Will take tough decision if Cabinet post not given: Range Bandara
Puttalam District Parliamentarian Palitha Range Bandara warned that he would be forced to take a tough decision if he was not given a Cabinet portfolio by next month. He pointed out that he was the catalyst behind the rise of the United National Party following the recent Constitutional impasse.
He made these comments yesterday at a ceremony organised to hand over equipment to the people in Siyambalawewa in line with the Gamperaliya programme.
The MP added that wherever he went people would say, “Range Bandara is a genuine person who lives by his word and does not waver. They also say I am the catalyst for the attempt to rejuvenate the UNP. A month has passed since the Cabinet was formed, however, to date Range Bandara has not been given a Cabinet post.”
He said it all began when he went to Japan for an official visit. While he was there the Secretary of the Sri Lanka Freedom Party (SLFP) Mahinda Amaraweera made a statement claiming the members of the SLFP in the unity government had decided to pull out. Two hours later a new Prime Minister was appointed.
At the same time, a leading figure in the country called and offered me a Cabinet post along with Rs.500 million. Thereafter I received another call from a leading figure in the SLFP asking me to join them and promising that all I ask for will be given to me if I do. However, I did not join them. I did not leave the party. That is how I acted. I later learnt that many of our members were called. However, as a man with a backbone, I refused and even revealed everything that took place to the party and the public. I am received with hugs and kisses by my adoring public but now they are beginning to inquire what I have been given by the party for being straightforward and loyal. They also ask why I did not accept the money and the minister-ship that I was offered to join the new government that was formed by the previous regime. I have to take a serious decision on behalf of the Puttalam people. If this problem is not resolved in the early part of next year, I will have to take a tough decision in this regard.
I am determined to sit in the Cabinet in order to solve the people’s problems such as education, health and others. The people have come forward to stage a fast or protest on my behalf. I have calmed them down and asked them to be patient for a little while longer. The people know about Range Bandara and the service done by me on their behalf,” he said.
(Source: Daily Mirror – By Hiran Priyankara Jayasinghe)

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few mre months before the general elections and prospect for ranga bandara is dim so he should be given the opportunity to mine some money Sitting on a three legged stool as a back bencher all he is entitled to is a slaray which is not enoughto attend parliament and pay his bills
I cannot imagine range going about with an automatic rifle bumping off the .
n but then anything is possible a modern day sardiel.
The prospect of serving eother sajit nor ranil serve any purpose for they have lost a lot of political capital. over the yeasr they have been been persecuting the rajapasas done nothi ng else any campaign to resurru the old image will not carry any political currency ……so range think hard and try to organise a movement at the grass roots. you are young mabe in the next cycle you may achive something
Dear Zama,
That’s poor advice to Range B.
Range B is an excellent politician. he is outspoken, does not fear speaking out his mind.
He resisted Rajapaksa bribes of over LKR 500mn to cross-over during the recent constitutional coup.
All this does mot mean he should get a Cabinet post.
He is a honest, top class politician in Parliament whom, we, the voters of Sri Lanka, would like to have in Parliament, representing our interest in the monstrous UNP dominated by the Samanela Keliya.
Range B is a patriot; he lives in the hearts of the voters.
We do not wish him to be a corrupt Minister; we wish him to be a patriotic and outspoken Parliamentarian which he is, already.
You maybe right but if what you say is true then he ought not support the mebers of a party steeped in corruption including the leader in Ranil. At one time he was considered honorable and was forced to forsake his honor to sustain his expensive lifestyle! So would you consider range to be cynic!
Now as is usual the UNP has forced range out of job and is threatening to undermine the party therby the government if he was not givem cabinet portfolio and he will get it .
As for the half a billion rupeee that was promised is more fiction than fact for there is no evidence to prove this concoction.
Dear Sama,
Thank you for your inspiring admiration.
Corruption is prevalent in all societies, in all countries, in the entire face of the earth.
In fact, eliminating it altogether will haves severe social and economic impacts.
We will all become a ‘vegetable’ society, no gusto, no initiative and probably spend 16 hours of the day in prayer!
Corruption should not be condoned; there should be effective measures to control and expose evil machinations.
To eliminate it altogether is not humanly possible.