tolerated by any society? The person appears to be proud of his acts too. In terms of social ethics and behaviour, this person is a marauding maniac and should be treated in accordance with the law possibly supported by psychological treatment.
Hon Liam Fox is one man who cannot be bought by diaspora LTTE money because he is an honourable man, like Leonard Woolfe, perhaps. David Cameron and William Hague are not such honourable men. They are hypocrites and corrupt. They have double standards. So long as Britain is led by such men Britain’s economy will remain in the doldrums. Today Britain is nowhere. It is struggling to cope with a budget deficit of 92 billion BSP, the gift left for them by the previous Labour government. At least Hon Liam Fox is a man of principles. He will visit SL in a few months, on an official visit. This embarrassment was forced on him by David Cameron and William Hague, who support the terrorist diaspora LTTE. LF loves SL and will help SL to combat the evil diaspora LTTE.
Because of their double standards and hypocrisy in helping diaspora LTTE, a proscribed terrorist organisation in Britain, it will go on being plagued by Al Qaeda terrorism. It will never be able to stop AQ terrorism for this reason. British resources are bled away daily to fight AQ terrorism within UK and in Iraq and Afghanistan. How many more years will this go on? 30, 50 or even 100 years? Britain will be the poor man of Europe one day. The mad, pariah dog DC better understand this along with the other rabid pariah dogs hiding in UK and EU countries. When will the diaspora LTTE send another ragtag army of theirs with imperial West and Norway’s blessing, to be massacred by our noble heroic SL forces? Our defence forces need the exercise.
DC and his parents supported LTTE to plague SL with terrorism for 30 years. Our heroic forces put a full stop to it. We have yet to find the incinerator the war criminal Vikings gifted to LTTE to carry out barbaric genocide of the Sinhalese and Muslim innocent villagers, and the prisoners of war, having tortured them to satisfy the psychopath VP’s blood lust. The war criminal homosexual Solheim should be brought before The Hague along with other war criminals, such as Adele, hiding in UK and Norway.
Please provide me your email; I can send photos of smoke billowing for the noodle eater gifted Incinerator located in the shores of the Nanthikadal Lagoon.
The UNSG panel already has photos and videos of the Incinerator being operated.
May the Triple Gem bless you, Nicholas.
LTTE Terrorist Bastar.
DC is undoubtedly a diaspora LTTE rabid kotiya. With the other rabid kotiyas hiding in EU countries, Canada, USA etc they dish out their daily drivel of disinformation tirelessly, gleaned from the other deceitful website, Tamilnet. This story about an incinerator is one such myth diaspora LTTE created. Other myths were the doctored video tape of alleged war crimes. Scientifically it has been proven to be a doctored film, a total fabrication. Chanel 4 was paid large amounts of diaspora LTTE cash to show it twice as a documentary. The Freeworld knows however this is a massive disinformation campaign by the deceitful diaspora LTTE, to cover-up the shame of their utter rout and massacre, in the fourth and final War of Liberation, to save the SL Tamil cirizens who were held hostage shamelessly as a human shield by the fascist devil VP and the other LTTE devils. They are all stoking the fires of hell now ready for the other lot hiding in imperial West to join them.
The incinerator is a gift from Vikings to VP to be used for entertainment in the evenings, when he comes out of his hell hole he hides in during the day, like a rat. Into the incinerator was thrown, head first, live SL soldiers who had been unfortunately captured in battle and tortured for information. Some had their blood drained from them to provide a blood bank for the LTTE. This in itself is a warcrime. I challenge DC to do the decent thing, visit SL and surrender himself to the armed force, to lead an honest life from henceforth. You will be re-habilitated and given a plot of land to build your house and to cultivate, to earn a living by the sweat of your brows, instead of depending on hand-outs by the welfare system in the imperial West. All help will be given you by SL to be a true patriotic son of mother Lanka.
There is only ONE NATION in SL, the SRI LANKAN NATION of Sinhalese, Tamils and Muslims. There are ofcourse the minority aadhi vaasis and the burghers etc. But if you still crave for a Tamil nation, join Vaiko in Tamil Nadu and demand it from the Central Govt of India, for TN. You can then migrate back to TN. Good riddance!
Mr.D.c.please at least you have to wake up now,because we are living year 2010.just imagine what happened to rohana wije weera and bloody V.P.send your EMAIL address i will send you some fotoes of Mr.V.P.how he is wearing tha srilanken Abude,you know what does mean?