Salaries can be increased by confiscating the assets of Tigers, says Ranil Wickremasinghe, Opposition leader.
The leader of the United National Party (UNP) said that the government had broken two promises – to confiscate Tiger assets and to increase salaries. “When the assets of Tigers are confiscated, increasing salaries is not difficult,” said the opposition leader.
Mr. Wickremasinghe expressed these views today, addressing the annual convention of the Sri Lanka Customs Branch of the Jatika Podu Sevaka Sangamaya in Colombo, where a number of UNP parliamentarians were in attendance.
“Now they are keeping KP. Why aren’t they using that money to increase the salaries?
“Earlier, they said that they would bring down everything and confiscate them. Now they have broken two promises – to confiscate the assets of Tigers and to increase salaries. When the first is done, fulfilling the second is not difficult at all.
“If more money is needed, we will reveal how to earn it.
“They say that there’s no money. But I’m telling you that there is, said Ranil Wickremasinghe.
The Opposition leader also said that it was time to strengthen the trade union movement.
“The government is not paying any attention to trade unions. It does not matter whether the trade union is affiliated with the Sri Lanka Freedom Party or the United National Party.
“Many trade unions are saddened by the manner in which they have been treated by the government. They have lost hope,” said the Opposition leader.
Courtesy: News First

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Ranil, kata thibunata bolonda katha kiyanna epa!
sevaka sangam kulappu karana bolonda katha, rate kerali kolahala ethi karanna kiyana katha. minihata amathaka vunata apita amathaka neha, Ranil rata bankoloththa karanna kala veda 2002-04 agamethiva siti kala, rate sampath siyallama kotinta saha para suddhata vikinimata uthsaha deru heti. me yaka rata dekata beduva hora givisum magin koti samaga. mona maha henegahana apradhayakda mu kale! mu desa drohiyek. mu ellala maranna vatinava neda, anith siyalu desa drohin samaga? Mu kopamana allas ganna ethda! anith siyalu desa drohinda kopamana allas ganna ethda! un siyallama vides ginum vela unge allas thenpath karanna ethi. munge vathkam siyalla rajasanthaka kara rate sanvadanyata gath heki neda? vides ginum vela ethi siyalu allas sampath siyallama rajasanthaka kala yuthu neda? visheshayenma etha dugi duppath gam sanvardanayata me sampath gath heki neda?
garu janadhipathi thumanangen mama illane me ithuru tikath karanna kiya. desa drohi me heththava vahama ellum gahata yavanna kiya, ha unge siyalu depala vasthuva rajasanthaka kara, dupath gammanaval sanvardanaya kirimata yodavanna kiya.
Hon RW appears to after the “Joker of the Decade” award. His conversations border on the ridiculous; he has one last opportunity to survive by stepping down and contest the leadership of the Presidency. He can demonstrate his credibility by winning the leadership of the UNP via a ballot.
The commentator in these columns inder the pseudenym, Demala Chelvan, has been advocating a CBK-SF-MS triumvirate as the only hope of getting SL out of the big black hole. I concur with that viewpoint. When MR amended the constitution to allow unlimited Presidential terms, he did not foresee a challenge from CBK. I hope for the goodness of the nation a CBK comeback will eventuate.
Kawda Kotiyata Udaw Dunne? Karuna Amman Ugath Padam Kamituwata Okkoma Eththa Kathawa kiwa, UNP ekka Ekale Udaw Dun Heti, Ranil , Premadas Kale Mudal ,Avi Yanadiyen. Den Hithata Amaru ethi Mr Beenta Kotiyage Salli Rajayata Pawara Gaththata. Meyala Depath Nai. Raniluth, Premadasath Ratin Bagayak Kotiyata Di Ape Ahinsaka Soldaduwan Vinascha Kara, Ratath Keawa. Sajith
Lejga Nethiwa Rate Palanayata Enna Hadanawa. Meyala Rate Palanayata Awoth Nariyata Kukullu baradunnawage wevi. Megollange Paw kamakaraganna Sajith Den Pansal Hada hada Yannawa. Edawaswala Minnihata Pansalk Penna Beha. Meeyek wage Hematenama pansal Heruwa,
Guru S, how can you concur with DC who is a paradesi kotiya? Are you out of your mind? The triumvirate he advocates of CBK-SF-MS is the worst disaster that can happen to our beloved motherland. These rogues/traitors have no love of the motherland. They have no comprehension of statecraft. They are experts at accepting bribes from the LTTE, Vikings, Tommys and Yankees. DC advocates these traitors/corrupt rogues because they would gladly carve up the country, yielding to LTTE demands at the behest of imperial West, as the easy option.
Hon President is on the right track through Mahinda Chintanaya. Let us stay on course and back him all the way. RW, CBK, JJ, KJ, RK, VK, MS et alia should be hung in public for high treason, and a public holiday declared on that day to celebrate the ultimate defeat of the enemy within.
Mr.Ranil please do not open your mouth,you are a monkey puppet,of UNP.no body want to listen to you.
Tanks Pillayan.