Wimal Weerawansa urges boycott of US products
Minister Wimal Weerawansa has urged Sri Lankans to boycott American products because the US-sponsored resolution on the island at the UNHRC would encourage separatism.
He was speaking yesterday (Mar. 13) at a rally against the resolution tabled at the UNHRC session in Geneva.
Mr. Weerawansa said the resolution would be destructive to the postwar atmosphere.
“Instead of promoting ethnic reconciliation, it will hamper that process and would increase acrimony and rancor among the communities,” he said.
“If we submit to this resolution, Tiger terrorists will raise their head again.”
He called on people to boycott American brands such as Coca-Cola, Pepsi, KFC, McDonalds and Google’s email service Gmail.
“We must show our protest even in a small manner to US for the ill-treatment they are throwing at us,” Mr. Weerawansa added.
Courtesy: SL Mirror

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YES STOP eating McDonald, pizza, burger king and other product ASAP,
Worlds Most Ruthless Invaders(slave drivers)…!
Worlds Most Ruthless Terrors…!
Have joined together in the “evil party” &
They’re telling “Human Rights” to others…!!!
urging the people to boycott american products such as mcdonalds ect but his yesterdays dinner was well panned pizza.
wel wel wel
real cheaters !!!!
Yes amarican products must not use in sri lanka. But still amarican companies are dominating in Sri Lanka. Example. Dole. They are illigally operating in sri lanka. they dont have approval from the central environment authority to operate their banana plantations. They are vilolating sri lanka labour law. Plenty of qualified supervisors are been thrown out from the company by HR department by giving variouse reasons. Who will take action against these. amaricans are talking about human rights. But they are vilolating their own rules in sri lanka. Wimal…please raise your voice.
I’m sorry but if that’s true it sounds like the fault of a select few individuals that the US don’t endorse.People are greedy but that doesn’t mean that an entire company,country,its people and its government should be blamed. This guy is an idiot, politics should remain in politics don’t start calling for boycotts that would cause people to lose their jobs.The one about gmail was hilarious, the amount of money gmail earns from srilanka is almost nothing compared the dependancy most companies and small businesses have on e-mail(which is a nescesitty in the modern world).Regarding the resolution, too many people still don’t believe that absolutely no human rights violations happened during the war, including me. I don’t see how a probe would result in seperatism or the revival of the tamil tigers.If anything did happen the srilankan government would just need to apologize,its unhealthy to just believe a group of peope just randomly died for no reason, discussion of traumatic events is essential to prevent similar incidents from occuring in the future.