Will disband if Minister Wimal proves allegations: BBS
Posted by Editor on May 13, 2013 - 3:00 pm
The Bodu Bala Sena (BBS) said today it would disband if Minister Wimal Weerawansa proved that the BBS had obtained funds from Norway or from any other country or organisation.
“We challenge Minister Weerawansa to prove that BBS has taken money from Norway or from any other country or organization. If he proves that we have even taken even Rs.5 from any of these groups, we will make a public apology and disband the BBS within two hours of his doing so,” BBS General Secretary Ven. Galagodaththe Gnanasara thera said at a news conference in Colombo. (Courtesy: DM Online)

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That’s a spirted response from Ven Galgodaththe Gnanasara Thera, the spritual leader of the Bodhu Bala Sena. Ven Galgodaththe is the equivalent of the Dalai Lama, the spiritual leader of Tibet.
Ven Galgodaththe has carried BBS philosophies to the US where it has found firm roots within the exptriate Theravada Sinhala Buddhist community. This will influence US reolutions at the next UNHRC sessions where the US will withdraw all past resolutions and apologise to the Theravada Sinhala Buddhist nation of Sri Lanka.
Where was the BBS (or those patriotic officers running it now) when the LTTE was slaughtering both the members of forces and the civilians living down south for 30 years?
The BBS and the Buddhist clergy are not a “fighting” force. The redemption of our emerald island from the clutches of terrorist Tamils was the responsibility of our armed forces under the leadership of the Rajapaksa brothers and General Fonseka.
The Bodhu Bala Sena is now leading the moral and spiritual revival of our Sinhala Buddhist nation which is emerging from 3 decades of terrorism.
Having rid of ttamil terrorism, the nation will achieve spiritual maturity shortly as a result of the initiatives of the BBS. I am proud I will soon see the day where the shining nation will mature in to THE WONDER OF ASIA.
“Ven Galgodaththe has carried BBS philosophies to the US where it has found firm roots within the exptriate Theravada Sinhala Buddhist community.”
The Los Angeles Vihare Cancelled the “Budu” Bala Sena Reception.
Do NOT compare BBS to Dalai Lama.
It is like Comparing the Nazis Racists to the Popes and Cardinals.
Indra: BBS does not count JVP youths. Matale Graveyard.
They are a disgrace to Buddhism. Even Ven,. Dalai Lama said so.
They want to perpetuate the Monk Mahanama Myths and Racism, for the Southern Indian Gene Pool.
There is NO such thing as the Sinhala Race. You can talk about a Southern Indian Gene pool.
There is a Table There that shows the gene diversity and original location of the genes.
Mediterranean 4%
Northern European; 2%
Southwest Asian” 58%
Southeast Asian 35%
to: indra and amarasiri…..
you talking idiot …and blindfold ……just wait and see what will happens when the Sinhalese become minorities in Sri Lanka…your grand children will curse….because they will definitely…face the problems people like Burma and Thailand….in future (By extreme Muslims (not all muslims))……..you are talking like idiot…..without understand wts going around the country……
Chula, you are a patriot my dear; the Sinhala Buddhist nation loves you.
Your response to Brtish Indra and Amerasiri (I suspect this guy is a tamil, look at the way he spelt his name; there should be no “e” in Amarasiri, it should be “a”) demonstrates the love for your motherlad.
Chula, there are not many patriots of your calibre still living. Please look after yourself. The tamil Tigers are still hiding in the shadows and if we are not careful, the tamil Tiger will eat us.
Chandini, please don’t worry; enjoy life.
The Ravana Balaya will ensure Tamil Tiger fear and Muslim domination of Buddhists in Sri Lanka will dissapear.
Hey Amerasiri,
The idiot expatriate Sinhala Buddhists in Los Angeles cancelled the Reception for Ven Gnanasara Thera. They are all UNP bootlickers.
When Rev Gnanasara Thera reached Washington DC and was a guest of the SL Ambassador, he was invited by the US State Department to address all the State Dept secretaries on “Reconciliation in Sri Lanka”.
Rev Gnanasara was also driven past the Pentagon in Arlington. He also walked in his bright yellow robes from one end of Pensylvania Road to the other breathing in the power of the White House-Capitol Hill axis.
Rev Gnanasara’s visit to the US will be a turning point. The Obama Government will not bring any more resolutions in the UN. They will ensure Navi Pillay is sacked and an Indian like Kamaleshwar Sharma, the Commonwealth Secretary General (who found a brief case of greenbacks in his hotel room in Colombo) is appointed UN Human Rights Commissioner. These Indians are good guys; they will do anything for the US $.
I salute the bravadore of Rev Gnanasara in taking Bodhu Bala Sena to the US. Well done Reveverend, we need more people like you.
Rev Galgodaththe Gnanasara is indeed a trail blazing national hero. He deserves to be the patriotic hero of the current millenium. His initiatives in leading the moral resurgence of our nation through the Bodhu Bala Sena makes him the Mahatma Gandhi of Sri Lanka.
Rev Galgodaththe Gnanasara is leading the Sinhala Budhist Nation of Sri Lanka, aka the Wonder of Asia, to great heights. He should be given atleast 30 minutes time in the podium at the CHOGM in Nov 2013 in the opening ceremony to speak on any topic of his choice with Charles, the Pricess of Wales, Camilla, the Duchess of Cornwall, Julia Gillard, Prime Minister of Australia and David Cameron, Prime Minister of the UK and many other prominent world leaders in the audience.
Rev Galgodaththe Gnanasara will be able to offer moral guidance to the world leaders which will assist in delaing with local and international issues.
I agree with Puppuh that the BBS is indeed a breath of fresh air in our country.
The work they are doing is very important and the outcome is a united Buddhist Nation.
I salute thee, Rev Galgodaththe Gnanasara Thera, you are indeed in the class of the Dalai Lama and Mahatma Gandhi.
Hey Raja,
Where are you mate? Your friend Rev Gnanasara is being called Dalai Lama and Mahatma Gandhi ! And are you tigers sleeping with your tails tucked between the leags.
We all know your leader VP is gone, turned into manure. But don’t you guys have any guts?
Hey Raja,
Where are you hiding mate? Rev Galgodaththe Gnanasara Thera has been elevated to Mahatama Gandhi of Sri Lanka.
We know your leader is now manure in the Vanni. But that does not mean you should sleep with your tail between your legs.
Oh Chula, I agree with you 100%. Now the remedy may be here. During the 1st and 2nd world wars the Europeons killed each other. Then within the last 50-60 years they learnt the value of not bickering and working together and having a united front, lead to prosperity and power. When the Singhalese learn that basic truth and fighting among them, things will get better (before thay extinct).
Dear Indra,
And the remedy is the Bodhu Bala Sena !!!!!
Chumpa, In years’ time please don’t forget put a posting with marvellous achievements of the BBS for non-believers like me.
The Ven Gnanasara is the Abraham Lincoln of modern Sinhala Buddhist Sri Lanka. He will bring about a monolithic Sinhala Buddhist community in SL just as Abraham Lincoln created the United States.
Yah? Kind enough to put a posting when it has happened.
By the way Chandini, I just now googled for the ‘Founding fathers of the USA’. Though I do not consider Wikipaedia as a unquestionable source, it is pretty convenient and getting better. I can not find there Abraham Lincoln to be a founding father of the USA, let alone the one created it. If you are going to take the citizen test in the US, you may fail.
Hey Usman/Champa,
I have caught you out. You are an imposter. Postings 11 and 12 confirm that you are one and the same. How many other aliases do you have? Traffic on this blog has suddenly risen to an exponential rate and it makes me suspect that you are the cause! I demand you come clean.