We should step forward as a resurgent nation: President in his New Year Message
“As the New Year dawns we look towards to the future with much hope and enthusiasm brought about by firm resolution, commitment and good expectations for the country. Thus the joy of the New Year would be equally shared by all.
In the past several years we achieved great victories for the country, building the nation with dignity and strength. These victories were made possible by a forward-looking approach and utilizing every available opportunity to bring honour and glory to the nation. While this led to a united country, it also saw the beginning of a new era of development with new ports, major irrigation schemes, new airports and expressways.
Embracing all the victories we have achieved, we should step forward as a resurgent nation. This progress will be expedited by forging a political tradition that is based on new thinking. With regard to unity among communities we should act with new vision. It is my belief that the development of the country now moving in new direction could be expedited by such vision and thinking. Similarly, our resolution for the New Year should be to work with tolerance, kindness, understanding and co-existence.
As we build a new country for the future by working together in thought and deed I call upon you to come forward with great resolve and fresh expectations.
I wish you all a Happy New Year.”
Source: Government News Portal

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I wish the Hon President, the Hon PM and the whole Nation of SL, and the readers and bloggers, the Administrators of ON LANKA a VERY BRIGHT, HAPPY AND PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR!
The Big Man certainly needs the wishes by Nicholas Dias.
The year 2012 is going to be the “YEAR OF THE FIRE BRIGADE” for Sri Lanka.
With UNHRC sessions looming in Feb 2012 and the Nationalist Tamil Diaspora fuelled international thrust on war crimes peaking, GOSL has its homework to do.
With rampant lawlessness extending right into the President’s backyard, the hangman’s noose in the Hague beckons all.
PD your message is more appropriate to Obama with the looming Presidential election in USA. He is clearly guilty of war crimes and crimes against humanity, both at home and in US occupied countries. But UN is powerless to act against US Presidents, current and past, to apprehend them for their war crimes and gross crimes against humanity.
I too wish to join you in wishing Our PRESIDENT ,all the Sri Lankans,the Administrator of On Lanka, readers and fellow bloggers of this page a Very Happy and a Prosperous New Year.If the President so needs our best wishes,PD has forgotten that President will have thousands of Wishes heaped on him as demonstrated at the last Presidential elections where he polled 60% of the total votes cast.About the pending UNHRC sessions only the
ungrateful unpatriotic traitors would place any hope of rebuttal against us. Some time back we were threatened with Darusman’s and Banki Moon’s unfavourable attitude towards us. What happened?They are only threats to meekily get us to obey their commands.What ever it is you are free to entertain your unpatriotic day dreams however wicked and traitorous they may be.
Nicholas is so good at throwing mud at leaders of other nations. AUJ resembles an obedient lap dog. They are both so “politically correct”. President Barrack Obama’s performance will be measured by the American voters against the capability of the opposing candidate, and the most favoured candidate will be elected.
But what’s sure is that the losing candidate will not incarcerated on trumped up charges like fiddling with Arms procurement. That’s the difference between developed democracies and the stupidity in our country. How come the 60 votes marked in favour of the losing candidate in the recent Presidential elections in Sri Lanka were found in a trash bin in Ratnapura?
I certainly do wish the Maharaja of Sri Lanka all the best for the New Year (although it is the imperialist’s New Year). Milsovic died in custody in the Hague. Does the Maharaja have the courage to withstand the rigours of a War Crime trial? I doubt his capacity. Leaders in Sri Lanka get everything on a plate and the stuff they get is gold plated too. Not so in the Hague.
With mounting evidence of criminal misconduct in office and a series of law suites in the USA and EU, tough times are definitely ahead for the Maharaja.
PD, You say I resemble a lapdog.No it is more , I may be a bulldog in defending the good name of our Mother country and her elected rulers. As for you ,only the Americans have the capability of measuring their candidates. We don’t have. All your querries were brought up before the Highest Judiciary in the Island and the Judgement delivered. You don’t seem to accept these judgements.You may float in wishful expectations of a HAGUE trial,Certainly we Sri Lankans have better things to develop our country.
All right thinking people naturally think alike in defence of their Motherland. They are true patriots. That does not make them ‘lapdogs’ of anyone.
AUJ is quite right in his reply to ‘fertiser’ Dias. AUJ has come out fighting like a bulldog because he is a true patriot, grateful to our Hon President who saved the Nation from impending tragic doom and gloom of LTTE terrorism. Only the miserable enemies of the Nation offer destructive criticism of GOSL, despite all the immense work that has been done and is being done to boost our economy and develop the country. Even the West has grudgingly admitted this, in the face of their own economies in the doldrums.
PD appears to be a diaspora Tamil/LTTE, living in USA perhaps, writing under a pseudonym Sinhala name. That is why he is so defensive about US invasions and occupations of countries to grab their oil/gas resources, without which industries of the West would come to a standstill. PD is also trotting out the same disinformation vomitted mindlessly by the TNA and diaspora Tamils/LTTE.
Unlike SL, USA is riddled with economic and social problems in the wake of their imperial wars and vast Defence spending. Millions are homeless and even more millions are unemployed and below the poverty lines. USA has no effective honest leader with good moral/spiritual values, who do not authorise CIA assassinations of perceived enemies, such as leaders of other countries just because they oppose US politics of world domination and interference in other nations’ affairs. US leaders, whoever comes to power, suffer from this moral vacuum. Hence they are hated by the Freeworld, rightly so.
Our Hon President, may not be perfect, but he is a charismatic, courageous, dedicated leader SL is blessed with. He is doing his best for Motherlanka, despite the brickbats thrown by envious enemies of the Nation. All patriots need to support him and guide him when he makes mistakes, because democracy means ‘Rule of the people by the people’.
The highest court of the land is a standing joke. In a proper functioning democracy, there should be a clear demarcation between the Executive and the Judiciary. It does not exist in Sri Lanka. There are Judges who carry case files and visit the Executive. A Judge was recently harassed for a dissenting view on a key case involving a defeated Presidential candidate.
I cannot accept judgements; those related to “political” prisoners. How can the highest courts rule on the legitimacy of a Military Tribunal as being equivalent to a Court of Law. A few days later, it transpired the Tribunal had failed to keep records of proceedings!
The Sri Lankan psyche is based on pulling wool over others eyes to ensure survival. In common parlance, this is called ‘cheating’. We have extended this psyche to the international arena. Sadly, we are being slowly and steadily, exposed. Our rulers over the past 60 years have mastered the art of the psyche. Wounds fester when they are not treated properly towards cure. The minority issue is a wound in our body politic and it will continue to fester.
Look what’s happening now. The ruling party is ‘considering’ devolution whilst a constituent party is intolerant of devolution. 60 years of Bull____ that’s what we get.
And devlopment? who cares? Our leaders are excellent at building monuments; the latest is the Nelum Pokuna. Young men volunteered for the war against a section of the community simply to earn a wage and help build families. Our mothers toil for lowly Arab oil sheikhs to keep home fires burning. That’s where we are; development over 60 years!!
PD sees SF as a ‘political prisoner’. This is an utter misconception. SF was arrested, charged and found guilty by the Military Court twice, which is a properly constituted Court by the Constitution. There are such Military Courts in Britain, USA and in other countries also. These are all properly constituted Courts by the relevant country’s Constitution.
Military Courts are to try military personnel for breaches of military law. However, in USA, President Obama went even further and decreed that any US citizen and ‘aliens’ arrested on suspicion of conspiracy to harm USA, could be tried by a Military Court instead of a Civil Court and even held indefinitely without a trial. Surely, this is a denial of basic human right for a civilian to be not tried in a Civil Court with proper representation and sentenced appropriately. It is surely denial of human right to be heard by a Military Court instead and held indefinitely even without a trial. This law decreed by Obama is therefore draconian. UNHRC should immediately call for the repeal of this law by USA. How fortunate we do not have such a draconian law in SL! If SL had passed such a law there would be an immediate outcry from all the human rights organisations around the globe. But there is not a hum from these very same organisations because they are funded by US govt and are stooges of US govt to be used against small nation like SL.
SF was first tried by Military Court for breaches of military code while a serving officer. He was represented at court and was found guilty. He had been sentenced and served his sentence. He was then tried in Civil Court and found guilty of treachery, by airing a false rumour through the Sunday Leader that Hon Def Sec ordered the Commanding Officers in the front lines, to shoot to kill LTTE leaders who surrendered (white flag case). He was sentenced appropriately. It was a light sentence in comparison with the sentences imposed by US Courts for treason. US soldier, Bradley Manning, is serving life sentence for supplying video evidence to Wikileaks, of gross war crimes and crimes against humanity committed by USA in Iraq. Despite that glaring evidence, neither UNHRC nor UNSG has called for the former US President George W. Bush to be tried for war crimes and crimes against humanity. Not a hum from them, they are dithering. This is because USA is so powerful that even the UN is cowed down by US power.
SF is therefore no ‘political prisoner’ as PD and his ilk are trying to maintain. SF is nursing a false grievance by pretending he is a ‘political prisoner’. He and his family have therefore refused to plead for Presidential pardon. If he insists he is a ‘political prisoner’ then let him prove it and find redress through the Supreme Court. PD claims that the Judiciary is corrupt and a tool of the President, to do his bidding. If so, let let PD and his ilk prove it to the public and to the international court, with indisputable evidence. Otherwise, I advise him to hold his tongue and not spread disinformation through ignorance.
His claim that there is no ‘clear demarcation’ between the Legislative, Executive and Judiciary is also totally false, a piece of disinformation spread by the enemies of SL for international consumption. Who cares!
Hi Nicholas,
Why rely so much on the US when you classify them as “Western Imperialists”?
Why not rely on “MC Idiri Dekama” principles which guarantees rights to every citizen?
The Military Tribunal which tried SF failed to keep records of the proceedings. Do you accept that?
They failed to keep records because they were under instruction from the ruling clan. There was no hearing; only drama; the ruling was written long before the Tribunal was constituted. SF no doubt is a political prisoner.
If GOSL has evidence of SF’s coup initiative, bring it out in the open and try SF by Tribunal or Courts. If the coup plot is hearsay, why you rely and GOSL rely on that? Why label SF as a traitor? After all, he was the handpicked head of the forces that ended the “war”. When he went to US immediately after the war, he was summoned by Homeland Security for an interview on alleged war crimes. How can SF be a US lap dog?
The President was the Guest of Honour at the CJ’s daugter’s wedding. Has the CJ declared the gifts her familiy received from the Blue Brothers? The CJ’s husband was picked by the President to head a public corporation. Isn’t this shameful behaviour? Isn’t all this conflicting interests?
Don’t break your head over Obama. George W Bush has got the biggest punishment of not being able to visit Switzerland. He and the Sudanese President are the only persons in the World who are not free to visit a country. Isn’t that good enough punishment?
The Blue Brother Government is trying to strangle SF on the lines of what dictator JRJ did to Sirimavo B.
Reference Blog 7, I have been witing for this for days and it arrived as New Year gift from Mr Nicholas Dias on 01 Jan 12.
I have been labelled ” diaspora Tamil/LTTE, living in USA perhaps, writing under a pseudonym Sinhala name”.
Ha Ha, Ho Ho, according to the erudite Mr Nicholas, anyone who doesn’t worship the Maharaja is a “diaspora Tamil/LTTE, living in USA perhaps, writing under a pseudonym Sinhala name”.
PD has got his knickers in a twist.
Far from ‘relying on USA’ as PD falsely claimed, I have accused USA of dominating the world through its military power, which is increasing by the day as it develops even more powerful weapons of ‘mass destruction’ without using nuclear power or chemical weapons. USA uses NATO countries and their weapons bought from USA for allied attacks on weak nations, such as Libya, for vested interests. In order to do so, it first sabotaged the country through its tool CIA in hidden operations within Libya. It uses the tactic of ‘Rent a Mob’ of seeming mass unrest to demand so called ‘Human Rights’. USA then moved UN (another tool) to ban Libya from use of its own airspace. How ridiculous! NATO forces then attacked Libya by air, sea, and land. So much of Libya’s infra structure was destroyed by blanket bombing, it was unbelievable! UN was totally silent, as it was US tool in its domination of the world. Many thousands of innocent Libyan citizens were killed and injured. UN was totally silent. All this on the pretext of removing a so called ‘dictator’. Who is the world’s biggest terrorist today? It is none other than USA with its NATO allies.
USA, on the otherhand, cracks down severely on protest marches across USA against Wall Street domination of 99% of US citizens’ lives, causing severe harship. Where is democracy in USA? What about human rights violations within USA itself by whatever US government is in power? There is no outcry by human rights organisations based in USA, and funded by US govt. Not even a whimper! These are the very organisations that are US govt tools to hit smaller nations that does not toe US line in world domination.
‘MC Idiri Dekma’ is a wonderful policy statement of Hon President of SL of his vision for the future development of SL. I support it.
Military Tribunal that heard SF case on two counts was a properly constituted court by SL Constitution. Its procedures are carried out according to its protocols. It’s a total cannard by certain mischievous media sections that no notes or records were kept by the MT. Case notes were made but are confidential, so no records can be released to the public except the outcome of a hearing.
If the President was invited as the Chief Guest to the wedding of CJ’s daughter, so what? Is it a crime? PD’s innuendo is despicable! As to demand by PD for a list of the wedding gifts by the guests, including the Rajapaksa family, it is utterly despicable! This reveals the true nature and ugly character of PD. He cannot be a gentleman. He cannot be a patriot with gratutude to Hon President for having saved the nation from the most heinous terrorist organisation on earth. I think I am therefore right in my presumption that PD is a tool of diaspora Tamil/LTTE, and our enemies.
Who cares if George W Bush cannot visit Switzerland or even Timbucktoo? I don’t think the man himself cares two hoots about it! But what is important is that he, along with Tony Blair (former British PM), should be arrested and tried at the Hague for war crimes and crimes against humanity. There is ample evidence. But the UNHRC and UN will dare not do so, because they are afraid to do so and powerless to act. If they dare to do so, CIA will have field day assassinating the UN bigwigs.
PD is an apologist for USA and repeats diaspora Tamil/LTTE disinformation and lies. Hence he is a supporter of them. He could be a diaspora Tamil himself under a Sinhala pseudonym. So beware!
Well, the gloves are off.
On Jan 01, ND wrote “PD appears to be a diaspora Tamil/LTTE, living in USA perhaps, writing under a pseudonym Sinhala name”.
On Jan 02, ND wrote “He could be a diaspora Tamil himself under a Sinhala pseudonym. So beware!”.
I will not disclose my identity but shall carefully follow ND’s malicious insults and assumptions.
I will not worship the Maharaja; I will leave those privileges to ND and Hon Mervyn the Vermin.
A blogger called Delvin Karka, who wrote comments pretending to be a Sri Lankan, was finally exposed to be a Turk (by birth) on a so called self-funded assignment in SL for more than one year, on a mission to find evidence of war crimes and crimes against humanity in the final ‘Humanitarian Operation’ to rescue the Tamil hostages held by LTTE as a human shield. On being exposed as a liar he vanished.
PD writes in support of diaspora Tamil/LTTE demands and in support of the enemies of the GOSL, to scoff at the govt. We can only surmise who he is by his style of writing. He knows who he is himself. He is too ashamed to expose himself. I respect anyone, even diaspora Tamil/LTTE, if they tell the truth. I respect their views also though I oppose it. But why hide who you are?
Hon Mr Nicholas Dias,
I have not vanished. I am very much alive focussed on my assignment.
Dear Devlin,
I am glad you are still around and reading ON LANKA. I would be grateful if you could kindly enlighten us on the nature of your ‘assignment/research project’ and what the ‘Aims and Objectives’ of this are.
Thank you in anticipation.
Dear Mr Dias,
Nature of assignment : The nature of my assignment is collection of data by applying a range of techniques including visists to places of interest, collection of imagery, interview and record statements of evidence of certain events that took place approximately two years ago in Sri Lanka
Objective of assignment: To create historical records of certain events that took place approximately two years ago in Sri Lanka
Sponsorship: My assignement is sponsored by the Karka clan of Turkey that consists of 4000 members (all bearing the name of the clan). The Karka clan provides undisputed leadership to the Turkish Nation. The combined wealth of the clan is approximately 6 times that of the combined wealth of the 22 million citizens of Sri Lanka.