December 08, 2010: We were attacked just off Jaela, says the Leader of the New Left Front Dr. Wickremabahu Karunaratne
He was addressing a meeting convened to brief the media on the incident that he had to face at the Katunayake airport after returning from a tour in the United Kingdom. “I went to London on a private vist in response to an invitation I received to attend a forum in connection with the 88th birthday of Professor Reggie Goodwyn, a professor of the Cambridge University.y.
“The president was also scheduled to visit London on the same days. That too on a personal invitation.
“I arrived at Katunayake early December and the officials very cordially welcomed me. There were about 60 to 70 people there. While on the way home after the journey, there had been two vehicles following us. After passing JaEla, some persons who followed us from the airport attacked our van. Several persons inside the van including a mediaman was also injured,” said Prof. Karunataaran.
Source: News First

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Moota gahanda nemei thiyenne, Raten elola danda Raja karle warge. Maha Narumayek moo.
Dear Wickramabahu,
Recently you displayed a new all-time low behaviour towards your motherland by sleeping with terrorists who tried to destroy your motherland. Now you woke up with ticks and was your own fault.
If someone attacked you, I guess you have earned it by your naked behaviour. You shed tears for your fellow LTTE terrorists in London. Because of that no one in Sri Lanka would shed tears when you are in trouble. Not even the LTTE terrorists who simply hired you for their advantage will shed tears on behalf of you.
You simply lost the plot in trying for cheap and instant popularity from few tricky people who sent you an air ticket and hotel accomodation. You simply fall into their trick you fool.
This is a damn bloody traitor and helped to draw an ugly international picture about our mother Lanka. The question is how much money he was paid by anti Sri Lankan elements to betray his country?
Rajakale wage nam muta ula thiyanna one!
WK is clearly a traitor who betrayed motherlanka to the enemy. He should be arrested and charged with high treason. His bank accounts should be also investigated, the sources of his income, and whether he is paying income tax etc. I am sure there are lots of skeletons in his cupboard. He should not be allowed to get away with this crime of treason. The government must not be lethargic. People call for justice against traitors.
me Para ballawa parema maranda tibune
who the hell bludy women gave this shameless dog birth
Dear Sri Lankans do not support this Dr: Donkey should arrest him I don’t think he is a Lankan he may ass of English left during the British colonial time if the case no wonder he will act an enemy of the mother land we should stone him on behalf of our brew solders Those lay there life to liberate the laknka matha WK you go to hell how much you get Paid from LTTE for the speech
Dear All,
Please don’t get excited. I tend to agree with what you guys are saying (leaving out the name calling).
This guy is not related to the tamil nationalist struggle in any way. In fact he has caused and continues to cause significant damage to our aspirations.
He works on his own agenda; he is embracing a dying marxist philosophy.
By giving prominence to his activities, he is being given free publicity.
So is JJ of the “no firm policy” UNP. They have found free publicity by courting with the LTTE. They have no status or relationship with the tamil national struggle.
You may ask why he is given opportunity to address the Maha Veera Dinaya. The tamil nationalist struggle is so mature and broad minded that it can accomodate any request. Had the Dharaneeswara Kalyani requested an opportunity to partcipate in the Maha Veera Dinaya instead of accepting the invitation by the 8 member strong Oxford University’s Sinhala Student Sangamaya, he would have been given that opportunity. Not only the opportunity to address but to say whatever he wishes as well; no censors or control over free expression.
So, my dear people, don’t get excited and make this guy a hero. Let him remain a zero where he always has been.
DC, go on dreaming your ganja pipe-dreams of Tamil nationalism and separatism. Your aspirations are as good as the smoke from your ganja pipe. Tamil majority in SL doesn’t give you kotiyas in UK and elsewhere two hoots. We know what koti prajathantra vadaya amounted to. VP is a fine model of it. He killed his own cousin and second-in-command, Mahatthaya, because VP was mad with paranoid schizophrenia. He killed other outspoken Tamils also. So much for free speech! He could not kill Pillayan and Karuna though, as they were clever enough to flee in time and fight on the side of SL army to liberate the Tamil people from the mad fascist dictator, VP.
Thank you for adding “separatism” to our aspirations.
Separatism is not part of our aspirations as what we struggle for is the emancipation of our occupied homeland.
Moota gahanda thiyenne “Maradane Akkala” hathara-pas senek dammala!
DC, ‘Tamil nationalism’,’separatism’, ’emancipation of of our occupied homeland’ (you now speak of)are shades of the same concept, some of you call ‘eelam’. As I said before, and will say so again and again, you are living in cloud cuckooland, in ganja pipe-dreams. Go on dreaming, living your lives in imperial West. But do not interfere in the lives of majority Tamil Sri Lankan citizens who totally reject your dreams and wants to be left alone to get on with their lives to lead a peaceful happy life with their families with no fear of conscription of their children by the erstwhile LTTE. They are a liberated people, and are grateful to our Hon President for having dispatched VP and his ragtag army to hell. You and your diaspora LTTE can try to re-mobilise another ragtag army. We will dispatch them also to hell. Hope you are in the frontlines, but I don’t think you will be as you are too shrewd to do so, fearing for your wretched life as the rest of you miserable diaspora LTTE are.
welldone mr.ND,you are correct,you have to teach DC what is freedom and democrati mean,he does not know nothing.He is asking tamil homeland,why?he has his motherland that is UK and he got there freedom and democrati,so he can stay in UK.Otherwise he can go to tamilnadu or Norway where they get there freedom. and he does not have to fight for srilanka.otherthan that wickramabahu is a traiter,and he has to get punished,he does not have to come to srilanka.I am really same on.
Thank you Pillayan for your support. DC has no right to speak for the majority SL Tamils who wants no so-called eelam or Tamil nationalism. Let the diaspora Tamils who lead comfortable lives in the imperial West go and live in the slums of Tamil Nadu in refugee camps and call for Tamil nationalism for the 70 million Tamils in TN. Why is DC bothered about the small number of Tamils in SL when there is a huge number of Tamils in TN who can form a ‘Tamil nation’ in India? Though Nedumaran and Vaiko calls for homerule in TN they dare not turn to militancy to fight for their demands as Central Government of India will crush them. So instead, they back the call for Tamil nationalism for the 4 million in SL. How ridiculous!
SL Tamils are at last liberated thanks to Hon MR and his brother GR. They and their families have started to pick-up the pieces and re-build their lives once again without fear for their children being plucked away by the LTTE for their suicide squad and to be sent to the front lines to be killed. VP and the LTTE leaders have blood on their hands of innocent Tamil children whose lives were ruthlesslesly torn away from their parents and sacrificed to appease VP’s blood lust and pipe dreams. He is now in hell, thank God.
Let all SL Tamil brothers and sisters join hands with the muslims and the Sinhalese as one family to re-build our economy for a happy future for our children. Let us fight the imperial West’s evil designs to use the diaspora Tamils to re-start terrorism in SL again pretending to help the Tamil ’cause’. Let us fight the imperial West who is our enemy. Hon President must not cheapen himself by going again to Britain, at a huge expense to the country, to address the Oxford Union. It is a trap to assassinate him through a contract killer, while the British government will look the other way. They have also prepared all the legal paperwork to have him arrested this time on a false charge of war crimes. The imperial West is so furious with MR they will stoop to any dirty trick to get rid of MR, so they can have their stooge like Ranil or CBK again in power to dance to the yankee doodle.
oya PakXXX reddak endagenada lankawata aawe?? kotinge salli walin kaka sinhalayanta burana paraya…
Wickramabahu kiyana paharaya,mu nam muge amma vadapu ekek nevei reepu ekek.
Jayalath what are you doing man? Do you think by following this routing you can win the hearts of our people in srilanka.Please go and admit in Angoda hospital