We will do it in Sri Lanka – John Kerry
While claiming that the Sri Lanka government has not made sufficient progress on post-war reconciliation and ensuring justice and accountability for alleged war crimes, the United States said that it would support another UN Human Rights Council resolution at the March session.
Releasing the Annual Country Report on Human Rights 2013, US Secretary of State John Kerry said, “We will do it in Sri Lanka, where the government still has not answered basic demands for accountability and reconciliation, where attacks on civil society activists, journalists, and religious minorities, sadly, still continue.”
“Our concern about this ongoing situation has led the United States to support another UN Human Rights Council resolution at the March session. We will do so because we know countries that deny human rights and human dignity challenge our interests as well as human interests. But we also know countries that advance those values, those countries that embrace these rights are countries that actually create opportunities,” he said.
According to the report, “Ongoing serious human rights problems include disappearances and a lack of accountability for thousands who disappeared in previous years, as well as widespread impunity for a broad range of human rights abuses, such as torture by police and attacks on media institutions and the judiciary”.
The report also stated that President Mahinda Rajapaksa’s family dominates the government.
“Two of the president’s brothers hold key executive branch posts, as defense secretary and economic development minister, and a third brother is the speaker of Parliament. A large number of the president’s other relatives, including his son, also serve in important political and diplomatic positions. Independent observers generally characterized the presidential, parliamentary, and local elections as problematic.”
It also stated that there was a climate of fear and self-censorship in Sri Lanka. “…attacks, harassment, and threats by progovernment loyalists against critics of the government were prevalent, contributed to widespread self-censorship by journalists, and diminished democratic activity due to the general failure to prosecute perpetrators.”
(Courtesy : DM Online)

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Well, If you still can’t answer the basic question in any credible way how you got the 40,000 figure on which almost all your ranting is based on why anybody in the SL government give a ……?
Yes, after Afgaistan, Syria, Iraq etc. etc. you may feel like doing someting that will return some ‘feel good’ factor.
Indra, Very good question.
They have arrived at that figure using elementary maths by counting the legs and dividing them by four.
They are sooo smart axxes. I thought this smart axxx would be more sensible than Hillary Cxxx.
The 40,000 figure comes from the UNSG’s Dharusman Report. The Catholic Bishop in the North publicly estimates loss at aroung 130,000.
Careful analysis indicates a Western conspiracy supported by the pillars such as the Catholic Church and other do-gooders (AI).
There has been many of these conspiracies in the recent and not-so-recent past but humanity has survived with its aspirations intact. And we will also survive and emerge, a bit bruised but victorious at the end.
The hitch though, is that the defence is in in the hands of a few uninspiring people; GLP, Sajin VassG and lalithW are hardly an inspiration.
Who is this John Kerry? Is he the democratic Party leader who was trounced by George W Bush in the US prez Elections? What is he doing in the Obalma Government? Is it jobs for the boys? Jobs for the jobless politicians?
Anyway, responding to his stupid queries,
“We will do it in Sri Lanka, where the government still has not answered basic demands for accountability and reconciliation, where attacks on civil society activists, journalists, and religious minorities, sadly, still continue” –
Mr Kerry, mind your own business. It is not for you to judge GOSL. We have a true demcracy and the people of this country will excercise their sovereign right in judgement at the appropritae time at the hustings.
“Ongoing serious human rights problems include disappearances and a lack of accountability for thousands who disappeared in previous years, as well as widespread impunity for a broad range of human rights abuses, such as torture by police and attacks on media institutions and the judiciary”.
Mr Kerry, where did you get this from? Sure it is from CIA implants in SL society and from the Catholic Bishops in the North. It is from NGO’s sponsored by CIA’s US $’s. The NGO’s love your $’s, Mr Kerry, they will even lick your bottoms for it if you want the them to do so. The Catholic Bishops in the North, Mr Kerry, are lost souls. Evene their parish do not listen to them any longer.
““Our concern about this ongoing situation has led the United States to support another UN Human Rights Council resolution at the March session” –
Mr Kerry, you are welcome to procedd and all your tail-wagging followers will vote for it. Mr Kerry, that resolution is not worth the piece of paper on which it is written.
““Two of the president’s brothers hold key executive branch posts, as defense secretary and economic development minister, and a third brother is the speaker of Parliament. A large number of the president’s other relatives, including his son, also serve in important political and diplomatic positions. Independent observers generally characterized the presidential, parliamentary, and local elections as problematic.” –
Mr Kerry, so what? They were all democratically elected by the voters of Sri Lanka. We all know how George W Bush won his second term. So, do understand, we are a sovereign nation and we are true democrats who value and cherish our rights.
Dear Ganjapani,
You have hit the nail on the head. Your response Mr Kerry is brilliant.
I refer to the line saying “We all know how George W Bush won his second term”. Of course, Mr Bush did a “computer jillmart”!!!!”.
Would you like to do that to make Mama Clinton the President in 2016? Well, if so, we have the know-how. Please employ our Retired JVP Leader, Mr Somawansa, he is the one who discovered that technology.