Wimal threatens to break from Government
Leader of the National Freedom Front (NFF) and Minister of Construction, Engineering Services and Housing and Common Amenities, Wimal Weerawansa, yesterday urged President Mahinda Rajapaksa to amend the Constitution, to remove land and police powers from the Provincial Councils (PCs).
Addressing the May Day rally of the NFF held at the P.D. Sirisena Stadium in Maligawatte, he vowed to break away from the government, if the Northern Provincial Council (NPC) election held in September 2013, without removing police and land powers from the PCs.
Weerawansa said, the present government can easily pass an amendment to remove land and police powers from the PCs as it already has the required two-thirds majority of Parliament.
He stressed, if the NPC election is held without removing land and police powers from the PCs, it will satisfy the needs of the Tamil separatists and the value of the victory over terrorism will be lessened.
“Although we defeated the Tamil separatists military, they still act strongly in other ways. If Tamil separatists gain the power of the NPC, they will remove all the Army camps from the Northern Province. There will be a provincial police and it will act under the Chief Minister of the Province,” Weerawansa said.
According to Weerawansa, holding elections in the North would set up the stage for India and the Western countries, to rule the Northern and Eastern Provinces as one of their colonies. He went on to say after Tamil separatists gain the power of the NPC, they will combine it with the Eastern Provincial Council (EPC).
“The background to combining two Provincial Councils has already been set up by the Western world. They have given funds to some organizations to create a Sinhala-Muslim conflict in the country. By highlighting such conflicts, the Sri Lanka Muslim Congress (SLMC) will forge an alliance with the Tamil National Alliance (TNA) at the EPC. Then the separatists will combine the NPC and the EPC,” he warned.
Weerawansa said such a combined PC will request the United Nations to take over its administration and act according to the agendas of the Western forces.
He also alleged that Tamil separatists want only Tamils to live in the North, but not Sinhalese and Muslims and that claim will be given legitimacy if an election in the North, is held without removing land and police powers from the PCs. (Ceylon Today)

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This is indeed a reasonbale request fro super patriot, Hon Wimal Weerawansa. The proposed PC elections in September 2013 is being conducted to Big Brother India’s request.
The Tamil National Party is proposing to nominate a retired judge as the Chief Minister and if this guy wins the post, he is bound to use every ounce of the legal privileges available to Provincial Councils to establish a de-facto separate state.
The ordinary Tamil speaking citizen does not want all these privileges; the ordinary Tamil speaking citizen is happy to be the 2nd class citizen serving the Buddhist masters of the Wonder of Asia. It is only the Big Brother india and the ex-colonialist masters who want to ensure a separation of of our truly Sinhala Buddhist nation.
I hope Mahinda Rajapaksa doesn’t fall into this trap; he is too experienced to do so.
It is best to ensure an ex-LTT cadre, now reformed by the grace of the Sinhala Buddhist leadership of Sri Lanka, as the Chief Minister for the Northern Provincial Council. Suitable candidates are Hon Col Karuna, ex Eastern PC CM, Pillayaaan, LTT gun agent KP or even Hon Douglas D, who has been truly reformed.
If we let the Tamil Party nominate the retired judge, there will be separate state will be in place in no time.
We have become a nation of ostriches. We have learnt to shut our eyes and close our ears and dull our minds to the proliferation of abuse, injustice and impunity. We prefer blindness to sight, deafness to hearing, insensibility to awareness and ignorance to knowledge, so that we can sleep undisturbed and wake up untroubled by nothing other than the purely personal and private.
Remind me of Tamilnadu politicians threats to the centre in India. SAD.
“They have given funds to some organizations to create a Sinhala-Muslim conflict in the country.”
This was done by the Budu Bala Sena funded by Norway, and the West, with the support of the govt. The govt. has given permission to BBS to break the law and the policemen just looked on.
What were you doing then, Comrade Wimal Weerawansa?
At least JVP was agitating
There is sense in what Mr Weerawansa says but then we must examine as to how the Provincial Goernments are constituted particularly when national security is at stake. Policing the Provinces can be a big issue if they are to be armed, a force of about 500 organised armed police force inspired by an ideological objectives of autonomy would pose a serious threat to our idea of a unitary state. Something that could escalate into an armed conflict, a conflict that would be hard to contain
It is probable that this problem be confined to the north for instance what if Muslims in the east decide to exercise similar powers to exercise their autonomy?
we have a president who loves our mother land than anybody,so why he keep silence on this issue.
Hey Chandini,
You are blowing hot and cold at the same time making everyone confused. Which side are you really on?